Looking.for stay-at-home mommy friends :)

sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
Hi guys. Being a stay -at-home mommy is very challenging when it comes to weight loss. I love staying at home but its hard to stay motivated. I lost 20 lbs 2 yrs ago and gained it all back. I wanna feel great by my birthday (july) and I have friends here but I need support and sometimes advice about just everyday frustrations. I dont have support in my real life and Im hoping to make great friends here :)


  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Me!!! I'm a SAHM. Well, kind of. I do stay at home with my daughter, but I own my own children's clothing business, so I also sew 50+ hours a week. :)
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a SAHM! I have two toddlers that are 2 and 3. I also have 2 school aged children that are 5 and 10. It's challenging trying to work out at home....basically I can only work out when they nap or at night after they are in bed. It's also a challenge to get them to take a nap! Feel free to add me!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm also a SAHM of four children. I'm also studying part time from home for my degree but feel free to add me.
  • Prismapencils
    My sister would probably love you guys. She is doing this on her own for the most part. All of her time is spent looking out for the little one, which makes it hard for her to spend the time on her health.

    She's a dance instructor (Nia instructor) that loves company and misses getting out, I think... I'll have to convince her to join. :D
  • shelleyk34
    shelleyk34 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with ya!! I'm a SAHM mom to an almost 2 year old. I also have a 15 year old! I find it very challenging to get a good work out in at home. I wish I could join a gym that had child care, but it's just not in the budget right now. I lost about 30 lbs five years ago, but of course have gained it back. I'm turning 40 next month, and I'm ready to feel fabulous! Feel free to add me, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on this journey.

  • ForABetterMe89
    Im a sahm with a 16 month old son, and boy is he a handful. I love him though. In August I'll be going back to school for my degree. I have a minumum of 13 more lbs to go, more like 23 though.Anyone is free to add me.
  • rainbowgrrl
    Hi! I am also a SAHM. I find it challenging because I move between eating out of stress of taking care of 2 children and eating out of boredom when they are at school and I have nothing to do. I do not have any family close by and my husband travels most of the year for work so it gets lonely. Im hoping to also find some people here to help keep me motivated and sane! lol
  • sarahevenstar
    sarahevenstar Posts: 70 Member
    I could use some more mommy friends! I have a two year old boy and a five year old girl who is in part time preschool and will be in kindergarten in the fall. Feel free to add me!
  • ShutterBugMomof2
    SAHM to a 3 and a 4 year old. Challenging some days but worth it! The day care at the gym earn their $20 a month for child care with me :) I did the work out at home as long as I could before joining. Silly kids wanting to do it too
  • johnsongirls
    johnsongirls Posts: 57 Member
    I am a SAHM mom too! I have a 10 year old an 8 year old and an almost 10 month old. All girls!! I would love some more SAHM friends. I have found the more support the better. Please feel free to add me!
  • Lifting_Knitter
    I am a SAHM as well! I have a 3 year old. My husband works and sometimes works late so I can understand how hard it can be to get your workout in. :) I have met my goal weight and am currently working on my goal body. :happy:
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Hi! I am a homeschooling/SAHM of 7 ages 8 down to 1 year old twins. It is difficult to find time to exercise, but so worth it. Feel free to add me. :)
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 4...17,13, 6 and my youngest will be 2 on the 7th! I'm here everyday (80 today!!!)...logging and chatting between diapers, play time, laundry and dishes!!! We are pretty much on the go every evening and weekend with sports or drama practice etc.... LOL Feel free to ad me. My diary is open.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a 4yo and 2yo, and newly pregnant. Feel free to add me!
  • gracetoo
    gracetoo Posts: 29
    I have a 4 year old and an 18 month old and we moved across the country when my son was little.
    I haven't really made any friends here yet, so I'd love all the support and friends I could get!
    Please feel free to add me!