No weight loss

I have not lost any weight for the past three weeks... I workout five times a week two with a personal trainer, I've been eating healthy, and struggling with drinking my water but can't seem to get the lbs to start dropping off again, any suggestions?


  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Are you tracking how many calories you're eating? Many people have found that they weren't fueling their bodies enough and their weight loss slowed or stopped. If you are sure you're eating enough it may just be a plateau that many of us have to deal with eventually.
    You will surely get more help if you can share more info about your diet, though.
  • Georgina47
    I've been trying to stay close to 1300 calories a day. I'm working hard to get my fluids in and my protein...
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    The same thing happened to me. Sometimes creating too much of a calorie deficit can backfire. You should consider eating back your exercise calories so you'll net more calories. I increased my calories from 1200 to 1600-1700. I probably won't be losing the all important two pounds per week but I sure am liking not being hungry and tired. I figured if I was going to lose weight slowly or stop losing weight I might as well eat more. I didn't lose weight for three weeks after increasing my calories, which sounds terrible, I know. But a week after I increased my calories I took my measurements. I took them again two weeks later and had lost 5 inches! So you might consider taking your measurements, too. I'm sure all that working out is changing your shape.

    I'll bet that if you change your settings to lose 1 pound per week and eat your exercise calories you'll start losing again.