New here transitioning over from Weight Watchers



  • jennh1020
    jennh1020 Posts: 4 Member
    Does anyone find it difficult transitioning from WW. I am not used to logging fruits and veggies. I cant believe how many calories I consume eating fruits and veggies.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member

    I changed over from WW when they screwed over the starving students (like me) who struggled to make ends meet and actually could afford 6 month passes. Now it's more money for fewer meetings. Hell no in my opinion.

    WW did work for me, but because I am disgruntled I'm using MFP now, and loving it. It definitely gives me a better perspective of what I am putting into my body and how it effects me.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Does anyone find it difficult transitioning from WW. I am not used to logging fruits and veggies. I cant believe how many calories I consume eating fruits and veggies.

    I log fruits but do not log vegetables unless they are starchy (like potatoes), high in calories (like lentils or chickpeas) or high in sugars (like butternut squash). IMHO -- things that do nothing but good for you need not be logged. That's just me, though. Many, many people will disagree with the way I do things.
  • lilkidtchr
    lilkidtchr Posts: 9 Member
    A couple years ago, I lost about 40 lbs. on WW. Then I paid for it for a year and did "do" it. Grrr!!! (All online, no meetings) I've been tracking consistently on MFP since mid-January and feel GREAT! I'm exercising a LOT, eating so much better, and having scale successes too! I like MFP better than WW because it's free (honesty!) and helpful. And easy. I can look at nutrition labels and decide if it's something I want to eat by what's on the label, not by figuring out how many points it is. I feel like I'm eating more balanced than ever before.

    Just my two cents. :) Anyone, feel free to add me as a friend. We're all in this together! :flowerforyou:
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    I hope you love it here. I joined in January and it has been great for me. Welcome!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sending FR now :)
  • bonkers1224
    bonkers1224 Posts: 80 Member
    Love love love this program.....also a former W/W member. I find this one way easier for me:) Welcome to MFP!
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love this site. What I really needed was a way to track my daily food intake. It has really helped me so far, but I still have a long way to go. Add me if you like.
  • Hi, welcome to MFP. I have yo-yo'd for years and always ended up back at WW. I lost 42lbs with them 2 years ago and then they changed the plan to propoints and I stayed the same for months, paying every week. I tried with them again last September, paid my 3 month subscription and didn't lose an ounce. I finally found my way to MFP four weeks ago and have lost 9lbs so far, as you said, it's free and I can eat what I want to and log the calories, it's great for me as like WW I am very religious about logging and I can do this from my phone wherever I am. Good luck, see you at goal !!
  • teach722
    teach722 Posts: 18 Member
    As long as you track what you eat, I think you will find both ww and mfp successful. Differences are mfp is free, and instead of giving up a night to go to a meeting you can use that night to fit in another gym workout! That's the biggest difference I found. And the 24/7 support on here beats WW hands down.
  • Thanks! I find that since I've started MFP that I am working out more and not focusing on Point values as much. Plus when I see how many extra calories I can eat back from working out (that's if I decide to) it's an extra incentive to move my body more. WW for some strange reason made me scared to eat my weekly and activity points.