Need help staying motivated... :/

Hey to who ever is reading this. Though I'm not new to the website, I was inactive on it for awhile and recently started to get back serious about my fitness. This might sound extremely lame, but I seeking more support/friends here; Out of all my friends here at college, I'm the heaviest.Though we work out, they don't see the need to go to the gym or work as hard there as I do or diet the way I do, granted they don't have to , but they get frustrated when I stay to long because I want to work really hard. They always tease me about my food choice when we're out; They're their proper weight.I love my friends and I know they mean no harm, but they just don't seem to understand how important losing this weight is to me. I looking for people who are seriously striving to their goals and hope to get support from them.



  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Just know that you're doing the right thing for yourself - mind and body and that you are being in control of your health by working out and eating sensibly. Dont worry about what everyone else is doing, you are right to put you first when it comes to this.
  • I sent you a friend request and will support, encourage, and motivate you any way that I can.
  • Irisheyes188
    Irisheyes188 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally hear you. I'm surrounded by thin people who constantly talk about how "fat" they are. Irritating to say the least. You're doing what you have to do to keep your body and mind healthy. One small comfort, as we age, almost everyone has to exercise and watch what they eat. You'll be a step ahead of all your friends in that area. Stay strong. Take care of yoursel and ignore the naysayers. You rock.
  • I completely understand everything you said, and ill send you a friend request and do my best to keep you motivated!!:)
  • Add me too, I need motivation...
  • I need a lot of motivation as well. it is hard to keep on track. We can support each other! Anyone else feel free to add me, would love some encouragement. Just began this on Monday.
  • bekeyers
    bekeyers Posts: 18
    Hi Kara,

    Well this is the place for those kinds of people :). I'll add you as I feel the same way towards my health and fitness. Good on and good luck.

  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Hey Kara :)
    I understand. My friends at college don't understand and taunt me for eating healthy and working out.
    I'm here for you. I know it's hard and at times you want to quit. I will be there and motivate you to keep going.
    This goes for anyone else who wants support and advice.

  • I have a problem keeping motivated too. I also have a problem with timing my workouts. I'm a mother, a full-time college student, wife, and a caretaker to my sick mother. I'm basically busy from 4am to 11pm. In order to work out as much as i want and need I have to stay up two and a half hours after I put my daughter into bed. my husband keeps telling me that I'm perfect the way i am but I over 100lbs heavier than i was when him and i met and back then i was already 20lbs over weight. He doesn't understand what it's like though and he doesn't have to work hard or eat a certain way because he has a very high metabolism. anyway i sent you a friend request. I'll try my best to support you and motivate you.
  • Hi Kara,
    People who dont watch their eating and exercise dont understand the struggle. I suggest you not discuss weight loss with "those friends". Discuss weight loss with people who are not only on the same page but who are reading the same BOOK.

    Good Luck,

  • rmcarlisle
    rmcarlisle Posts: 4 Member
    I know how impossilbe it can be. Friends are usually our biggest supporters but at times even our friends don't understand what we are really going through. Especially if they are at a different place in their lives or at a different stage in their weight loss journey. Hang tight - remember you are doing something good for yourself and you deserve this. Your friends will eventually accept that this is important to you and if they don't - get some new friends. I know that sounds harsh but life is to short to be around people that aren't good for you. You are young and beautiful. Be proud of what you are doing for you.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Kara! :3 I'm sending you a friend request.
    You're doing the right thing, I know it' tough to do it when friends are being less than supportive but know that you're making an awesome choice that will benefit you in the long run....and you have all of us for support <3
  • rmcarlisle
    rmcarlisle Posts: 4 Member
    Great advice!
  • Kara132
    Kara132 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to say this. You are so right,I need to stop concerning myself with what others think and start doing whats best for me. If YOU ever support, let me know.
  • mnpitza
    mnpitza Posts: 6
    I could definitely use some more motivation as well! :/