Giving up SODA!!

Anyone else doing this? HOW? I'm so addicted to the caffeine I get massive migraines when I try to quit cold turkey. I'm going to try the Crystal Light energy packets that you add to water. They are just 5 calories and have a little caffeine, so I'm hoping it will help.

If you have any other tips, let me know please!


  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Drink "bubble water!" I buy perrier, saratoga, 365 whole foods brand, Voss name it. I'm hooked on mineral water. Most brands are low sodium. I find that the bubbles give the sting that most people like getting out of a soda drink. The sting cleans the palette and makes you feel satisfied for some reason. I love it. (Never been a soda drinker but I know plenty of people who came off soda using mineral water.)

    Good luck!

    [not sure about the caffeine withdrawal aspect...]
  • Imadarkswan
    Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
    Start with drinking club soda instead and add real fruit.
    If you drink coffee I would up your coffee intake for a few days to help with the headaches.
    Otherwise you will have to just suffer thu them for a few days.
  • msharp23
    msharp23 Posts: 14
    I did it! I was drinking probably 64-72 oz of Diet Coke daily (and some days even more!!). I never thought I'd ever be able to let it go, but one day I just did. Seriously, something just clicked and I realized that it was crazy to work so hard at improving my overall health and still cling to something that was so void of nutrition.

    Do you drink tea or coffee? I still do (like no more than 2 a day though) and that helps when I need the caffeine boost. Drinking lots of water helped the most with the headaches though. I think I only got them for a day or two.

    I also don't "ban" anything from myself, so every great once in a while I will still get a Diet Coke. Funny thing is, when I do have one I rarely even finish it and it definitely isn't as wonderful as I apparently once thought it was.

    I will say this- I feel so much better and look and feel a lot less "puffy" now. I couldn't believe how much better I felt after getting all that yuck out of my system.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I used to drink as many as 10 cans in a day of soda and tea (the sugary, processed kind). I quit cold turkey and lasted a year, then decided to try it again, and I just got obsessed again. So I quit, yet again, and I haven't drank soda in probably 4 months? The cravings for it seriously just go away. My boyfriend has a harder time with it, so he uses Mio bottle- a little squirter full of flavoured liquid you put into water. It helps him. The first month or two suck, but then you realize how many empty calories you were drinking! Good luck!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I used unsweetened iced tea, it has plenty of caffeine. Once you get over the need for the soda taste, you can gradually step down the tea to wean yourself off caffeine. Good luck, it CAN be done!
  • mona_patty
    mona_patty Posts: 170
    I gave up soda a while back, I used to drink a lot of regular soda then I switched to diet soda and finally I gave it up.... it's the best thing I ever did. I drink mostly water or green tea. Add some lime to your water (no sugar). Kudos to you....
  • WindyJenny
    WindyJenny Posts: 69 Member
    I went cold turkey New Year's Day. To combat the headaches, I started drinking weak, unsweetened iced tea. Lots and lots of tea. Now I'm down to just 1 or 2 glasses of iced tea a day. No sugar, no artificial sweeteners. I can't even sip at soda. Like a drug addict, I'll relapse. Seriously. My addiction is that bad.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I gave it up June 6th 2012, haven't had a single drop since that day :) You can do it, it is so worth it!!!

    I drink nothing but water.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Drink Green tea instead? Still has caffeine and no calories.
  • Willowjet
    Willowjet Posts: 12
    You can do it! It totally sucks at first, but you can do it! I was a full-on Mt. Dew addict for years and I kicked it cold turkey! I have had a few sprites (back when I got the flu), but other than that, I have been soda free since August! Have faith in yourself! You got this!!! :)
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    I drink a TON of water, so it's not that hard for me to cut out the soda. That being said, I've built one can a day in to my calorie budget and just deal with it. I just like to have something different and I'm not a fan of tea or coffee or really much anything else.
  • emmalauren02
    I really like sparkling water with Stevia drops...I bought the root beer flavored drops and it helps me feel like I'm still drinking soda. :) Give it a try...It will also help you get your water in! Good luck!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I have not had so much as a sip of soda in 2 months. I drank regular coke by the gallon. I'm almost positive coke stock has taken a big hit because of it. I drink water, tea, Sparkling Ice (like a sparkling vitamin water) and my 1 cup of coffee every morning. I honestly don't miss it.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I gave up diet pepsi 9 weeks ago, I did start by reducing and then when it was gone I was done. I have had a few sips (like 2) at a restaraunt from my DH to wash something down, but that is it. The headaches pass, I used these awful Ghiradelli (sp) dark chocolate squares to help, they were so dark and bitter, so now worries about having another habit to kick. I think the ones I ate were 80% or more cocoa, it would take a day te eat one to get past the headaches, it worked for me, those were only about 50 calories each, I only had to do this for a few days, maybe as much as 5-6. I now pretty much only drink water, unsweeted tea and these little flavor packs from Wylers, they are 10 calories each I mix them into 30 ounces of water. It was hard but I am glad I did it, I never really intended to give it up 100% and I may have one from time to time in the future but for now I am happy to not have this habit hanging around.

    I started reducing before the new year, it has been 9 weeks on Monday since I gave it up 100%. I keep wanting to look into drops, and have looked at the Zevia soda, but honestly cannot bring myself to pay 6.00 for a 6 pack of cans.
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    Drink diet
  • cathy0753
    I thought I was going to die when I stopped my Pepsi! I actually had withdrawal. I now allow myself to have 1 can of soda a week. It gives me something to look forward to and easier not to "fall off the wagon". I also drink a lot of seltzer water. lemon lime works for me, but they do have other kinds that are totally FREE.
    I can't drink diet because i get wicked headaches from artificial sweeteners.
  • hr1982
    hr1982 Posts: 1
    I was obsessed with soda and still love it. I used to drink upwards of 6-8 cans a day. I went down to just one with each meal, down to skipping one for breakfast, and now I'm down to half a can for dinner. I just drink water throughout the day. I initially tried switching to Crystal Light, but I was drinking so much of it that my body started reacting poorly to the sugar and gave me serious cramping and blood in my stool, so be careful with that.

    My best advice is to ween yourself off slowly. Start off by counting about how many you have in a day, and then start taking away from that. I compromised with myself and said that would be my one vice, and though I don't drink much of it now, I still find that the caffeine withdrawal isn't anywhere near as bad as it used to be.

    Good luck!
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I gave up soda for lent, but I am not a big soda drinker anyway but I do get in my moods when I want a Dr Pepper or a coke classic
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am seriously trying to quit drinking Coke again, I am down to three cans a day which is a huge improvement. I stopped once before but started back up again when my daughter ended up in the hospital. Do you want a No Soda Buddy?
  • ganjgotme247
    I always say I'm not going to drink it anymore, but I always find myself drinking it.. Good luck!