3 days in and up a pound



  • stephcollins91
    stephcollins91 Posts: 14 Member
    If you're working out, then perhaps you are gaining muscle mass? When I started working out and eating healthy I put on 3lbs in less than a week, which I put down to building up muscle after reading up about it, after that iv lost those 3lbs plus a further 8lbs ontop of that in 3 weeks.

    Keep up with it, building muscle may sway the scales a little but that extra muscle will help you loose weight (fat) in the long run.
  • rosem1020
    rosem1020 Posts: 41 Member
    what does that mean - a troll???
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    10 years from now you are not going to regret moving your body more and eating healthier.

    It is a long process and trying everything at once will ensure failure.

    You have the rest of your life for this so why dont you start off just giving up one thing at a time and adding a little exercise to your day. Every week or couple of weeks, add something healthy and take away something bad an up your exercise time. If you keep this up, in about 6 months it will not be hard anymore.

    Another thing that helps is lots of friends that are happy and motivating. Having a news feed full of people getting excellent calorie burns helps me a great deal. I am quick to delete people that cry and moan and seem to be addicted to drama. This is my life, this is about me and I do not cosign someone elses B**S*** because I am scared I will offend them if I delete them. Simple as that.

    Please feel free to PM me if you would like to talk further.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Suck it up buttercup. 3 days in and you want to quit that just sucks.

    Seriously person on the other end of that screen name, weightloss is a lot like time.. it is not linear it is a wibbly wobbly and it is not fun. So what you are in 3 whole days and you are up... come talk to me when its been 3 years and you are maintaining the same weight as when you started and you still have over 100 to lose and you have tried everything short of starving yourself.
  • Ladytwo
    Ladytwo Posts: 1
    Hi Rose, remember it didn't take you 3 days to gain all the weight; you want to loose, keep eating the right foods and don't weigh for 2 weeks, no cheating with the scales..No secret meetings or peekings with the little ##@**7^& that you most of the time wonder if it has an extra 5 lbs that it adds just when you walk into the room and it's physic powers seem to know you are there.
    You will feel better and by the 3rd week your clothes will be more comfortable. Give yourself a break, have patience with your inner child-self. You know best for it and you. No planning for losing in 3 days, try a 3 week plan. It will work!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    1) There's NO REASON to starve yourself and at 1200 calories that's what you're doing. Eating so low will make you grumpy, crabby and feel like poop. You can lose weight (and will) eating at a higher amount.
    2) It's VERY COMMON to go up a cpl pounds after starting a new exercise routine. Your muscles swell up and you retain a little water which all aids in muscle recovery.
    3) ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. If yours doesn't change, nothing will ever change.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    he thinks you are having a laugh....
  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    When I started exercising my weight went up a little for a few days, then I dropped back down and then another pound. Your muscles retain water when they are worked in a way that they haven't been for awhile.

    I was hesitant to start this and fail, so I just committed to myself that regardless of what the scale said, I was going to try it for 6 weeks, that included logging everything that passed my lips.

    I don't have everything figured out. I am still adjusting calorie intakes to figure out the best way for me to do it. But I figured out my TDEE, and I just make sure that however I just macronutrients (that is protein, fat, carbs), and my overall caloric intake, I just won't net over my TDEE.

    The 6 weeks have passed, and I am still here. Still learning, and I don't have a fabulous success story, haven't even dropped a jean size. But my face is thinning, I am AVERAGING losing 1 lb every 5 days. The scale doesn't move for a while (or moves the wrong way) and then one morning I will get up and be down 1-2 lbs. It feels very slow, but slow is better than backwards or doing nothing at all, and that seems to be the other option.

    Don't give up. Commit to yourself an achievable goal that you can monitor and control. I don't make my goals based on things I can't control (like what exactly the scale is going to say). Instead, make goals like making sure you drink enough water, logging all your foods, staying under a reasonable net caloric intake, or exercising for a certain amount of time or days in a week. Try making those kinds of goals for a set amount of time. Feel the accomplishment in what you are CHOOSING to do, instead of what happens when you do those things.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    thanks for the great advice everyone but I have one more question. If lsoing weight is calories in and calories out, why in gods name would I eat back calories that I work my butt off to get off of me?

    this part has me very flustered. I work out to burn calories, why eat them back. can't you just eat them to begin with and not work out at all.

    I can't wrap my head around this concept

    Because your body NEEDS a certain amount of calories to run correctly. Calories = Energy. If you are not eating enough calories, you will not have energy. Your mood will be bad and you will be lethargic an feel like crap.

    Eating enough calories will help you burn calories believe it or not.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    Fist of all, you said you were working out...Fat and muscle weigh the same, but fat takes up more room. When you work out, your muscles absorb a bit of water, which can cause a higher number on the scale, but less inches.

    Also, you really shouldn't weigh yourself so much - it will drive you nuts. I'll also remind you that it took some time to put on, and it will take some time to get off....don't expect any sort of result in just a few days time. I know it's hard to be patient, but you're going to have to be.

    My advice, is to keep up the good work, take a pic of yourself today, put the scale in the closet and give it some time. In about a month or so, bring out the scale, weigh yourself and take yet another pic...Compare the two and see if you can't see a difference.

    As far as losing motivation is concerned in the meantime...Well, if you know what you're currently doing is much healthier than your old habits, then it couldn't hurt to keep the good habits going - weight loss is a bonus that will be sure to come about sooner or later.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    Not trying to come across rude, but really 3 days!! You didn’t get to be 100 pounds over weight in 3 days did you?? Please don’t get me wrong I am a very positive up beat person with all my MFP friends, but you really need to be realistic in what you expect!
    First of all why would you even weigh in at 3 days, at the very most weigh once a week, about the same time of day. Secondly a pound can be the clothes you are wearing, water weight, or too much sodium intake the day before. Third it’s not always about the number on the scale, you can be losing inches and unless you have taken measurements & pics you won’t realize it.

