

  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    A month from now if you hang in there, you will make a new post saying SO PROUD OF MYSELF <3 hang in there hun., you've made the first step which is already huge.

    She's so right!! You start out disgusted with yourself which is your motivation to begin. Then as you see results you become so proud of yourself which is your motivation to continue. Keep it up, this does start to get fun! :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Welcome to MFP. What's done is done...use your 'disappointment' as motivation to change your life starting NOW. :drinker:
  • I have a hard time not beating up on myself as well. A couple years ago I lost 15 pounds and felt great. Then I got married and let myself go a bit and I've gained it all back and then some. It makes me so mad at myself that I'm at the heaviest weight I have ever been. And then I get so impatient wanting all the weight to just fall off at once.
    It's really hard. and like someone else on here said we've all been there. I'm there with you right now. I'm trying to get back on the horse so to speak. Myfitnesspal really works well. I have lost weight on it before with exercise. The trick is just taking it one day at a time and try really really really hard to not beat up on yourself. Make small reasonable goals and rejoice in those when you hit them.
  • Hi there!
    My name is Melissa, and I just joined this morning. My sister and I are doing this together. I was a competitive swimmer all of my life and even a year in college. Now that I am not swimming, it has been a struggle to maintain my weight. I was also diagnosed with hypothyriod disease about 8 years ago, and with my metabolism barely there, it has been an even bigger struggle. I too am very disappointed with how I let myself get this way...especially knowing the great body I had not too long ago. Like everyone else, I have tried many times to lose the weight, and just fall off. This time I have more determination than I ever have!
    I am here for you, and can I count on you? Together we will do this! :flowerforyou:
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Lots of people don't even step on the scale because they are AFRAID. (My mom is one! She's been afraid for 31 years now and that's no way to live!)

    But you're not living in fear--you've done the hardest part--you've admitted you've got some work to do.
    So now--GO FOR IT!!

    Keep logging in here to stay motivated and focused and you will achieve your goal.
  • first off, you can and will do this, and welcome! Congrats on your first step!

    We all started where you are....I just realized the other day I joined this site in 2011 and 3 weeks ago had yo-yo'd myself back to just 5#'s under where I started two years discouraging! However I was NOT back to my highest point ever (my glass is really half full!). Your negative self talk is your worst enemy. I do it too, we all do. Attitude is everything, and how you perceive wins and losses will mean the difference between your success or failure.

    So, since I am back on the wagon I am now (how fanatical is this) using this site and Spark People in tandem because they each give me different things that I want. MFP gives you daily "credit" for calorie burn which I rely more heavily on for calorie intake (otherwise I starve and that is a ticket to a binge). SP gives you a daily range but more community support and resources (meal planner, better reports, more direction with how many calories you need to burn, ect).

    One thing that SP focuses on is making small attainable goals and building on them. So to bolster my motivation I make myself read someone else's success story or an inspiring article daily. If they can do it so can I. I am not trying this time, I am doing! And so are you! Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself!!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Don't be disappointed, be happy b/c yesterday you decided to make a change :flowerforyou: I would recommend that you eat several meals a day (at least 5) with a protein source at each one. and a carb for breakfast (within a half an hour of waking), and one before your workout. Keep in mind it is about 1 gram of protein for every pound. About 25- 30 grams of carbs at the two important meals that you need the energy boost. Be honest with yourself, and indulge in a food favorite at least once a week, but try to have it in the afternoon. Educate yourself at least three times a week about nutrition, and exercise. Do not under eat, and over exercise. If you do you will put your body in starvation mode, and your metabolism will slow down.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    and one more thing-every day is an opportunity to succeed! you can do this!:bigsmile:
  • Jlwilson50
    Jlwilson50 Posts: 9 Member
    were you start does not matter. its all about were you finish
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! We have all been there...."disappointed in myself". The positive is that you have taken an incredible step in voicing your opinion and taking the next move to do something about it. Don't be disappointed, be PROUD of yourself for taking the leap to improve! At one point I was an ultra-endurance athlete competing at the expert/ semi-pro loevl in mountainbiking until an aortic anneurysm and failed aortic valve put a stop to that. Then, 3 years of sitting on the couch and 30lbs later, here I am making myself better inside and out. You can do it too! Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like. Welcome to a better tomorrow!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You've done the hardest part which is making a decision to do something about it. My "OMG" moment came in December. I knew I needed to lose some weight, but I went to the doctor and was 10 lbs heavier than I thought I was... and I already thought I needed to make some changes! We've all been there, and it's great you've taken the big first step.

