How do you get motivated to work out?

Hi! So I just joined myfitnesspal and saw the little section for goals that is dedicated to exercise goals. I know that exercise is imperative for health and I know that I need to get into a routine, but I am just having the hardest time starting! Even looking at that little section made me unhappy! I will think for a second that I should go take a walk and then just think "nah!"

How do you get motivated to exercise? And what do you suggest a beginner who hates exercising and is really out of shape should start with?


  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    think of a goal u want to achieve and aim for that! my motivation is I have a family wedding coming up in autumn & I want to look the best I can be so I think of how I want to look on the day and that alone makes me move!!!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member

    How do you get motivated to exercise? And what do you suggest a beginner who hates exercising and is really out of shape should start with?

    I started with exercise DVDs at home first and just going for walks anything helps just keep moving!!! also Jillian Michaels makes u move!!!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    just don't push yourself too hard too fast!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Look at people who do, trust me, you'll be motivated! Also, plan what you need to do to make that happen (not just what the workout will be, but where, when, what you'll wear, do you have to take things to work? do you have to get up early? Also, do something you like.
  • scrook43
    scrook43 Posts: 78 Member
    Baby steps will get you there, on the days when I don't feel motivated I always say just do 10 min. and then if you still don't feel it you can stop, 9 times out of 10 I am fine once I get started.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Noxipro and jack3d...
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I "lie" to myself.

    "I'll just change into my workout clothes and if I still don't feel like working out I won't."

    Followed by

    "Okay you changed so give it 5 minutes and if you still don't feel like it stop."

    I have never had to go past the second "lie."
  • rangrvr
    rangrvr Posts: 2
    I agree with ctpeace, look at family/friends/gym mates and see how good they look. It really does motivate you. I also recommend that you load up some fast music to a device, make yourself a 30-45 minute playlist of your favorite crank up the radio songs, that way once you are there you are not bored or distracted looking at time...etc..

    I personally do the gym nearly everyday, that IS NOT for everyone, and I am by no means thin. I started at nearly 250 pounds and am down to 208..I simply go and work hard for 30 minutes..more if I can.

    Do what feels good, but don't over do it in the first weeks, if you get sore muscles your more likely to take a day here and there off and pretty soon you will just stop going. Not talking in general but from personal experience.
  • Go to the library and check out some fitness dvd's by different fitness people. For me, when I found Chris Freytag's stuff, I wanted to workout every day. I absolutely love her and have since purchased a couple sets of her videos. I started out working out to Chris's stuff 3-5 days a week and for about 15 months now, I have been working out every day. Some people like Jillian really well and there are others. Just try different ones and see who you like.

    I'm not guaranteeing that you will be motivated every day, but on the days you are less than motivated working out to someone you like is the key.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Remember every little bit helps. Start a little at a time. Plan it and then don't think about it just do it. I don't really think about exercise anymore I just get dressed and go because it is what I do on that day at that time. it is Just like I would do for anything else important in my life. The more I think the more excuses I can come up with. Then I have found classes to be fun.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Working out is my: anti-aging, butt-lifting, anti-depressing, anti-anxiety, thigh-slimming, feel-good, look-good, life-altering medication. I take my dose daily. :-)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Having a program or a plan with a deadline, and before you even begin: committing to complete it ON schedule. I did this with 30 Day Shred and then the habit was formed. Just like having coffee in the morning, brushing your teeth, or clicking your seatbelt, once the habit is formed, something will "feel off" if you don't do it. Also, I'm in an accountability group that helps TONS!
  • I joined a gym for motivational purposes. Starting out, I used to force myself to drive to the gym because once I'm there I figured I might as well go work out. Then once I got started, everything was fine. I would be able to put in a solid hour, and leave feeling better about myself. Nowadays, working out is almost like a hobby.

    Maybe not the best method, but different strokes.
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    FUN, VARIETY, plain old TRICKERY!

    When I first started exercising, I only did what was fun. That worked really well, too. I took up horseback riding, and would go swimming in this nice lake near by. In the winter there was ice skating and a bit of skiing. I didn't like to get all sweaty- so swimming was my favorite thing to do.

    Then variety was the key. I tried lots and lots of things (ballet dvds, kettlebells, swimming, yoga) anything that involved moving that looked like it something I could get into.

    Now I'm a bit fitter and realize that I need to be doing about 45 mins of cardio per session (which is a long time when you really want to be doing something else) so I trick myself!

    My best trick is to watch a suspenseful tv show episode while I'm on the elliptical. I don't let myself watch any episodes while not exercising, so it motivates me to go do it (so I can watch the next one) and makes spending time at the gym go by much faster.

    Good luck!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Make it a game. Turn it into something you like.

    Like me? I'm a big Batman fan, so I've pretty much turned all my workouts into 'Batman training'. Not only am I motivated to move, I'm motivated to push myself. :smile:
    Or if you're into spies, make it spy training or whatever kind of action you're into. Turn it into that. :flowerforyou:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Helps that it always puts me in a good mood after and sometimes during. I enjoy the extra energy too. If I end the workout feeling absolutely wiped out I dial it back some the next time. I want to feel good when I finish, not exhausted.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I "lie" to myself.

    "I'll just change into my workout clothes and if I still don't feel like working out I won't."

    Followed by

    "Okay you changed so give it 5 minutes and if you still don't feel like it stop."

    I have never had to go past the second "lie."

    I put my workout clothes on. Sometimes I'm in them for a few hours before I get around to exercising (I blame Facebook and YouTube), but once I have them on, I know I'll be working out eventually.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    You really should find a team sport or something you enjoy to make it easier. If it is always a chore, you wont enjoy yourself and motivation will be difficult. Why not supplement regular gym workouts with a volleyball or kickball league?
  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    music motivates me like crazy
  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    I was not motivated until I found something I actually liked. I hate running. I will always hate running. I did C25K and lost the progress almost immediately after. And I hated having to restart.

    But now that I've found kickboxing, I actually love working out because I legitimately DO have fun now!