Fresh eyes on my journal please.

So, I am a working mom trying to make healthy choices. I'm not trying to only eat clean, or spend all my family's money on all organic or anything but I would like to make good choices. I am by no means a fanatic. I have been losing for a while but it's starting to slow down. I'm 61lbs down but I want to lose at least 18-20 more. I've calculated my TDEE (new term for me) and according to that I should be eating more calories but I'm reluctant to jump on board with that. I also wouldn't mind some CONSTRUCTIVE input on my journal from people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
So, with all that in mind, could you help me out?



  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    The hardest thing to do is eat more when you are trying to loose weight. I get it. I lost 96lbs and at some point I had to jump my calories up by about 400 - 500 a day. The hardest thing I did. Then I lost 3 more pounds and hit my weight. It does work. I do the same with my personal training clients. I took a quick look at your log.... it doesn't look to bad. Are you working out? Try eating more..... it is hard mentally, but it will probably work for you! Once you get used to eating more, your body craves it. Wishing you the best.
  • Jessicalg1981
    Jessicalg1981 Posts: 51 Member
    I do work out but very irregularly. I'm working on that. Once it gets warmer it will be tons easier because I have a toddler that despises the daycare at the gym. With warmer weather we walk at the park daily. I've tried doing work-out dvds at home too but she just gets so fussy. Maybe I will try upping my calories. It's such a hard thing to do, I almost feel like I'm lying to myself lol.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    it looks as if you often eat under your calorie goal and over your sodium.
    as your cals are already pretty low, and you aren't eating your exercise cals back, i have to say the classic "eat more"

    I'd also say in terms of quality, you have a lot of days where most of your food is either fast food, frozen dinners, or canned/tinned food.
    cutting back on that a bit would be better.
  • djflowerz
    djflowerz Posts: 23 Member
    You are on the right track. I would recommend replacing your yogurts with low-sugar Greek yogurt and replace your Special K snacks with low sugar protein bars or a protein shake. I am loyal to the Power Crunch brand. You can get them on or I would not eat bananas or peanut butter every day. They are both high in sugar. Replace some of your morning PB with turkey bacon or egg whites. Replace some of your bananas with strawberries or other fruits that are lower in sugar. Replace crackers with raw veggies or a piece of light toast with hummus or a small amounts of nuts. Overall, add more greens: kale, arugula, swiss chard, etc. These help me a lot, as well as legumes. I eat a lot of fiber. I usually use soy milk or almond milk in my protein shakes and with my cereal, although I do use cow's milk sometimes too. I exercise almost every day. Are you not exercising, or just not logging it?
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    Your food journal looks good. A little more exercise that gets your heart rate up would help. Maybe a few calisthenics first thing in the morning to get your metabolism going. You've been getting real results so you know something about what you are doing. It becomes harder to lose the last few so keep at it and be patient. You might consider making large batches of healthy foods and freezing portions so you can easily prepare them after work. If you don't use a food scale, maybe get one to enable accurate inputting of portions. What works for me might not for you, but please feel free to check out my diaries--I'm not perfect but you might get an idea or two. You have the tough part--self-control--so hang in there and you'll reach your goals.
  • legallyill
    I think you should focus on fiber. Add it as a category on your diary and aim way above the daily value. Beans and legumes are amazing for weight loss because they are nutritious and not empty calories and loaded with fiber. I am trying to follow.a policy if just say no to enriched flour and refined sugar but its really hard.
  • Jessicalg1981
    Jessicalg1981 Posts: 51 Member
    Your food journal looks good. A little more exercise that gets your heart rate up would help. Maybe a few calisthenics first thing in the morning to get your metabolism going. You've been getting real results so you know something about what you are doing. It becomes harder to lose the last few so keep at it and be patient. You might consider making large batches of healthy foods and freezing portions so you can easily prepare them after work. If you don't use a food scale, maybe get one to enable accurate inputting of portions. What works for me might not for you, but please feel free to check out my diaries--I'm not perfect but you might get an idea or two. You have the tough part--self-control--so hang in there and you'll reach your goals.

    THANKS! I do use a food scale (it's become a kitchen necessity).

    As I said earlier, I do work out but very irregularly and I'm completely aware that I need to exercise more. It is something I'm working on. I also agree with the processed foods comment. I hardly ever eat fast food except for McDonalds oatmeal and if I do eat that it is only on the days that I have to work at 6am (which isn't often). I'm starting to really watch sodium lately and I'm making an effort to get away from frozen meals and canned soup.

    Thanks so much for all the input, guys!! It's helpful!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Your diet is lacking in greens. Spinach, kale, chard, and dark green lettuces are all good.