    My advice, like others have said, is be sure to eat enough. If you have a bad day, don't let that make or break the entire thing. It's one day, and it won't undo all the progress you've made. The biggest one for me is trying not to make huge changes all at once and don't set the bar too high right away. I did that before and got frustrated when I didn't meet my unrealistic goal, then I just gave up. It's also helpful to make mini goals so your ultimate goal doesn't seem so overwhelming.

    Anyone can add me if they wish. I'm still finding my way, but MFP and the community have been really helpful in my progress.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome to MFP! As everyone else has said you have taken the first giant leap to your new and improved lifestyle! I recommend adding motivational friends and leaning on them for support. Log in your food diary everyday everything you eat even if it means you go over your calories (which I hope by the way, are higher than 1200!) You will learn how to manage your calories and macros as you go. Learn from your mistakes and keep going forward. Some days and weeks will be better than others but just keep going forward. You will reach a platue - everyone does - just keep moving forward! If you are one that likes or needs to weigh often, just keep in mind your weight will flucuate anywhere from 1 to 3 or even 5 lbs daily depending on water rentention, sodium consumption, etc. I weighed once before I got in the shower and again after I got out (and dried off) and I gained 1 lb. Its that crazy! I finally had to quit weighing like that - it was driving me crazy. Now I officially weigh in ever other Friday; first thing in the morning, before I consume anything, after I've used the restroom, and the morning after a "rest day (no excercise) - naked. That gives me my true weight at that moment with no water or coffee in my belly, urnine in my bladder, or clothes on my body! :laugh:

    Congrats for joining us! Friend me if you'd like.
  • ComputingRelic
    ComputingRelic Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel. I've gained and lost the same 25 pounds for the last 20 years! Each time, add another 5 pounds. I'm not at my heaviest, but I'm still way too heavy. My doctor gave me some good advice last week: She recommended I look at short term goals - specifically, to target a 1% weight loss within the next 3 months. When I did the math, that seemed very doable to me. Yes, I'll have to keep resetting this goal as I lose, but it's way easier to wrap my head around a 20 pound loss than the whole 45 pounds!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I know that feeling of disappointment. I was 425 pounds on the first of July. I knew that I'd let myself go, but really? I am now at 281 pounds after a bit less than 9 months. 144 pounds dropped... If I can do that by watching what I stick in my mouth and moving my fat butt a bit more, then you can too! Anyone is welcome to add me. Good luck with all of your health goals. Plan to be logging on here for the next 50 years.
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    Its not the destination, it's the journey. Are you ready to start yours? Time to pick yourself up, dust off your boots, and prepare to kick some *kitten*. More than enough folks around here to help you along. Chin up and NOW IT IS TIME TO MOVE YOUR A55! GO GO GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOOOOOOOO!
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    most important, when it gets hard don't stop just keep going you will see results and you will be glad you kept it up, even if the scale doesn't move, I've only lost 7 pounds so far but already there is so much difference in what I can do than when I started and then this morning I was checking my measurements I had lost 3 inches off my waist not sure about the rest of me yet, so make sure you keep up with measurements too, it will be a big motivator as well
  • Been there done that. New years day I stepped on the scale and it read 243.8 , I almost fell off. This morning I was at 209.4. Work hard as you can, don't let any set back stop you. Take it one day at a time, Best wishes.