    I think you need to get real with yourself & know if you have 100 pounds to lose & you want to keep it off you need to understand that this will have to become a lifestyle for you NOT just a “diet”

    I actually started off slow, just cut out sodas the first week I was here, then I started adding healthier foods, the more I logged my food the more I became aware of places I could make small changes that would help me in the long run. It wasn’t until almost my 4th week here that I began to walk & add a little cardio to my plan. I also don’t deprive myself of anything (if I really want a burger I eat it) since I know I’m not giving up burgers for the rest of my life.

    You are welcome to add me as a friend, I have been on here for almost 80 days & I have logged faithfully. Like I mentioned before I am a very positive person but I will also tell it to you straight and I expect the same things from my friends on here, I got enough sugar coating from all the donuts I use to stuff in my face daily I don’t need that anymore!
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    Don't worry about a pound weight fluctuations in 3 days. Mine fluctuates daily by about 3-4 lbs between morning and night. Personally I weigh myself every morning but know when to be proud and when to panic. For example, If I drink beer on a Friday night losing a pound or two Saturday morning only means it likely is water loss. Conversely, gaining a pound or two after eating something salty is water retention. I usually only look at the trends week to week to see if I am gaining or not. Use the report tool on here because it is good for trends if you must weigh yourself everyday. You will go crazy looking at the scale everyday for consistent progress.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    thanks for the great advice everyone but I have one more question. If lsoing weight is calories in and calories out, why in gods name would I eat back calories that I work my butt off to get off of me?

    this part has me very flustered. I work out to burn calories, why eat them back. can't you just eat them to begin with and not work out at all.

    I can't wrap my head around this concept

    In my first answer to you I mentioned that you want to eat back your exercise calories because MFP figures in the deficit FOR you. Most (and I am not going to say EVERYBODY) people need to net at least 1200 calories.

    You eat 1200 calories.
    You workout and burn 500 calories.

    1200-500=700 calories, which puts you 700 calories NET, which is too low in most/many cases.

    Do follow the link to "In Place of a Road Map" as this explains the process better than I ever could.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You eat back your calories because MFP tells you how many calories to eat to lose weight. You would lose that weight sitting on your *kitten* all day (if you chose sedentary, and it sounds like you did since you're eating 1200 calories). So, sit on *kitten* + deficit = weight loss.

    If you add in exercise, you get a bigger deficit, but bigger is not better. It can cause your body stress, which can lead to detrimental side effects, the least of which is water retention and weight gain (see the problem with that?). You need to give your body enough calories so that it can function properly. Extreme deficits *can* lead to binging, lethargy, and "falling off the wagon". And the losses may not be sustainable.

    It can work for some people, but the vast majority fail at "extreme dieting". And from what you've said, you've failed at it several times before. So try something different this time around. Eat at a moderate deficit, exercise a reasonable amount (you don't need to be in the gym two hours every day), and eat those calories back. Maybe this time around doing it "right" you'll have better success.
  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    Well like one of the staff at the gym told me.... "Did you weigh yourself every day, every week, etc when you was gaining weight" and of course I said no because I didn't. So with that being said.; it may take some time and just go for it. Sometimes this weight loss journey will not go as planned, but you have to stick to it.. Day by day and months by months....
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I say come back when you're going to be more serious about your efforts \m/
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Try a daily goal of 1500 to 1700 calories. You are not going to get the results you want with only 1200 calories.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    thanks for the great advice everyone but I have one more question. If lsoing weight is calories in and calories out, why in gods name would I eat back calories that I work my butt off to get off of me?

    this part has me very flustered. I work out to burn calories, why eat them back. can't you just eat them to begin with and not work out at all.

    I can't wrap my head around this concept
    Because if u follow MFP method those 1200 cals are already cut to a deficit to lose weight and you HAVE to eat your exercise calories back...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I can't take this anymore. Everytime I try to get healthy, not works. I know I only started three days ago but I have been staying at or below my 1200 cal and working out everyday and guess what - I go up a pound in three days. I might as well eat whatever I want while sitting on the couch because nothing works for me. I don't want to give up because I want to be healthy but it gets so frustrating. I come on here everyday and read all the success stories, all the advice and try to tell myself that even if the number doesn't move, I am eating healthier and moving my body but it gets so discouraging when the number never moves down

    Take a deep breath and step away from the computer!

    Gaining 1lb of weight does not equal gaining 1lb of fat.
    Your bodyweight doesn't just consist of fat - it also has muscles, bones, organs, water, skin etc.

    If you have been working out every day it is probably water retention as your muscles are repairing themselves, but unless you have eaten 3500 calories OVER maintenance, then no, it isn't fat.

    Don't weigh yourself so often. you have just stated a new routine, so you need to give it longer than 3 days.

    Also, I would re-assess eating just 1200 calories if you are working out so much - is that a straight 1200, or 1200 PLUS exercise calories?

    Hey!! You stole my post!! :flowerforyou:

    OP, get a grip and lighten up!! 3 days is not enough time to come to any conclusions. It takes a while. If you going to lose it like this every time you gain a little water weight you ain't gonna make it. (Said in the tone of tough love)
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    same here
    i am frustrated too
    i eat well , good food 1200 cal and i am staying at my weight or gain. just gained 2lbs from nowhere, didnt even go over cal goal,
    and everybody is telling me to up my cal intake, but i just dont want to!