Reflecting on American food



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    You can definitely make the first 3 yourself if you are really curious. Actually, that is probably what you'd have to do for the casseroles unless you join an American friend for Thanksgiving! They are not served often at restaurants, at least not where I live.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I love the green bean casserole and it was the only way I could get my kids to eat green beans, rarely eat it now. Sweet tea made properly is OK I suppose, there is a certain way to make it and my husband likes it, I prefer sun tea. Sweet potato Pie, the best. But my favorite way to eat a sweet potato.... butter and pepper or cinnamon sugar and butter. But the best thing around here. Home made apple pie. With a never fail crust.
  • amyslay
    amyslay Posts: 18 Member
    I live in Florida and grew up on sweet tea, love the stuff ( made right)... I will not make it at home because I would drink the whole thing. as far as the other stuff not interested.
  • Catzeyez
    Catzeyez Posts: 35

    How about 8000 calories in one burger anyone? Gawd, didn't think it was possible!
  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    I am from KY but I have lived in Maine for 8 yrs. My bf is from Maine here and his brothers are lobstermen and he builds lobster traps himself. And you're right-it's hard to beat lobster right off the boat. But I love my good home southern food too. My bf keeps saying we outta open a Northern/Southern restaurant. lol
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    LOL :laugh: I am American and I've never had any of the things you mentioned aside from the green bean casserole. :) I don't think you are missing out on anything :wink: