Diet Soda - Quit Cold Turkey or in Moderation



  • kimmynw1
    kimmynw1 Posts: 97 Member
    If you quit cold turkey be prepared for a massive headache that will last for days and days! I switched from diet soda to black coffee and it was easy. I know I have a caffiene addiction and have tried stopping in the past and the headache got me. I am gradually reducing my caffiene intake so eventually I will be caffiene free.
  • kimmytjoy
    kimmytjoy Posts: 16 Member
    I quit cold turkey about 9 years ago. I was a BIG diet soda drinker but I quit for my sister who was dying of cancer. She only had to ask me once!! She was a big aspartamine(sp?) drinker and her Dr. felt it had something to do with her cancer. (Not to get into the aspartamine discussion) Now I have a Zevia(made with Stevia) soda every once in a while.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I quit cold turkey. I haven't drank pop in about......4 years.
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    If you listen to people in these forums, they will tell you that diet soda does/contains the following things:

    -- Legit cancer
    -- 300lbs of aspartame
    -- Electrodes that re-program your brain to be a nazi
    -- The tears of starving children
    -- Makes you fat
    -- Makes you hungry
    -- Makes you kill your family

    And so on.

    I've said it before and I'll stick with it. There are great reasons for stopping soda, diet or not. Dental health is a great one. Personal preference. Doctor's orders. Or maybe you just found a drink you like better. That's great! In that case, to answer your question, I'd stop slowly and wean yourself off because, like any other addictive drug, caffeine causes withdrawals and your body needs time to adjust. Cold turkey MAY work but I imagine you will be much happier going slow.

    But if the only reason that you're quitting is because of the artifical sweetener, I'd say don't stop. There haven't been clear, unbiased studies about negative effects on diet soda, and there are plenty of people here who drink them all the time (myself included) and don't have health problems because of it. If missing the caffeine is going to make you upset and irritable and potentially stray from your fitness path, keep it in your diet. That's the most important thing :)
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I quit cold turkey 5 weeks ago. Last diet come I had was Feb 5.was fine the following day. The next day was brutal. I felt sick. I went home, drank lots of water. Then I was fine. I don't drink coffee so I started with diet soda in the morning. Now, any caffeine affects me.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    My rule of thumb -- diet Coke is OK only when rum is involved. :)
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    Cold turkey is probably the best option, but I think moderation is fine, like once or twice a week on weekends. Try Zevia, though. It's all-natural.
  • BreezySunshine22
    BreezySunshine22 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been a Coke Zero fanatic for years, drinking 4-5 a day. I was crazy because I was on a beta blocker to lower my heart rate as well. I finally wised up about caffeine and read a lot of bad things about how the aspartame affects insulin so I gave it up pretty much cold turkey. I love the fizziness so i switched to a LaCroix sparkling water. I drink 1 or 2 a day and now make half decaf iced tea at home. I've cut my caffeine to about 1/8th of what I used to drink and my body is thanking me. My heart rate improved, headaches improved (but the first week was bad). Now I rarely get headaches and I'm less jittery. I just feel better about my choices. Good luck. It CAN be done. Hard to believe though.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I quit soda cold turkey. I was drinking like almost 10 cans a day lol. Now if I have anything fizzy its like once a week diet soda on can.
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Moderation. I like those small 8 oz. cans of Coke Zero.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Just drink it if you like it and not stop drinking it. I have a glass or two a day and if I'm really crazy I drink a bottle. I know, crrraaaazzzy.
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I started tapering down by just drinking it with meals out of the house. I did that for a few weeks and then stopped completely. The hardest part was breaking the habit of ordering diet coke, not actually giving it up. Good luck to you!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Cold turkey. I haven't had a soda in a couple of weeks. As long as I have my coffee, I don't care to have soda. Just water and coffee for me. :)
  • Moderation. Similar to my advice for normal soda, moderation is the key. Drinking a can a day is probably not a good idea, but every few days won't kill you.

    From what I've seen, you're far more likely to be successful if you don't cut out the things you love cold turkey. I'm not suggesting a "cheat day" or anything like that (I find those grossly overrated), but allowing yourself the things you love on occasion instead.
  • microscrubbers
    microscrubbers Posts: 22 Member
    I was addicted to Diet soda BIG time. I used to drink at least 12 - 15 cans a day....! I quit cold turkey and had huge headaches during the first week. I don't drink coffee. I switched to water only. It's been about a month now for me, and I do not miss it at all anymore. Just get over the hump and you'll be fine. And like others have said, when you go back for a 'new' sip you'll see how gross it actually tastes. Drink lots of water during the withdrawal and you should be fine. Get the chemicals out of your body.....!
    N0EXCUSE Posts: 23 Member
    I went cold turkey. I read up about all the additives, caffeine and crap that are in soda and decided that I was worth more than that. I only ever drink water, fresh juice, smoothies and herbal tea now :)