So discouraged - looking for a motivational nudge.

vals74 Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hoping to get a little motivation.... feeling discouraged :( . Been doing 20 minute workouts once or twice a day (5 days/wk) and lunch hour walks (2-3 times a week) for almost 3 weeks - pretty good for someone who is as overweight as I am that is used to sitting at a desk job all day. Also been counting my calories for the same period of time. I feel stronger & healthier, which is great - I am not knocking that at all. It's just that I had lost 20 pounds fairly quickly before I started putting all this effort into it (just by not grabbing convenient foods and watching my portions) and now I have only 1 pound lost for the past 2 weeks! In the past, I would hit a snag for 3-4 days, then see a loss; I keep hoping that will happen again. I also try to rationalize by the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" angle. Maybe someone can give me a nudge? I was so frustrated the other day, I almost bought a bag of m&m's in the whole "why am I bothering" mood....


  • tleigh
    tleigh Posts: 58
    I don't know that I can really give any helpful advice, but in my short time using MFP for the 1st 3 weeks I consistently lost weight, stalling at a 10 pound loss for 3 weeks. I weigh every Monday, and was shocked to see I had dropped 5 pounds the next week. So, in all honesty, sometimes it sucks, but if you keep going, it will happen. :bigsmile:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Maybe you've plateaued? Try lifting weights or trying a totally different work out than you usually do to encourage muscle confusion so your muscles don't get used to the same exercise all the time. Good Luck and I know you can get past this little hiccup! :smile:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Keep going! I had zero loss for the first 2 weeks. It will happen if you just keep going. :smile:
  • vgalich
    vgalich Posts: 1
    Seems to me the motivational nudge you need is in the picture with you. It seems that you family needs you to continue. But maybe you don't care if your not around for their graduation or wedding or to enjoy life everyday with them. Get off your butt, continue on your journey. :smile:
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Hang in there it will come. I have to remember that it took me years to gain so much weight it will take awhile to loose it. Sounds like you have a great start, 20 lbs is awesome! And GREAT job not buying the m&m's. That is a small victory in itself!
  • grichards
    grichards Posts: 4
    Hang in there...just think about getting past this "challenge" good you will feel that you stuck with it. When you give in this soon, it's so hard to "get back". You'll be so proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Ok, I think the best way to motivate yourself is to give yourself special treats. Every 6 lb, you get a pedicure. Every 12 lb u get a lipstick, I'm sure you get where I'm going. Also, the first few weeks you typically loose a lot bc it's water weight. Don't be discouraged by that. Make a deal with your husband or boyfriend that if you loose 50 lb the family gets to go on a vacation or something. I am motivated bc I am obsessed with this site and being healthy. Think about all the things you want to do in life. Get healthy!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    Just keep going! Add an extra 10 minutes to your workout and maybe fit an extra day into your week for working out.
  • danazsweet
    danazsweet Posts: 52
    No matter what the scale is saying, you ARE healthier just by moving more and eating less! What a gift you are giving yourself! Be sure to drink lots of water and make sure you are eating enough... your body will hold on to everything if it feels like its starving. The difference for me this time is that I'm eating my exercise calories and I'm eating a net of 1200 calories a day give or take a few. Once I start exercising more, I will probably just eat half my exerciise calories back instead of all of them. But for now this is working. Hang in there... don't give up before the miracle happens! =)
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    If you keep exercising and watching what you eat, you will make progress. Be patient with yourself and don't give up. What you are doing is incredibly important and it takes time. You can do this.
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    stick with it, maybe some switching workouts will help. I didn't lose anything for the first two weeks, even though I was always under my calorie goal and was working out as planned. I think it takes a litte while for things to fall into place. I wish you the best of luck in your journey. It is depressing to not see a change in the numbers on the scale - I know especially when you are doing everything right. Stick with it!
  • WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! We all have experienced this ALOT. Yesturday I didnt' care about anything...You just start again the next day. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Feel free to add me if you want and we can vent our frustrations to eachother:wink:
  • I agree with everything everyone said. Also keep inn mind that you may be building some muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. So even if you are not really showing a "weight" loss, you may still be losing fat as you gain muscle! Just take it a day at a time and if you fall off the wagon one day (we've all done it) get back on the next day and try again! Losing weight is hard work and everyone on this site deserves major kudos!
  • vals74
    vals74 Posts: 13
    Wow... thank you all so much for taking the time to reply! I do know in my head that I am on the right path, but I am an emotional eater and nothing feels like it would ease the dissappointment like some chocolate :wink: I was strong the other day, but today I thought I would try to reach out to other's before digging in my purse for change to go to the vending machine (the urge was pretty overwhelming). I don't want to sabatoge my progress so far, as it is so hard to get back "on" once I slip up. I do have some little things lined up for small goals - but one of my "big" goals is to take my kids to Disneyland and be able to fit in the seats to ride the rollercoasters with the oldest! The health goal is to not die at 55 yo (like my mom did). Other than that - I would love to have the confidence that comes with being within a "normal" weight zone.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Do you clothes fit better even without losing weight? thats a big motivator for me. I am not losing weight as fast as everyone else I see but my clothes look better on me and it all fits better.

    Use that as your driver to help cheer you up!
  • sonica7
    sonica7 Posts: 5
    Yes! Do hang in there! You will lose weight quicker in the beginning (mostly water loss) and you will plateau. It has happened to me many times! Maybe try marginally increasing your workout.

    Keep going!! :)
  • nachoqtpie
    nachoqtpie Posts: 81
    You can do it!! I know it seems like an impossibly daunting task, but, when things get tough just look at a picture of your kids, your significant other, and just think about how much you want to be there for them when they hit the big milestones in life, and how you want to grow old with your S.O.! You can do it! And if you do happen to slip, it's okay! You can get right back up and keep going! We're all here for you! We know what it's like. Just seek out our friends, who will be more than happy to give you that nudge you need. :-)
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Keep with it!

    Make sure you're getting enough calories, too. Drink plenty of water. You can add a little lemon for natural fluid retention help.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Another way to stick with it is to have a check-in buddy on this site. Ask one of your friends, preferably one that is on this site EVERY day, to allow you to post something on her profile every morning so that you have to start the day off right. Usually, If you start of ok, you're day ends ok.
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