Does anyone else have hundreds of pounds to lose?



  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Notice how you said, "the weight comes back just as quick as i take it off." That's the problem. The problem is "quick " stop trying for quick weigt loss. Take your time, take it slow, The longer it takes you to take it off, the stronger your habits will be for weight loss. Habits and time are related. If you lost weight quickly you haven't built the habits to keep it off.

    ^^^^ THis! you have to make sustainable life style changes!! Even when you get to your goal weight, you are not "there". I lost 128lbs 9 years ago and now I am on MFP trying to lose it again... now focusing on making permanent changes and altering my food trying to figure out what will work for me long term.
  • nell672
    nell672 Posts: 1
    yes i have alot to lose, but i try to go in sizes now as I foung I was getting obsessive about my scales! took me a long time but they are history and I weigh myself some where else once a week or so, I have gone from squeezing into a size 32 to a 26 and will be in 24s soon i hope(looking to be 18). I gave up dieting as such and concentrated on eating healthier, I didnt have a plan but have gradually become vegiterian. One of my main problems was cheese(still is really) I have found some interesting vegan alternatives although I still slip some times. This sight is giving me an insite into the amount of calories and nutriants in what i am eating. I wish you well in your weight loss and hope something I said helps. good luck, nell
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for your kind words, support, and motivation. I really appreciate it. I was scared to post because of how much weight I have to lose, but it's nice to know that my fears were just silly. There are very few people in my real life that I tell how much I actually have to lose to, even though most people in my life can obviously see I have a lot to lose and most are very supportive of me.

    Right now I'm just getting back into the habit of tracking everything I eat and adding extra movement to my days. Baby steps. I may fall off track, but I have never ever given up and I won't give up until I reach my goals...even if it takes a very long time.

    Thank you again everyone and congrats to all of you for your successes!!!

    Lots of great info posted here. I also agree that slow and steady is the way to go. The up/down rollercoaster is usually because of crash dieting and then returning to normal. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. It may be helpful to start a blog so you can reflect on how far you've come. On the low days, it's easy to forget our successes, so it's good to have something to look back on.

    Any time you're feeling sad/anxious/overwhelmed/snacky, go take a walk... even if for five minutes, it gives you some power back over your emotions and makes you feel better and more in control.

    Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    Where there is a will there is a way... Surgery alone is not a good option.. but it may be a tool that will help you lose all the weight you want. For me I have done a lot of work during the past few years getting my head straight. I lost 70 pounds before I had VSG weight loss surgery. It was the right decision for ME as I really need this surgery to help me with portion control. YOU may discover that you don't need the surgery after all though.. Once you get your head right and get on your journey you may not need it.. but if you do, then there is nothing wrong with getting it done... as long as your head is in the right place and you are dedicated to maintaining the diet and exercise necessary to be successful. Weight loss surgery is not a quick fix.. but it can be enough to "take the edge off" for some people.

    Thank you and congrats on your success!!! I know many who view surgery as an easy fix, but I like you, know it is a tool. VSG is what I would do if I end up going that route (need to lose 170 pounds first), so I'm glad you have found what works for you. Keep up the good work!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    I guess I'm right there with you. I've never heard the phrase "Compulsive Overeater" but that is definitely what I am. I'm just starting again for the millionth time. I am back at my high weight of 324. I lost about 60 pounds three years ago, but now it is all back. I'm determined not to get past 325.

    You CAN and we CAN do this!!! I wish you lots of luck on your journey, I will be cheering you on. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    You only have to lose 1 pound at a time. My goal is always to weigh less next week than I do now. Don't focus on the total It is too overwhelming. Just 1 pound is enough.

    That is wonderful advice. I never thought of it like that, just one pound at a time. Thank you! :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Here I am, it'll be 2 years on April 21, and I've lost 118.5 pounds all on my own, without bariatric surgery. I've since borrowed a line from someone I know who's lost over 100 pounds relating to how I did it: I hired the right people. I've been seeing nutritionists, behavior coaches, therapists, trainers, etc. Yes, it's gotten up there in cost, but I'd say whatever it is is working and well worth it.

