How do you get motivated to work out?



  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I decided an elliptical machine was my least hated form of exercise. It was easy on my joints, I could do it indoors out of the rain, and I could read an ebook, watch my ipad, or listen to music while I was exercising.

    It's made it SO much easier to exercise. All I have to do is step out into my garage and start exercising.

    As much as I like getting outside to just go for a walk, I find that harder to commit myself to doing.
  • I workout to p90x with my boyfriend. Somedays he motivates me and somedays I motivate him to get up and out to the garage. We have fun with it while working hard. Play some Music that pumps you up and Go!
  • DivineDiva22
    DivineDiva22 Posts: 22 Member
    For me I think about beating the boys... It's such an adrenaline rush when they look at you like you're competition. Then you beat them! I also had to find something I really liked. For me it was Turbo Fire and the HIITs. They are amazing! I find myself singing the songs and mentally doing the moves throughout the day. Super Fun!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Music is a good start, can you get a walking buddy or gym buddy? Doing exercise with another person is always motivating and keeps you accountable.

    I have a personal trainer so even when I don't want to I do because I've made the commitment to do it so I gotta do it, I don't usually want them to think I'm a piker. So like this morning, I was having the BEST sleep I've had all week but I still got up at 5:30 & went.

    My motivation is that I need the exercise as well as the good food to get to my goals, for me just eating ok doesn't help me.

    Baby steps, once you really get into it you may find that you really enjoy it!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I am motivated to work out because I enjoy the process. I look forward to the gym. I hate rest days.

    I would suggest setting multiple metrics for both fitness and body composition. Progress can be motivating and the more means you have to show progress the better, IMO.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    When I first started, I would work out using the Wii Fit Plus program. It was fun, and I did it for a while. However, I didn't stick with it everyday. Only on the days that I "felt like it". It helped. Since I did lose weight regardless of working out or not. However, I wanted to tone as well as lose weight. I heard about the 30 day shred, and I even liked the results that people were getting. I found the video on youtube (which helped me start it). Before I started, I found a calendar that would help me keep track of what day I was on in completing 30 day shred. I told my husband to keep me accountable (but of course, he wasn't that big of help). The biggest motivator is that I started a private facebook page, and added some other friends that I knew was trying to lose weight as well. I told them that I was going to log every day when I completed my 30 day shred for the day. I have been doing that for 15 days now. It has worked extremely well. Even on the day I was sick, when I hit a moment when I felt a little better during the day, I did the majority of the workout. I counted that as a day (I didn't finish the 3rd circuit- I got to drained and sick by that point). Then this past weekend, I was completely not motivated. If it wasn't for that page and letting everyone know what I was going to do, I would've never did the 30 day shred. Try different things, but I find it easier if you have people that you know personally to help keep you accountable...
  • gowrirao81
    gowrirao81 Posts: 139 Member
    Find an activity that you like doing ... doesn't feel much like "exercise" for starters and the motivation is irrelevant then! I recently discovered boxercise ... it is seriously the most fun I have had sweating! :wink:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How do you get motivated to exercise? And what do you suggest a beginner who hates exercising and is really out of shape should start with?

    I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell everyone else. I don't get motivated to exercise. I set my alarm clock, get up, and go. Motivation never enters the equation. Just get up and go.

    When I started last year I was on the fast track to being 300 pounds. I started lifting and walking and added more intense exercise when I was ready. There's hundreds of things an out of shape person can do to get in shape. Pick what appeals to you.

    Good luck
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't "work out" - I get my exercise through an active lifestyle and fun activities that happen to burn calories! I walk. A lot. Both at work and for going places, as well as hikes - the longest we've done is 60 km (37 miles) in a day, across mountains!

    If it's too far to walk, I ride my bike, whether it's for shopping, visiting friends, or even job interviews. Anything under about 10 km (6 1/2 miles) is fair game, and sometimes I'll bike places that are further away than that. I aim to ride my bike to work twice a week in the summer, a 45 km (32 mile) round trip. I don't like to bike or walk for its own sake, I like to be going places!

    Also, I second finding activities you enjoy. I loan a horse that I ride 3x per week, do fencing, broadsword, archery, juggling and dance - none of it feels like a chore.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I am motivated to work out because I enjoy the process. I look forward to the gym. I hate rest days.

    I would suggest setting multiple metrics for both fitness and body composition. Progress can be motivating and the more means you have to show progress the better, IMO.


    I struggle with back issues, and I have gotten to the point where I am sad if i CANNOT work out.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    There are day when I am not motivated to workout but I get up, get moving and I never regret it :smile: Take Wednesdays and Fridays for instance. Wednesdays are boot camp and I always get in an hour of cardio before class and on Fridays it is core class and the same, at least an hour of cardio prior to the class. This means I am up at 4am and at the gym by 4:30. It makes for an early morning but I always feel great afterwards so it is all worth it!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I don't fit any of my jeans. I'm between sizes. And I REALLY want to get down to the next size.
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    For me the motivation comes from me wanting to be healthy. If I had more time in my day I would work out more. I started out slow and have pushed myself to do more and more everyday. I have a treadmill, stationary bike, free weights and getting an elliptical for my home gym plus I goto the gym by my office on my lunch hour 5 days a week. I cant get enough. Last week on my rest day I put 12.28 miles on my stationary bike and the day before I did 10 miles. Hating exercise and eating to much got most all of us into the position we are in now. The only way out is to work for it. If you cant find the motivation go look in the mirror every time you cant get motivated and ask yourself 1 simple question. Am I really happy with what I see? If you answer yes then head back to the couch. If the answer is no then get to moving.
  • angeliqueann
    angeliqueann Posts: 213 Member
    I read success stories on myfitnesspal. lol. =D
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I love being in motion, and the feeling after a workout.

    Also remembering what it feels like to be super fit - that motivates me a lot!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Working out is my: anti-aging, butt-lifting, anti-depressing, anti-anxiety, thigh-slimming, feel-good, look-good, life-altering medication. I take my dose daily. :-)

    Well said :flowerforyou:
  • xybernaut
    xybernaut Posts: 39 Member
    I really comes down to what do YOU want.

    YOU have to be committed to change your life, it is a lifestyle change.

    I would start with Nutrition, figure out your BMI, Body Fat%, find out your daily calorie needs.

    If you can watch what you eat you will be surprised at how fast the weight comes off.

    Turn off the TV, turn off the computer, put down your phone, get on your feet and go for a walk.

    There is no silver bullet, no magic pill, it takes time and effort.

    I wish you strength in your journey.....
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I hated exercise. Of any type. I mean, really, really, REALLY hated it. HATE HATE HATE HATE.


    RAGE QUIT kind of hate.

    So I talked myself into a little walk. Just to get out into the fresh air.

    Wasn't horrific. Didn't like it, but it didn't kill me.

    Tried it again a couple days later.

    It took a while, for me to start liking that. And slowly, this weird thing happened. I started looking forward to it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Just do it! I get loads of energy from it and I love feeling like a badass!
  • damelasc
    damelasc Posts: 2
    Well, there is no better "stress-buster" for me than exercise. Most days I say "nah" to, but then I do it anyway. The calm, relaxed feeling when you've had a nice workout can't be beat, and it's healthy for you! Start light, don't push it too much. Find ways to track your progress. I keep a calendar and mark the days I work out (stationary bike) with the minutes I worked out and the distance I went. I've slowly worked my way up to 60 minute workouts that go 3 miles farther than they used to. Whenever I break a record, I give myself a treat, a Cadbury chocolate crème egg or a Lindt Truffle. Once you get going and the weight starts coming off, all those things work together to turn your "nah" into "yah!" every time!