jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
WARNING.......I am fully aware that this is going to sound like a whiny excuse of a lazy bum, like i have heard so many times. However this is a very real concern for me.

I was just wondering if there are any other people out there that try to do real weight training but struggle due to physical limitations. I am talking about heavy lifting. Deadlifts, squats, cleans...etc....

I find myself struggling because i really want to push myself but every time i dedicate myself and lift the way that i know i need to it leaves me in unbearable pain and then i have to slow down or stop for a while. I was in a car accident as a teenager and got whiplash. I have very real neck pain that at the moment makes it very, very painful to just turn my head. It goes away, i lift for a while, the lifting hurts my neck, i stop's an ongoing cycle and i am determined to not let it stop me this time!!! I mean it, i am so sick of this. I really am trying, i hate it.

I was just wondering if there was any others out there that have any advice on ways i can still work out. Short of becoming a gym goer that does a workout at way to small of weight or just not going i don't have any ideas.

Also, this has been an issue for me forever. Ice, heat, every stretch on the planet, physical therapy, chiropractor, massage...etc.
I already know. I just need to find a way i can work out. Maybe i just need to vent, i don't know. Sorry.


  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Hire an Olympic lifting coach? I was just talking to one last night about the differences between OL and PL, and it seems like it could be what you're looking for. If nothing else, they should at least be able to figure out ways for you to lift without hurting yourself.

    I doubt you're going to get The Answer from a bunch of strangers on the Internet if actual sports/medical professionals haven't been able to help, but good luck.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Hire an Olympic lifting coach? I was just talking to one last night about the differences between OL and PL, and it seems like it could be what you're looking for. If nothing else, they should at least be able to figure out ways for you to lift without hurting yourself.

    I doubt you're going to get The Answer from a bunch of strangers on the Internet if actual sports/medical professionals haven't been able to help, but good luck.

    Does not hurt to try. If anyone has advice or experiences that perhaps i have not heard of or tried it may be helpful. I have to give it a shot.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Sorry you are going through this. I worked in athletic training and physical therapy for about 10 years. I will tell you that I have seen issues with ongoing pain many times. My advice would be:
    1) Go back to a specialist--if it's neck and you have nerve issues, a neurologist or go to a spinal specialist and have a very thorough exam and discussion. There are so many different modes of treatment and they could hopefully fine something that helps
    2) Think about what doesn't bother you and work out that way. It may mean avoiding weight training and trying other things that could help, even if it's yoga. It might be hard to try something different, but I would highly encourage getting an exam and figuring out what is still causing pain after so long and make sure your doc gives you ideas of what you should do and what you should avoid
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    You mean another physical therapist? Or chiropractor? What kind of specialist would be most beneficial?

    It's an ongoing thing. I can fix the pain but when i lift it always comes back. If i don't lift it does not really bother me, at least not to badly.
  • acraw558
    acraw558 Posts: 23
    my mom got whiplash a few years ago and it has really affected her. she regularly visits the chiropractor and an acupuncturist (like, each once a week). that, combined with specific stretches they gave her to do, has really helped.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    You mean another physical therapist? Or chiropractor? What kind of specialist would be most beneficial?

    It's an ongoing thing. I can fix the pain but when i lift it always comes back. If i don't lift it does not really bother me, at least not to badly.

    What is your injury exactly? I am talking medical physician (neurologist if it's nerve related, orthopedic if it's spinal or musculature issues). If the pain keeps coming back then something is either not healed correctly or your form is off/weights are too heavy....There are injuries/conditions that do not go away so you have to adjust what you do. This is where a specialist comes into play--they can help you make the right decisions for you and your body. Physical therapy is awesome, but they are under guidance from physicians so start there

    **In most states, you need a referral for physical therapy from a physician. If you are NOT in a state that requires it, you could always go and have them help
  • grapegorilla13
    grapegorilla13 Posts: 32 Member
    The trouble I found is not all physiotherapists or chiropractors will achieve the same results. I've been to a number of doctors trying to get whiplash and post concussion symptoms under control. It was recently suggested that part of the problem may be related to my vestilbular system in addition to an unresolved neck injury (both common from whiplash). I'd never even considered the vestibular. My new chiro focusses on strength and stretching and it helps alot. I guess what I'm saying, perhaps you have unresolved injury that should be addressed before you do more damage. Hope it works out.

    edit -- in regard to small weights... I've restarted from soup cans, literally. Recovery from a back/neck injury is infuriatingly slow. I'm still a long way off from being myself again, but the weak link can't be ignored.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I went to a chiropractor. Made it worse really. Could not turn my head at all for days. I had to ask my wife for help just to lift my head off my pillow. Neck injury's suck!!! I am going to have to take it easy for another week or maybe 2, i can't go on with this injury, it is really hurting. Thanks everyone for the advice. I am taking this serious and going to seek medical counsal further.
  • grapegorilla13
    grapegorilla13 Posts: 32 Member
    I switched from "traditional" chiro and physio to a sports focussed specialist. He's technically a chiropractor but he's never "cracked" my neck or back -- it's all strength and stretching. The way I see it, most chiro and physio see people with debilitating injuries and i started to feel their approach was better geared to people with similar injury. Sports specialist is taking beyond that stage. Good luck, it's not fun.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I agree that maybe you need a medical professional's assitance..but maybe you could lessent he amount of weight your are squatting until you notice improvement in the pain level - then work your way back up. I am recovering from a neck injury and nerve damage - I had fusion surgery 2.5 years ago. I had to start lifting a little slower - spend more time at each weight until I could move forward comfortably. Listen to your body.

    EDT: Also, do not heat a neck injury - ice is better.
  • grapegorilla13
    grapegorilla13 Posts: 32 Member
    jzammetti has a good point. Others in the thread have said it too. Lifting less for now and strengthening support muscles to eventually move forward is all I have been able to do. I avoid lifting that strains my neck and/or back. Instead of leg press I do light weight lunges, for now no squats of any weight, all lifting is very controlled and lighter than I would have ever lifted. I'm slowly able to lift more. Maybe you've already done all this as you sound like you're much further ahead than me.

    PS I too would apply heat because it felt better, but it doesn't reduce inflammation so cold does work better.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I have found success with heat. But I am taking an anti inflammatory.