Insanity Calorie Calculations

I'm sure it's been asked already before but I do not have a fit tracker thing yet but I'm wondering if anyone has found a good Insanity calculator that's at least fairly accurate or any alternative way of figuring out the calories burned???


  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Aww, I'm so neglected lol
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    You better off getting a HRM.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    If it helps, I work out with a HRM. I burned between 300 and 400 calories or a bit more during the workouts in month 1 ( 300+ for Plyo, Resistance; 400+for pure cardio + cardio abs).

    I am 5'3, 145 pounds. I eat about 1600 calls per day and lost 5 pounds during that month and am stronger, more muscular, fitter and happier than a month ago.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    This is a stock, unrefined estimate. The only way to go, really, is an HRM.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I got a HRM,it really helped with my insanity workouts.Some days I burned more,some less,but on the second month I was so glad I had it.Good luck with insanity.I'm sure you'll do great!
  • endlesskisses
    If it helps, I work out with a HRM. I burned between 300 and 400 calories or a bit more during the workouts in month 1 ( 300+ for Plyo, Resistance; 400+for pure cardio + cardio abs).

    I am 5'3, 145 pounds. I eat about 1600 calls per day and lost 5 pounds during that month and am stronger, more muscular, fitter and happier than a month ago.

    When you say you eat about 1600 cals/day is this your net cals or your food intake cals? I am a little confused if I am suppose to be eating back the calories I burned.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    never more than 400 for me..... never!!
  • clee4335
    clee4335 Posts: 9
    I have a SportLine HRM watch and I love it. I just am not sure its really accurate, but its better than nothing. On the Plyometric Circuit, it said I burned over 700 calories, but no the Cardio and Power Resistance, it said I only burnt just over 340 calories, but it was a hard work out. So I am not sure. I guess its better than having no idea how many you are burning!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If it helps, I work out with a HRM. I burned between 300 and 400 calories or a bit more during the workouts in month 1 ( 300+ for Plyo, Resistance; 400+for pure cardio + cardio abs).

    I am 5'3, 145 pounds. I eat about 1600 calls per day and lost 5 pounds during that month and am stronger, more muscular, fitter and happier than a month ago.

    When you say you eat about 1600 cals/day is this your net cals or your food intake cals? I am a little confused if I am suppose to be eating back the calories I burned.

    If you are following MFP's guidelines for your calories to eat per day, then eat your exercise calories back.
    If you are following the TDEE method, then don't. :)
  • Thank you for asking this question and thank you for all of the replies.

    I too just started the Insanity workout. I hear all of the recommendations on the HRM. I don't have one - any suggestions on a good one?

    Also for those of you that already tried this workout. I was a bit concerned (and confused) when the info included with the videos had me calculate my calories. It suggested that I increase my calories to 2000+ to lose!! That seemed insane to me (no punn intended)! MFP suggests 1200. Do you guys find that you are most successful when you eat back your exercise calories? I usually don't - but I'm confused by the food is fuel and if you workout hard you need more fuel....etc. Input is appreciated.
  • endlesskisses
    If it helps, I work out with a HRM. I burned between 300 and 400 calories or a bit more during the workouts in month 1 ( 300+ for Plyo, Resistance; 400+for pure cardio + cardio abs).

    I am 5'3, 145 pounds. I eat about 1600 calls per day and lost 5 pounds during that month and am stronger, more muscular, fitter and happier than a month ago.

    When you say you eat about 1600 cals/day is this your net cals or your food intake cals? I am a little confused if I am suppose to be eating back the calories I burned.

    If you are following MFP's guidelines for your calories to eat per day, then eat your exercise calories back.
    If you are following the TDEE method, then don't. :)

    I used the Harris B. equation to calculate my calories. My BMR is 1434 x 1.5 (active, since I'm doing insanity)= 2,152 -500 =1,652 cals/day. I plugged 1,652 in my goal in MFP and when I do my insanity workouts it subtracts from this number. Since I minus the 500 already do I eat the calories back? This is what I am confused about. My total food cals has been between 1100-2041 and gained 4lbs in the last 4 weeks. Not sure what I am suppose to do. How do you calculate TDEE?
  • Barbie040986
    30 min insanity work out normally comes in at 350 calls burnt on my HRM! Seriously get a HRM, best money I've ever spent!
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    no way to calculate because everyone is different... you need a HRM... fitbit or pedometer will NOT calculate correctly.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I dont have one as of yet either so I have not been very accurate...I put down between 330-380 because I was copying others ha.

    Does anyone have any good advice on the best heart rate monitors out there? (I am in Canada)
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    A good estimate would be 10 calories per minute. Sometimes its considerably more and sometimes its less, but until you get a monitor it would be a nice number to start with. (it was for me)
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    A good estimate would be 10 calories per minute. Sometimes its considerably more and sometimes its less, but until you get a monitor it would be a nice number to start with. (it was for me)

    This actually seems about right. It's pretty accurate for my counts; I use a Polar FT4 HRM.

    To whomever said they're eating 1200 kcal while doing Insanity - that's pretty low. I'm aiming to net 1800/day.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    If you take your heart rate when he tells you to, add them all up and divide by the number of times you took it to get your average.
    Then use this:

    Remember it is an ESTIMATE.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If it helps, I work out with a HRM. I burned between 300 and 400 calories or a bit more during the workouts in month 1 ( 300+ for Plyo, Resistance; 400+for pure cardio + cardio abs).

    I am 5'3, 145 pounds. I eat about 1600 calls per day and lost 5 pounds during that month and am stronger, more muscular, fitter and happier than a month ago.

    When you say you eat about 1600 cals/day is this your net cals or your food intake cals? I am a little confused if I am suppose to be eating back the calories I burned.

    If you are following MFP's guidelines for your calories to eat per day, then eat your exercise calories back.
    If you are following the TDEE method, then don't. :)

    I used the Harris B. equation to calculate my calories. My BMR is 1434 x 1.5 (active, since I'm doing insanity)= 2,152 -500 =1,652 cals/day. I plugged 1,652 in my goal in MFP and when I do my insanity workouts it subtracts from this number. Since I minus the 500 already do I eat the calories back? This is what I am confused about. My total food cals has been between 1100-2041 and gained 4lbs in the last 4 weeks. Not sure what I am suppose to do. How do you calculate TDEE?


    I can't tell you on the equation you use as I am not familiar with it and I don't want to misinform you! Try calculating your TDEE and if it's similar, then you wont be eating back your exercise calories with your method. But if it's considerably higher (the TDEE) then you should probably be eating yours back.
  • dez_yaoichan
    I used the Harris B. equation to calculate my calories. My BMR is 1434 x 1.5 (active, since I'm doing insanity)= 2,152 -500 =1,652 cals/day. I plugged 1,652 in my goal in MFP and when I do my insanity workouts it subtracts from this number. Since I minus the 500 already do I eat the calories back? This is what I am confused about. My total food cals has been between 1100-2041 and gained 4lbs in the last 4 weeks. Not sure what I am suppose to do. How do you calculate TDEE?

    If you are having an issue with the calories adding back after you complete your work out, create a new workout and put in your info with "0" calories burned. that way you can keep track on the work outs and how long but aren't confused with MFP adding the calories you already subtracted.