Help! I am not losing at all!!!! :-(

I am a 48 year old female with 40 pounds to lose. I have never been athletic but not sedentary either. I have been doing the couch to 5k training plan for about 6 weeks: walking/running 3-4 times per week. I see much improvement in my stamina, heart rate, energy, motivation etc. I originally was eating 1350 calories plus exercise calories but didn't lose an ounce! Thanks to the MFP community I figured out I was probably not eating enough so I upped to to 1650 and also upped my water intake. Two weeks and still nothing! I am so careful to log everything and I measure almost ALL of my servings. I don't cheat, if I eat a cookie then I log a cookie but treats like that are only happening about twice a week. I eat fresh fruits and veggies daily with very little to no junk food. I am very frustrated as this seems like a huge amount of work with no results on the scale. Anyone out there with a similar story???? Or better yet, suggestions to what I am doing wrong?????


  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    Have you taken any pictures and/or measurements? You may have not lost weight but possibly size?
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    I ask because I had an initial loss of 30 lbs over 3 months when I committed to a new lifestyle, but since then I have only lost about 5 lbs (since Sept), but I have a significant size difference.

    I would also reccommend you change up how/what you're eating (are you eating 13-1600 calories of junk?) and/or make sure there are a lot of variables in your diet. Same with exercise, change it up! don't do the same routine every time, make sure your body still feels like its being pushed!
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    look in the mirror, are your clothes looking/hanging a lil diffrently i only weigh myself like once a month now
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Hang in there. Not everyone loses the same, or at the same rate. Your body is going to do what is right for it. Its good to look at it as becoming healthier- which is more important than simply losing weight in the long run. Try setting some non-scale goals for yourself to achieve until the scale starts showing a more favorable number. But even then, don't let it rule you or ruin your attitude. Allow your body to make the changes it needs in its own time. :)
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    WHen asking for advice it's best to open your diary.
  • mair123
    mair123 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! Congratulations on taking steps to a healthier you!

    You say you haven't lost any weight- have you gained during this time period? Do you find your clothes fitting you differently?

    I can completely sympathize with you. I had over 60 lbs. to lose and it took me about 9 1/2 months. During the time of losing, I never checked the message boards, so I stuck with the 1200 calories. I would not eat back all of my exercise calories either. There were days/weeks where the scale didn't budge and it was frustrating. However, I looked at what I was doing as a lifestyle change, not a diet- so I knew I would need to continue down the same path once I hit my goal weight.

    Like you, I started with the Couch2 5K program. I am now training for my first 1/2 marathon.

    I was 185 lbs. when I started and I ate 1200 calories a day. Now I am at 122 lbs. and eat 1600 calories a day on maintenance to give you a frame of reference. Personally, I think 1650 calories every day is a bit high for someone looking to lose weight. Maybe try somewhere in the 1300-1400 range and try to not eat back all of your exercise calories. As frustrated as you are, I wouldn't look at it as if you are doing something wrong. Everyone is different and what works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for another. Don't give up!
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Maybe you upped your calories too soon.

    1650 plus exercise is a lot. You could be eating 2000 a day easily and your exercise is only mild-moderate really, especially if you are quite sedentary outside of the exercise.

    That sounds very much like a maintenance diet to me.

    I would drop back down and be patient. If you eat less and move more it has to pay off eventually
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    Hang in there. Not everyone loses the same, or at the same rate. Your body is going to do what is right for it. Its good to look at it as becoming healthier- which is more important than simply losing weight in the long run. Try setting some non-scale goals for yourself to achieve until the scale starts showing a more favorable number. But even then, don't let it rule you or ruin your attitude. Allow your body to make the changes it needs in its own time. :)

    I'll try it. Thanks!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    Hang in there. Not everyone loses the same, or at the same rate. Your body is going to do what is right for it. Its good to look at it as becoming healthier- which is more important than simply losing weight in the long run. Try setting some non-scale goals for yourself to achieve until the scale starts showing a more favorable number. But even then, don't let it rule you or ruin your attitude. Allow your body to make the changes it needs in its own time. :)

    You are a wise woman.... thank you!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    eating too much
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    WHen asking for advice it's best to open your diary.

    i did. it should be open now.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    try some strength training maybe
  • ennovy345
    ennovy345 Posts: 2 Member
    If you are building muscle as fast as you are losing fat, that could be it. Remember muscle weights more than fat, but takes up less space. If this is the case you should see a loss in inches. (Which is really what you want to see). MORE MUSCLE BURNS MORE CALORIES. You may even have a protein craving every now and then.
    Also, your metabolism may take a while to kick back in. Exercise will do it for you. Once it does your body will become a "calorie burning machine" and you will be losing even when you aren't really trying to.

  • dlbarnz
    dlbarnz Posts: 13 Member
    You're doing fine, hang in there, keep doing what you are doing and you will see the results your are looking for.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Give it more time- two weeks isn't enought to acurately measure the success/failure of the changes you've made.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I would definitely experiment with the calories at this point. Maybe only eat back half your exercise calories, or not at all for a week and see how you feel. I'm about to turn 47 and at this age it's all about finding that elusive balance between eating too little and not losing anything, and eating too much and not losing anything. I've had the most success with my own blend of calorie cycling, intermittent fasting and spike days so my body doesn't know what's coming and can't adjust.
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    I'm feeling a bit that way myself but its a short time and your doing well don't underestimate yourself that's the first step back. Have you thought maybe with all the exercise your doing you are building muscle as it weighs more than fat. I would keep measurements all over and see if perhaps the inches are coming off, they usual do before the scales. I have to remember my weight has been on for a long time so if I have to wait a few extra weeks to see some results its all good. Strong and steady wins the race :)
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Also, check your calories - go to more than one site or look for listings on here with lots of confirmations. I picked a random day in your diary and saw that you ate two slices of Costco cheese pizza and logged 280 calories...which seemed very low (that's more like one of those crappy little Lean Cuisine pizzas) but most everywhere else I looked says each slice is 700 calories.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I would not eat back all of my exercise calories unless I am POSITIVE that my calories in and calories burned are accurate. If you aren't gaining weight you might be gaining muscle while burning fat. Check you measurements.