    I still have about 115 to lose. One of my nutritionists said that if you focus on lean, healthy protein, then the fats/carbs will take care of themselves, and I've found that to be pretty accurate.

    If I can do this with insulin resistance and PCOS (huge hormone imbalances that make me want to eat), then anybody can do this....seriously! There's no magic bullet, and no fad diet will fix it. It all boils down to what you put in your body, and it's a lifestyle - there's no "once you get to goal weight you can eat whatever you want" - this has to be for the rest of your life, or the weight will come right back on.....

    Sorry for posting a novel - didn't expect it to play out like this. Point is: you can do this. You've done it before, you can do it again - and this time for keeps!!. Hire the right people. If you have to narrow it down due to cost: two people I'd see would be a nutritionist and a therapist - yes, both of them if possible.
    Well said and so true. Congrats to finding the right help. I did this after I had gastric bypass. I got the help I needed to keep lost weight off. I still have a long way to go also but I am going to get there for sure this time because I am never going to give up this time. Keep up the good work and you will reach your goals!

    Where there is a will there is a way... Surgery alone is not a good option.. but it may be a tool that will help you lose all the weight you want. For me I have done a lot of work during the past few years getting my head straight. I lost 70 pounds before I had VSG weight loss surgery. .
    I too have had success with WLS as a tool. I have managed to keep off 240 pounds lost. But I have learned that the surgery does not fix our heads. Whatever method you use to lose weight you have to fix the mind, head, or heart before you can succeed at keeping the weight off.
  • nataliejorgensen52
    really want to join you on your journey!
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    Good luck on your journey. After reading through this thread, it sounds like portion control is one of your issues. Mine too. Due to the nature of my job (fundraising), I have to eat out a lot and I was having a hard time judging portions. I found this book very helpful: "The Portion Teller" by Lisa Young. It gives you ways to vision portions on the go (a deck of cards is a portion of meat, a dice is a 1oz of cheese, etc).
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I don't have 100+ to lose but I'd still like to say hello and welcome! I hope MFP can help you reach your goal. Just take it one day at a time, a few pounds at a time. Set realistic goals and just do your best to eat healthy. There will be good weeks and not so good weeks. If you don't always see a drop on the scale don't let that stop you.
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Hello there!
    First of all congratuations on your commitment to your health.
    It's definitely a process of learning and growing.
    I have lost about 125 pounds and still have about 80 pounds to go.
    I've not had the gastric bypass surgery.
    My sister has, and was a good strategy for her.
    I don't know if I can add any more than what has been said.
    I think that just taking one day at a time---finding what works for you, and finding what support you need would be my advice.
    Each person's journey is so different.
    I do sincerely wish you the best.
    Warm regards,
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    Here I go again. I have taken this journey two other times in my life. Both times after giving birth I dropped 50 lbs. Whilst I do not have a 100 lbs to lose It is a significant amount and pretty close to it. Since quitting smoking and a couple rounds of depression I have ballooned up to 247. My goal is reach 190 again so I can fit into all those beautiful clothes I have hanging in my closet. My experience with food has been a love affair of sorts. I love to cook and create and EAT. I also understand non stop eating. I could feel my body becoming a eating machine. The more I ate the more I could digest. I have just recently been looking at photos of myself when I was in my 20's. I remember thinking how fat I was back then when the reality was I was hot! Now I'm pushing 50 and my metabolism seems to have come to a complete stop. I will however not let that deter me from achieving my goal and living and eating the way I want to. That means I must exercise and exercise in order to enjoy the food I want. So far I have dropped 12 lbs in 4 weeks. So here I go again.

