Yummy, quick, FILLING, healthy breakfast?



  • CodieBear1
    CodieBear1 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the help! Looking forward to a yummy breakfast tomorrow!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    everymorning i have 1 whole egg 2 egg whites, Left over veg from the night before eg pepper mushrooms peas corn sweet potato and scramble it all up with some ham and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, keep me full till about 11am, then i have an apple

    the one i made this morning was only 170ish cals!
  • Jellif1sh
    Jellif1sh Posts: 27 Member
    I have two go-to breakfasts as of late, and both are delicious!!!

    1) 1/2 cup egg whites scrambled on a toasted corn tortilla, with a little avocado and chalula. This is a breakfast taco I eat about 5 days a week.

    2) steel cut oats with either sliced banana or strawberries (fruit cooked in the oatmeal) and topped with 1 tablespoon of mighty maple peanut butter. You can do a big batch of steel cut oats in the slow-cooker and set out portions for the week.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Im an egg person.....Two hard boiled eggs and wholemeal sandwich thins. Keeps me full sometimes until lunchtime on non lifting days....Lifting days Im usually after a morning snack afterwards.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Half an avocado on toast and a soft boiled egg is my go-to :) eat the avocado on toast and get ready while the egg is boiling still!

    i usually have avocado on toast with soft boiled egg.

    I also sometimes have weet-bix with blueberries and yoghurt, or just have blueberries and yoghurt as well as my toast and egg.

    Mytoast is high-fibre chia and sesame bread of course. None of the cardboard stuff. XP
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I cook quinoa for the week on Sunday. Microwave it with a spoonful of peanut butter - and add some coconut milk ... keeps you full.
  • 3girliemomma
    3girliemomma Posts: 35 Member
    Marking for later...looks yummy!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've tried lots of different healthy breakfasts and the one that keeps me satisfied the longest is two eggs and piece of toast. Good toast, though. Healthy, whole grain bread. If I eat breakfast at 9am I have to remind myself to eat lunch around 1 or 2 or else I'm famished by 3. I've never been the type to go too long between meals :embarassed: so this still surprises me.

    Another favorite is Chobani Greek yogurt with a small banana and some low fat granola.
    Plain Greek yogurt sweetened with Stevia and grapes is good, too.

    Keep in mind that it's normal to get hungry four (ish) hours after breakfast. The eggs and toast are the only thing that would keep me going as long as you'd like to wait.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    My "go to" breakfast is 2 eggs with one oz. of organic cheddar cheese scrambled up in a small non-stick skillet. I put it on top of a slice of 100% organic whole rye soudough toast. I can make it in about 5 minutes flat. It is extremely filling (rye has a fiber in it that stays in your stomach a LOOOOONG time and absorbs 4 to 5 times its weight in water). Nothing like eggs for keeping you full either. High protein (22 grams) and delicious at only 364 calories. You don't even need to butter the toast or put cooking fat in the pan because the cheddar supplies the fat. :smile: I have to remind myself to eat lunch by 1:30 or so.

    I don't eat any sugar because it makes me hungry.
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    seems like we are all much the same as i too like a boiled egg on rye toast with about 3-5mushrooms, fresh baby spinach leaves -sometimes avocado, tomato, laughing cow cheese too.. or 2-3weetbix with 8-12 almonds with honey!! yum!

    i found those lil 35g of brown sugar and cinnamon oats surprise me each time with how full i feel afterwards, i have with only hott water too (sometimes with the almonds)

    i think each day can be a lil different depending on whats uve done before and how u feel etc etc but experiment, do a week of eggs - maybe 2 whites one yolk
    and just keep chopping and changing til u reflect and find what keeps u most full :O)

    but def adding random lil things (like chia seeds, almonds, garlic, baby spinach leaves, etc etc ) will make differences hopefully!
    goodluck !!
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    apples score high on a satiety index. Cottage cheese, fiber one good stuff as well.
  • Dump the health food and go for something good! It's low calorie but it's still delicious! I usually have it every morning.

    2 slices of bacon.- 80
    2 Kellog Eggo Nutri Grain Low fat waffles - 140
    1/4 cup Aunt Jemima light syrup - 100
    Tropicanna orange juice - 110

    Total - 430 calories
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    My most filling breakfast is two eggs, two slices of vegetarian bacon (or regular bacon sometimes), and 4 oz of veggie juice. That keeps me going for HOURS.

    Oatmeal is also a favorite around here, as is wholegrain toast with peanut butter. I find that a good mix of protein, carbs, and fiber keeps me pretty happy until lunchtime.
  • plain cheerios with skim milk and banana slices, cup of coffee, and an egg or two
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Dump the health food and go for something good! It's low calorie but it's still delicious! I usually have it every morning.

    2 slices of bacon.- 80
    2 Kellog Eggo Nutri Grain Low fat waffles - 140
    1/4 cup Aunt Jemima light syrup - 100
    Tropicanna orange juice - 110

    Total - 430 calories

    No. Just no. Low in protein, high in sugar and simple carbohydrates. Very bad for someone fighting obesity.