Chocolate cravings!!!!



  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    I've come to love dark chocolate too...also, I keep chocolate Cheerios in my pantry. It's a good go-to daytime snack (and my toddler likes it as well). They're not super sweet, just regular Cheerios dusted with cocoa powder.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    my dietician recommends hersheys kisses 20 cal and nestle fat free hot chocalate mix, also 20 cals.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Eating chocolate usually resolves my craving.

    I try to eat a little less than what i used to in the past. Moderation is a good thing.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Does anyone have any healthy substitutes for chocolate for me? Or any tips to help my cravings?

    Sex and hard liquor.
  • I cure that by having a Life Choice super chocolate protein bar as breakfast 190 cal. 21 protein. Works for me.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I just read on another post today that chocolate milk is one of the best "recovery drinks" post workout. Skim or 1% milk with chocolate in it, wont bust the calorie budget.
    I also will sometimes indulge in one or two Hershey kissed or a mini candy bar. I also like light ice cream like Krogers deluxe slow churned, 120-130 cals per 1/2 cup. I put it in the 1/2 c measuring cup and it eat out of the cup, lol, no need to dirty a bowl.
    Most everything, in moderation.
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    The new Fiber One Caramel Nut Protein bars are amazing!!! 130 calories and totally tastes like a candy bar! :love:
  • ksmyth555
    ksmyth555 Posts: 13 Member
    If I feel like having chocolate, I do. Then I just add it to my calorie count. Easy.:smile:

    I think this is the best advice! Be honest and log it! I have a hard time when it gets brought into the
    house in bigger than a 1 serving size amount so I try to not let that happen. I find it much easier for me
    to control if I just go out and by that one serving size I want. If there is more, I'll eat it. =) I'm trying to go
    to fruit during the week if I get a sweet craving but I let myself have some goodies on the weekend but not
    over do it. Good luck! :smile:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I don't cut it out of mine. I buy individually wrapped chocolates. That way I only eat one and I can fit those few calories into my goal.
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    I turn to dark chocolate kisses! Recently got those skinny cow chocolate and PB bars (not the frozen ones) and they're pretty good.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've been trying to cut out candy and desserts from my diet but I've been suffering from chocolate cravings. Does anyone have any healthy substitutes for chocolate for me? Or any tips to help my cravings?

    First off, you don't have to give up anything. I know that diet is supposed to be all about deprivation right? Actually, doesn't have to be about deprivation at all. You can enjoy everything in moderation.

    That said, give "real" chocolate a "real" I mean dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate actually has a lot of nutritional value and is packed with antioxidants.
  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    Best advice is also the worst... Heres how I did it.

    Stop... tell those cravings where to go!!!! Im 100% serious, whos in charge up there??? you???? or someone else?

    If you can find the fortitude to tell this little voice in your head where to go for 6 or so weeks, it WILL get weaker and it WILL go away.

    good luck =-)
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    I have a little chocolate almost every day. Lately it's Cadbury eggs because they're 2/$1 at the CVS right near my house, so I bought a bagful and stuck them in the freezer. They range from 150-200 calories depending if it's the creme, the caramel, or the chocolate creme, but I just adjust throughout the day so I can have my dessert. :)
  • jaima927
    jaima927 Posts: 1
    I buy "Just Great Stuff: Chocolate Peanut butter powder" at Wegmans or online. It's 40 calories for 2 Tbsp and I put it in shakes, mix it was a little water and use it as a chocolate pb dip for apples or bananas, or use it as a frosting on healthy cookies!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Usually women are deficient in magnesium. I have done the research . This is one reason many of us crave chocolate. Magnesium is in chocolate..we crave what we lack usually..My advice is to take a good magnesium supplement.

    You could have a skim chocolate milk..I use stevia, cocoa powder and skim..Nice..stir really well:flowerforyou:
  • melodyjstray
    melodyjstray Posts: 19 Member
    I have been trying to avoid desserts, too. While I get the whole "everything in moderation" thing (and agree), at this stage of the game, I am just not able to be moderate. I really feel like there are certain foods that trigger overeating for me, so I'd rather just avoid them altogether. One thing that I have been LOVING is an occasional cup of completely "clean" hot cocoa. 1 cup of coconut or almond milk, heated on the stove with 1 TBS honey, 1 TBS raw cacao, and maybe a few drops of stevia. It really cuts the cravings, and is only a little over 100 calories.
  • melodyjstray
    melodyjstray Posts: 19 Member
    Usually women are deficient in magnesium. I have done the research . This is one reason many of us crave chocolate. Magnesium is in chocolate..we crave what we lack usually..My advice is to take a good magnesium supplement.

    You could have a skim chocolate milk..I use stevia, cocoa powder and skim..Nice..stir really well:flowerforyou:

    Raw cacao powder has tons of magnesium in it!
  • melodyjstray
    melodyjstray Posts: 19 Member
    Best advice is also the worst... Heres how I did it.

    Stop... tell those cravings where to go!!!! Im 100% serious, whos in charge up there??? you???? or someone else?

    If you can find the fortitude to tell this little voice in your head where to go for 6 or so weeks, it WILL get weaker and it WILL go away.

    good luck =-)

    great advice!
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    What I do is I buy a big bar of whatever I fancy (usually end up going for the one with the lowest cals per serving) for e.g. I bought Aero Mint the other day. It's about 82 calories per 4 squares (1 row). When I want it, I have one row/one serving. No more, unless I can fit it in and really really want it. Miles better than buying a normal sized bar which is over 200 calories and eating it all!

    I love chocolate, and I've found that if I cut it out, I'll have loads of it over a small period of time. So I have a little bit when I want it. Learn to have some willpower, if you don't! :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I get Lindt excellence dark bars, in whatever flavour I feel like. 50 calories for a good size square. I have 1 or 2, does the job.