    Congrats on losing 12 pounds in 4 weeks, that's awesome. I too look at old photos of when I thought I was so fat and I'm really not and would give anything to be that size again. The good thing is, we both WILL get there again. I'll be rooting for you. :)
  • fitma2013
    fitma2013 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm just getting started and planning to lose about 1/2 of me (about 130 pounds). I would love to both be supportive and have your support as well. So let's be friends!
  • Toddysmama
    Toddysmama Posts: 3 Member
    yes I need to loose at least 100
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    My two cents on the psychology side of things. You have to get to a point where you realize and more importantly, ACCEPT that should you begin a journey toward a healthier life, it will take YEARS. Not weeks or months. You have a lot of weight to lose. At best, if you are diligent and maintain control, you might lose 100 LBS in the first year. That is less than 10 LBs per month. I've been at it for close to 2 years now. A lot of people who fail, do so because they do not see the results they want, and foolishly believe they can achieve, in a short enough period of time.

    People around here throw the term "lifestyle change" around all the time. It seems a bit cliche, but it is absolutely on point. You have to change your entire attitude, not just about food and exercise, but about the fullness of your life.
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    There are many here who have lost over 200lbs. Well not many, but they're around. EdDavenport lost 311lbs without surgery. I have a new friend who lost 208lbs without surgery.

    Notice how you said, "the weight comes back just as quick as i take it off." That's the problem. The problem is "quick " stop trying for quick weigt loss. Take your time, take it slow, The longer it takes you to take it off, the stronger your habits will be for weight loss. Habits and time are related. If you lost weight quickly you haven't built the habits to keep it off.

    Wow, that is awesome!!! And you are completely right. That is what I'm doing this time...small changes over time, rather than trying to do everything at once and failing. Thank you for reminding me. :)
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    I have at least 100 to lose but I am up for the challenge and know that many people have done it and I can too. I quit smoking 6 1/2 years ago, cold turkey, while my husband and everyone I know continues to smoke to this day. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and to this day sometimes I get the urge, I guess just from habit and then remember how my husband often smells like an ashtray when he comes in from outside after smoking and realize that I will never go back to that.....LOL I want to feel proud of myself again for doing something I know most people think is almost impossible. I love it when I say I quit smoking and I WANT more than anything to say I lost a hundred pounds. I know you can do it and I am here anytime need encouragement.
    :smile: Nicki
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    ^^^^ THis! you have to make sustainable life style changes!! Even when you get to your goal weight, you are not "there". I lost 128lbs 9 years ago and now I am on MFP trying to lose it again... now focusing on making permanent changes and altering my food trying to figure out what will work for me long term.

    If it were easy, the diet industry wouldn't exist...I keep having to remind myself that. Little changes every day to break old habits and learn new ones. We CAN do this!!!
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    yes i have alot to lose, but i try to go in sizes now as I foung I was getting obsessive about my scales! took me a long time but they are history and I weigh myself some where else once a week or so, I have gone from squeezing into a size 32 to a 26 and will be in 24s soon i hope(looking to be 18). I gave up dieting as such and concentrated on eating healthier, I didnt have a plan but have gradually become vegiterian. One of my main problems was cheese(still is really) I have found some interesting vegan alternatives although I still slip some times. This sight is giving me an insite into the amount of calories and nutriants in what i am eating. I wish you well in your weight loss and hope something I said helps. good luck, nell

    Thank you and congrats on you shrinking sizes. That's a good way to look at things. I try to only weigh once a week (since I know we can flucuate so much from day to day and that would drive me insane), but I also take my measurements. I think sometimes seeing those numbers change is even more exciting. :)

    P.S. Cheese is amazing, hahaha. :)
  • ijustwanttolive
    ijustwanttolive Posts: 41 Member
    Any time you're feeling sad/anxious/overwhelmed/snacky, go take a walk... even if for five minutes, it gives you some power back over your emotions and makes you feel better and more in control.

    Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for your kind words and this is a great idea! I didn't even think about that...I am definitely an emotional eater, so the next time I feel like turning to food I'm going to get out and get some fresh air!