Okay, so I just started with myfitnesspal yesterday. I really didn't want to weight myself in, but I did and was not happy with the results. This morning I took some pictures; so later on I can post the before and after. Again, very DISAPPOINTED that I have let myself go so much! :noway: I know I have to get myself together and do something about it!! Anyone with good advice, please feel free to post your thoughts!


  • janice91568
    janice91568 Posts: 2 Member
    Dont beat yourself up. We all have been there. I felt the same way back in November after the holidays and I made the decision to turn it around. Stay focused and you will reach your goal. I have lost 11 pounds so far and I can't be happier with my results.

  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    First, welcome to my fitness pal! The best advice I can give is DON'T STARVE YOURSELF! Eat more than the recommended 1200 calories and eat your exercise calories back. You should aim to NET at least 1200 each day. Feel free to add me if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome to MFP~~

    We are all here to get healthy don't let the scale be in total control of your journey!! Good Luck!! you are in the rite place.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    been here a year-and am still motivated to continue...have had success in the past, but until my HEAD was in the right place-my results would never is truly a journey-not a sprint to the end
  • PamelaGailJacobucci
    Everyone has to start somewhere! Use your disappointment as motivation to really go after what you want!
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    A month from now if you hang in there, you will make a new post saying SO PROUD OF MYSELF <3 hang in there hun., you've made the first step which is already huge.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    My best advice would be to be completely honest. At this point, it's all about accountability. I'm still at the beginning of my weight loss but so far this is what has worked for me. You will be glad you had the good, honest pictures later down the road. This is a great place with lots of people on your side. Good luck, you've got this!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Don't be disappointed. Just look at it from the flip side: you'll have this super-proud moment when you compare during and/or after photos with the before pictures.

    I have never been a slave to the scale, so imagine my surprise last January when, after thinking I had done so well during the holidays (and hadn't logged on here in many, many moons), I got on the scale at my doctor's office after an injury and saw it registered 192! I had NEVER weighed so much in my entire life.

    That was the turning point for me. I took pics, as well, and cringe every time I see them, unless they are directly next to one of my "durings" :smile: .

    Be proud of yourself for having made the decision!
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    I feel for you as I can really empathize with how you're feeling. It's difficult to come to terms with how we do let ourselves go. I know you may look at my stats and say "Yeah Yeah but you've lost near 30lbs", well let me tell you about that. Last Jan (2012) was my first day on MFP. I felt exactly like you do now. So I got myself together and began to make changes, lost over 20lbs by Easter and was feeling great.

    However, by the end of Christmas when I stop tracking, stop moving I had gained it all back plus a few. So really, I've only lost about 5 lbs as I had to start all over again this Jan! How infuriating but completely my responsibility. On Jan 15th of this year I vowed no more. I started again but this time with a stronger sense of purpose and determination not only to lose weight but made a promise to myself to head into my 50's looking younger, feeling better and having optimal health, so since mid-Jan I really have lost almost 30lbs and I have ~20lbs more to go. 2 weeks ago I added in exercise with a motto of "3 days on, 1 day off 365 days a year".

    You are now on the right track, be patient with yourself, set realistic goals and meet them. Understand that it will take time. Eat ENOUGH calories, move a little everyday and put those pictures of today somewhere you can see them frequently throughout the day. Treat/talk to yourself like you would a best friend who is trying to create a healthy lifestyle and I can guarantee if you do all that you will soon find the self talk changing from negative to positive.

    Best of luck and if you need a friend add me.......

  • gp72dpr
    gp72dpr Posts: 16 Member
    Don't be, we all have our moments. Just stay within your calorie intake for the first week and you should see a difference on the scale. Once you see results, you will start to feel good about yourself. Take care.
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Don't beat yourself up! We are all here because we want to get healthier. Congratulations for taking the first step and deciding to work on yourself! It can only get better from here! Celebrate all the victories, not just the big ones! I just celebrated needing to punch an extra hole in my belt, lol :)

    Friend some people here...there are some great support people here! I LOVE MFP! Feel free to add me if you like! Let's do this together! Let's kick fat's *kitten*! :)
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Everyone has to start somewhere! Use your disappointment as motivation to really go after what you want!


    This. Honestly, you're farther ahead than most. You've taken action to start and forced yourself to admit that you're not where you want or need to be.

    Now all you have to do is committ to this lifestyle change (not a diet, diets are for fools, IMHO).

    Personally, I'm down since Thanksgiving over 40 lbs. I can't believe that I let myself get to 250 lbs. Now that I'm running lighter than I have been ever since I joined the military and approaching less than I weighed in 8th grade.

    My wife finally convinced me to do this and damn, was she ever right. Me and my dumb self just wouldn't admit I just had to have will power over food, eat correct portions, and pay attention to calories.

    Just stick it out. You'll be happy with the results!
  • MarkD1952
    Despite admonitions not to do so I weigh myself and check my BP daily. It's not always pretty but not knowing doesn't change facts. I want to know if I start creeping up or even if I'm not losing at an acceptable rate so I can do something about it. I have also found that for me I have to let everyone know what I am doing. That way I am forced to stick to my diet and exercise regimine.
  • fitforlife818
    Thanks Janice, I need to keep a positive attitude!! Congrats on you weight loss!
  • thaynehansen
    Don't worry about the past; you can't change it. I like the accountability that I found with myfitnesspal--logging in everyday and entering what I eat as or before I eat it so I make wise choices. The rest is just patience and persistence.
  • fitforlife818
    Thanks everyone for your advice! It’s time that I accept the facts….and do something about it!
    As a side note, I use to workout daily several years ago and was so happy with my accomplishment. But then I hit a plateau and gave up!! One of the lady’s I would work out with is now on National Figure magazines. The difference is that she never gave up when she hit a plateau. What I have learned now is that consistency is the key and to make it a life style!
    Thanks again everyone for your support and advice. Keep up the good work!
  • tryinghard71
    First, welcome to my fitness pal! The best advice I can give is DON'T STARVE YOURSELF! Eat more than the recommended 1200 calories and eat your exercise calories back. You should aim to NET at least 1200 each day. Feel free to add me if you want. :flowerforyou:

    This!!! and I would also add do not worry about the macro's. I think MFP has them set too low. Calories in vs. Calories out. The only macro I worry about it protein. I try to pack my day full of it so I can try to maintain muscle while eating at a deficit.
  • celb500
    celb500 Posts: 76
    Everyone started somewhere.

    Keep motivated and you will see results in no time with a little hard work!

    Good luck!
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    I still have a hard time looking at my before pictures, and I've lost over 20lbs. It's hard to think that you were ever not invincible. But I do love looking at the after pictures! Just work towards your goal and you will find eventually that the joy out weighs the shame ^_^
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for your honesty! I am kinda "stuck" until the end of the semester in June. Until then, I can only take half-measures of what I know I need to do to get the weight off. I am vowing not to ever let this happen again.... Thanks again for your post! :flowerforyou: