sagging boobs

Lift Your Sagging Bust
By Carly Young, Special to LifeScript
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If your bust is heading south, then it’s time to stop and ask for new directions – ones that’ll lead you back up north. Performing chest exercises, such as push-ups and bench presses, will firm up the muscles that lie underneath your bust, giving your girls a firmer, more lifted appearance. Many women lift weights that are too light because they’re afraid to bulk up. But don’t worry about this when it comes to your chest! Your pectoralis major, the primary muscle in this area, is large and in charge, meaning that it would take more weight than you could lift to pack on excess bulk. In fact, the more weight you lift during chest exercises, the stronger the muscles will grow and the more lift you’ll experience in your bust. Here’s a surprising trick to help you handle more weight as you train your chest muscles: When you do shoulder exercises, like shoulder presses or lateral raises, focus on lowering the weight slowly. This means taking two counts to lift the weight and four counts to lower it. When you lower slower during a shoulder exercise, the two main muscles in your chest, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor, work as stabilizers. This means your chest will grow stronger, even as you do shoulder exercises, so you’ll be able to lift more when it comes time to do your bench press. And handling heavier weights equals a bust that sits higher. So forgo the push-up bra, and grab a pair of dumbbells instead!


  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Lift Your Sagging Bust
    By Carly Young, Special to LifeScript
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    If your bust is heading south, then it’s time to stop and ask for new directions – ones that’ll lead you back up north. Performing chest exercises, such as push-ups and bench presses, will firm up the muscles that lie underneath your bust, giving your girls a firmer, more lifted appearance. Many women lift weights that are too light because they’re afraid to bulk up. But don’t worry about this when it comes to your chest! Your pectoralis major, the primary muscle in this area, is large and in charge, meaning that it would take more weight than you could lift to pack on excess bulk. In fact, the more weight you lift during chest exercises, the stronger the muscles will grow and the more lift you’ll experience in your bust. Here’s a surprising trick to help you handle more weight as you train your chest muscles: When you do shoulder exercises, like shoulder presses or lateral raises, focus on lowering the weight slowly. This means taking two counts to lift the weight and four counts to lower it. When you lower slower during a shoulder exercise, the two main muscles in your chest, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor, work as stabilizers. This means your chest will grow stronger, even as you do shoulder exercises, so you’ll be able to lift more when it comes time to do your bench press. And handling heavier weights equals a bust that sits higher. So forgo the push-up bra, and grab a pair of dumbbells instead!
  • christy_fl
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for that helpful info!!! I've lost 30 pounds now & I was just thinking tonight that I'm not fitting my skin as I used to 30 pounds ago~blah! I really don't want to resort to the knife, but the inner thighs, the arm waves & the back fat/under the arm pit areas are in desperate need of help.
    YOU CAN DO IT & So can I :)!!!