Potatoes and Bread



  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    potatoes and other vegetable carbohydrates are probably the best carb dense source of food out there in comparrison to oats, rice, pasta, etc because of their micronutrient content.. just dont add tons of butter to keep the cals in check.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Meh. If it fits in my calories, diet fads can suck it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I happen to be eating potatoes for dinner right now! Yum! I'm not a big bread person, but I do eat pasta pretty much on a daily basis. It's not a problem unless you are eating beyond your calories.

    I agree with the poster who said not to eliminate anything unless you plan on banning it permanently. Whatever you do to lose the weight should be something you can do forever. Otherwise, it's only a diet - and diets are temporary (and so are the results.) :drinker:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Are they the demons some people think they are? Does anyone notice a difference if they elliminate them or curb them. I eat them, I'm married to an irishman and can't avoid potatoes but count it into my calories so dont see what difference if makes then. But curious as to some other opinions.

    Both foods are poison. You don't just eat potato. You eat it with oil and sour cream and cheese. Unnecessary nutrients, especially bread. Drop both of them


    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Angelikajohnston
    Excess of eating Bread and Potatoes will increase the level of calories you intake if you really want to be fit so that with the help of meal planning requires extensive research on the type of foods to consume.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I still eat both but much, MUCH less than I used to. I was never much of a fan of bread or pasta so if anything, I now eat more bread... However, since I cut potatoes down to a minimal amount, OMG, I feel so much better! no more constipation and bloating for me thankyouverymuch! Though, honestly, I don't think that's because of the carb-calories in potatoes but rather that my system was having a strange reaction to them.

    (and I do sorely miss potato chips. I would eat them if I could fit them in my cals but... see above)
  • blaaaaah
    blaaaaah Posts: 11
    Not evil, but like everything you just have to have it in moderation.
    If you're worried about the starchiness of normal potatoes maybe try substituting for sweet potatoes. They have a great flavour and taste just as good roasted, as fries, mashed or turned into gnocchi.
    They also have way way wayyyyyyyy more nutrients in them - incredibly high in Vitamin A.

    Bread I try to avoid due to gluten sensitivity, although I do eat gluten free bread quite often. Not white gluten free bread, though, as it's quite starchy and cake-y. I try to get multigrain GF bread, though it's hard to tell with them if it's just white GF bread with grains shoved into them. The one I get at the moment is pretty good though.

    As have been previously mentioned, they do make me very bloated though. Especially potatoes. So generally, I try to avoid them.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I very, very, very rarely eat pasta - it just makes me feel bloated and want to fall asleep about 2 hours after eating it. Potatoes I have once or twice a week generally in the form of baked fries/wedges purely because if I have them boiled, baked whole or mashed I then tend to have a bloody ton of butter on them to make them taste of anything at all....and then they end up being hugely calorific.

    Bread I have, but bread is one of my trigger foods so I'm very careful with it because if I buy a loaf of bread fresh out the oven at the bakery I'll just eat slice after slice slathered with butter on 100% auto-pilot. So what I do is buy sliced, wholemeal - keep it in the freezer and take out 1 or 2 frozen slices to toast when I need them....I just don't go as mad that way as when I'm confronted with a warm, fresh, fluffy loaf.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't eat bread due to a gluten intolerance and I don't like gluten free bread. I do however eat a lot of potatoes. I love them! But like many posters said you end up piling things on top of it but I measure everything. I never add more than 1/4c of cheese and about 2tbsp of sour cream or greek yogurt. But I usually eat potatoes just as a meal with nothing else as it fills me up. I even sometimes make bacon and add that on top. It keeps me full.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I don't think so.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    They are not bad. In my opinion potatoes and bread are good for you. As long as you log what you eat and stay at or under your total daily energy expenditure, you will lose weight, and you can include potatoes and bread every day if you want to:)

    Personally, I buy gluten in bulk and make seitan out of it. I also enjoy crisps, cheese and onion jacket potatoes, chips or hash browns almost every day!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I went for a while eliminating starchy carbs out of my diet.

    I ate huge portions and felt hungry all the time.

    Now I eat them and I am happy.

    So I would say no.

    They're not the devil.
  • vkw1
    vkw1 Posts: 88
    nothing is a demon, only you eat too many of them and top them creamy fatty toppings all the time
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I stick to wholemeal bread and also new potatoes. still allow myself a normal baked potato on occasion or even sweet potato.
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    If potatoes and bread are demons, what does that make potato bread?
    Two negatives make a positive? So they cancel each other out?
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I eat in moderation, and try not to have every day; usually i'll have half a sandwich instead of a while sandwich, and if i'm having potatoes then three at the most with a meal. Jacket potato soaked in butter with a large helping of mixed salad is a comfort meal to me, i couldn't give it up! I refuse to give up any food. Period.

    It's alllllllllll about moderation!
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Ok, as a diabetic the worst carbs I can eat are "potato's, breads and pasta (might as well throw that one in there too). These kind of carbs turn to mega sugar in your system (why diabetic's can not eat these). Too much sugar can make you lethargic, sleepy, achy etc.

    Some people, burn the sugars faster than others. Those are the ones who say... No big deal, doesn't effect me. The ones who posted it makes me bloated, tired, lazy, lethargic etc. are the ones who probably are having a high increase in their blood from the sugar that was broke down from that carb.

    So if you feel good eating them, they don't cause you to gain weight, tired, achey etc. Then go for it. If it does effect you negitively, then cut them out or cut down on the amount.
  • LaurenLouG
    LaurenLouG Posts: 65 Member
    I don't eat bread, but mostly because I can't help but binge on it and it makes me extremely bloated, I do eat carbs everyday though.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I dont eat bread and pasta, it bloats me and reacted badly with my sugar (i AM insulin resistance cause of PCOS) giving rushes and crashes. I feel so much better not including these in my diet, even if they would of fitted my macro's.

    Being Irish i cant stop eating potatoes simply cause it ias a large part of diet, however they have to be reduced down and brought out with protein or fat (and not with lugemes to reduce the GI, they dont agree with me either )

    Some people are just lucky, and just have to stick with calories, some of us are unlucky and have to look out for alot more influences.