What is my weight?

My weight fluctuates daily. Can you help me decide what I can say my weight is. Following is my weight for the last 2 weeks:
03/26/13 141
03/25/13 140.6
03/24/13 141.4
03/23/13 141.2
03/22/13 141.4
03/21/13 141.6
03/20/13 142
03/19/13 142.8
03/18/13 142.8
03/16/13 141
03/15/13 141
03/14/13 140.4

More on me:
Height: 5'3"
Gender: female
Age: 36

I am in the process of losing weight. Someone said you take the lowest number. So is it 140.4?


  • gwensoul
    gwensoul Posts: 87 Member
    Take the last day and start there.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Did you weigh yourself at the same time each day?
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    You are going to drive yourself crazy weighing every day and trying to figure out your weight because our bodies flucuate. I have been there, trust me! I would only count the weight you are, say, every Monday... or Thursday... Or whatever day works for you! Only actually count the weigh in once a week. I only weigh once a month now :flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    You are around 140
    Your weight fluctuates, it's very normal, between food intake and water intake your exercise, showers, clothes shoes.You're fine, no need to be so accurate :)
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    You're gonna drive yourself crazy doing this! Like the previous posters said just weigh yourself once a week and track that.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh daily, too. I don't like weekly weigh ins because the day I chose could have been an abnormally high or low day. So I weigh in daily and at the end of the week, I average my weights to get what I consider my "true" weight.
  • Sherae12
    Sherae12 Posts: 89 Member
    You are a woman. As women we lose and gain weight CONSTANTLY....it's mostly water weight. I think that I would just use the last weigh in and go from there.
  • nikb1983
    nikb1983 Posts: 44 Member
    Wow...I cant even wrap my head around this... weigh yourself first thing tomorrow morning (after you use the bathroom) that is your starting weight...then do that again every Wednesday...it's not so complicated
  • BlackJack96
    BlackJack96 Posts: 43 Member
    Someone on here let me on to a site called trendweight.com where it plots a trend line of your weight based on the average of the last few days. This helps smooth out the fluctuations so you know what your weight really is.
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    You weigh 141.5. The 142.8 is a water weight high, and the 140.4 is a slightly dehydrated low. Your weight is maintaining. Or you could all up all the numbers and average them if you really want to get downright accurate but it will still be right around 141.5.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I weigh daily but I choose ONE day (friday mornings) where I actually record the weight and use that as 'my weight' for the next week till the next friday. No matter if I go up or down during the week.
  • iqbalkaurthin
    iqbalkaurthin Posts: 19 Member
    Even with same clothes and same time if the day, after or before same activity, weight will vary. I would take the average or median and accept that
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I weigh daily but I choose ONE day (friday mornings) where I actually record the weight and use that as 'my weight' for the next week till the next friday. No matter if I go up or down during the week.
    Me too!
  • I have been dieting for about 4 months now and have lost roughly 25 pounds. Unfortunately I have lost the last 2 about ten times now. Hit a plateau about 5 weeks ago and can't seem to budge off of it.

    That said I do weigh myself the first thing every morning. I'm not always happy with what I see but not knowing prevents me from dealing with unwanted changes. As I have heard throughout my career "bad news does not get better with time"

    I still have about 15 pounds to go but after 5 years having to take pills to treat my high BP and Cholesterol my average BP is now 120/65 and my chloresteral in in the basement. That alone is motivation enough for me to keep plugging.