What's wrong with me?

If i don't go to the gym, i find myself stressing over it. I start think am I'm going to gain my weight back and so on! For example, tonight instead of going to the gym I am going to clean out the stinking garage, so hopefully next week the days i dont get to the gym i can walk on the treadmill in the garage! My trainer says i should work out 6 days out of the week but sometimes that is really hard to do!


  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    Losing weight is not all about exercise. What you eat/don't eat is what helps you lose weight. Exercise is to help tone & strengthen things inside of you. If you stress too much you're gonna start gaining weight from all the stress! Have fun and work out because you enjoy it and it makes you feel good...not because some trainer told you to. You should be doing this for yourself, not for anyone else.
  • RentThisSpace
    RentThisSpace Posts: 96 Member
    Always remember that you aren't going to be able to make it to gym on schedule everyday for the rest of your life. You will have times where you miss your exercise due to travel, work, life, illness, etc. The point is to make as often as you can and try to meet your exercise requirements as often as possible. So you miss a day, don't beat yourself up over it too much. Its going to happen. Just get back to the gym the next day, stick your eating plan, and you'll be fine.

    Also, it sounds like the clean up of the garage could be a lot of physical work in itself, which should count as some kind of exercise for you. Even its not at the gym, you can find lots of things that will burn more calories than usual (think mowing the lawn, hoeing the garden, etc.)