How do I turn that voice in my head OFF?

sonica7 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
You know... that voice in your head that keeps nagging you to eat? Does anyone have any tips for shutting that out? I have a lot of willpower, but when it comes to food, I am weak :( Like last night, for some reason I got peanut butter into my head. And that stupid voice wouldn't go away until I caved and ate some. I rationalized and came up with all sorts of reasons TO eat the peanut butter. The voice won. So, besides heavy anti-psychotic drugs... how do I keep control of my own mind?


  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    haha. too funny...maybe you could try and do something to keep your mid off of it. brush your teeth? drink some water? make your bed? vacuum? do 10 push ups?
  • Hi Soni
    I have them to..... I cant stand it > : ( Try listening to music or read something to keep you busy... if all fails just have a lil bit.... Altho that may make you want to have more. I cant figure how to get rid of mine *Grrrr *
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Something that seems to work for me- distract myself for at least 10 minutes.
    I start thinking about something like that I just do something that requires my COMPLETE mental attention (attack a sudoku puzzle, play a brain game of some sort), do something that completely removes me from the situation (Go outside, take a walk and try and name all the plants that I see), Do something gross (if it's food related- like wash out all the trashcans, scoop the litter box) If I'm able to keep myself pre-occupied for at least 10 or 15 minutes the craving has passed and I'm good to go til the next one.

    II would deffinately recommend phsychiatric care if the voice persists. :wink:

    Hope that helps!
  • JustGizzy
    JustGizzy Posts: 38
    Oh honey how I feel your pain there..It took me almost a year to get that little voice out of my head and she still comes in but I fight her off...What I do now is as soon as I hear that little voice go off I put on my walking shoes and head out the door or if its to late to go out I jump on my treadmill and do 15 - 20 minutes of walking. After the walk I jump in the tub take my bath then put on my head set and listen to my zume with some soft music playing and before you know it that voice was gone...Takes a lot of practic but try it you will see it works...I wish you luck and like I said feel your pain...You may also try to grab a piece fo fruit and trick that little voice into thinking she is getting what she

    Good luck girl and stay strong what ever you do..:smile:

  • u know what, i found a solution for that and it works 200% of the time...cheese! Buy a big block of cheddar cheese and when that voice nags eat some cheese, maybe throw in a couple of almods and i swear to u it will totally kill that annoying ***** of the noise that is nagging u to eat and any sugar cravings u may have.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I have a go to low cal snack to turn that voice off, cucumber salad made with red onions, rice vinegar, and sweetened with a little honey. Low calorie and shuts it up every time plus it gives me that snacking crunch :). I go through like 8-10 cucumbers a week easily because I use them in a lot of things just to add the satisfying crunch. If I'm out and about and I know I'm not really hungry but my head is trying to get me to eat I pop in a piece of gum.
  • tkisley
    tkisley Posts: 1
    I have listened to that voice WAY too many times over the years. I have started thinking to myself, what do I want more, that peanut butter or ice cream in my case, or to get healthy. Also, I'm a 3rd grade teacher, and I'm always telling my students to make good choices and think about the consequences of their actions, but I never practiced what I preached. Now, I'm trying to change that. One spoonful of peanut butter wouldn't hurt that much, but if you're like me, it never stops there. I also agree about doing something to get your mind occupied. I am addicted to computer games, particularly the time management kind. When I'm doing those, I'm not thinking about anything else and I'm not eating out of boredom. Good luck!
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I chew gum when I have that little voice in my head.
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    I fight and lose to that voice all the time!! There is some excellent advice in this thread that I plan on putting to good use!!
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    You are in control of your own life so tell that voice in your head to just shut up! Tell it that you don't want to be fat anymore and that eating all that crap has kept you fat and you're done with it! Tell it to pack its bags and leave, your done with all this nonsense and its time to take back over your life.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    that is so funny I go through this all the time, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. This is what I do I try to stop what I'm doing and really think about what I'm thinking then tell my self am I really hungry or I'm bored or other emtions. Sometimes I will tell myself it is posion and the food will hurt me or I will die. I really try to stop what I'm doing though because sometimes it is just going through the motions if you get what I'm saying. That what I try! Good luck!
  • sdwill1
    sdwill1 Posts: 5
    I have that same voice. What I do is take a little bit of my craving only and eat it really really really slow.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    haha. too funny...maybe you could try and do something to keep your mid off of it. brush your teeth? drink some water? make your bed? vacuum? do 10 push ups?

    Brushing of the teeth helps me. I used to tell my children - when they wanted to eat at night - that they were just tired... go to bed. So, I myself do that even though I don't sleep well... but this works for me as well as it worked for my children. :flowerforyou:
  • ohdank
    ohdank Posts: 9
    Therapy :)
  • sonica7
    sonica7 Posts: 5
    Cool! Thanks for the tips everyone! Definitely some good advice in there. And laughs too :)
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