where I always go wrong:/

ok, so Ive been doing really well sticking to my "new lifestyle", but today I went to sea breeze( a small amusement park in rochester, ny) and definitely did not do well. Normally it's at this point in my diet where I am like, well I screwed up today so I might as well eat bad the rest of the week. I feel like maybe since I know this is a huge problem for me I can hopefully avoid this pitfall this time. Does anyone else have this problem, or any advice to counter? The killer is I know how dumb it is, but I just can't help it.


  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    Hi, I know how you feel.
    I've had days since I started MFP where I have gone 1,000 calories over.
    Before I would have said, "Screw this! I already messed up. It's time for another cheeseburger."
    What I try to do now is think to myself that I always have tomorrow.
    I may have slipped up but I can work extra hard the next day.
    I allow myself room to slip up here and there because i'm not perfect. No one is.
    I just try to exercise as much as I can and try to eat as healthy as possible.
    Believe in yourself! You will not fail. You may trip occasionally, but that's okay.
    Pick yourself up and try again!!

  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    Go with the "tomorrow is a new day" mantra and not tell yourself to just start over next week. You can do it! Drink some more water this evening and start fresh tomorrow. Everybody has those crazy days, but you'll feel great getting back into your healthy pattern tonight/tomorrow!
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Yup, everyone has those days. BUT......do you want to be thin and happier/healthier with yourself or do you want to eat cotton candy and feel like poo physically and emotionally!? You have to pick one. As you know, you can't do both. Sounds like a bad cycle you are in and you need to break it. And figure out why you allow yourself to do that. You only live once. Live the life that you dream about. It's like driving a car, YOU are driving. It's up to you if you keep the wheel straight or turn it and run off in to the ditch. You don't want to look back and say I wish I did this differently...........
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    I used to be the same way, and quite honestly, I still have more days like that than I'd like (like most weekends - I try to keep myself in check, but I don't generally count anything). Just keep telling yourself that tomorrow - or hell, even your next meal - is a whole new adventure and another chance to get it right. Eventually, those little victories will start adding up.

    Trust me - we're all in the same boat. Just keep at it!
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    Oh - and down water like CRAZY the day after you have one of those binge days :drinker:
  • 19lissa86
    19lissa86 Posts: 11
    Hey Sam! I would have to agree with alot of the feedback you were given, especially the bit about drinking lots of water. I (as you know, since we often experience them together) have those days too, and when I do I drink alot of water all through that day and the day after. At first it feels a little counter productive coz it fills you up more, but in the end it helps to flush out alot of the junk from fried/sweet/whatever bad food you've eaten.
    Whatever you do don't beat yourself up over one bad day; they happen to everyone and it doesn't mean that you've undone all of your hard work. Try to look at it this way; one bad day isn't as hard to bounce back from as several. When you get up in the morning start with a glass of water, right off the bat. After that eat clean for the rest of the day and stay away from fried stuff, fats and sweets. Remember that you're not feeling good now coz you had some junk today, and in all your effort to to eat good and get healthy that gross junkfood-y feeling is hitting you tenfold coz your body's not use to it... it sucks but it's kind of a good sign, right? :)
    You'll do fine, don't give up on yourself and definately don't look at every little slip-up as failure, because they're not; they are (as nsking83 already meantioned) an chance for a small victory that will eventually play a role in getting you to your goal. :)
    Ttyl sam, hope you had a fun day at seabreeze. :)
  • srule001
    srule001 Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone, I actually had a really great day and wasn't even tempted to go off track. I truly believe this site is making the difference for me!