If you think counting calories is not a big deal read on

Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....


  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Hope you feel better tomorrow.

    I went out to lunch about a week ago and I ordered dessert to go....it was Mile High Ice Cream Pie. I looked up the nutritional info online....over 1900 calories. So every day, I ate a small portion of it....took me about 5 days to finish it. That's how I try to get around delicious things that have ridiculously high calorie content but are irresistible. :)
  • bizzyeck
    bizzyeck Posts: 45 Member
    There are a lot of foods off my eat list now that I see the calorie counts! It sickens me to know i was putting that in my body!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    look at the calories before you eat! if If you don't want to look at the calories, face it: you know it won't be good. If I go ahead and decide to eat w/o looking, i learned the hard way (like you) that it is 10x worse to look later when there is nothing you can do about it! So I either decide to look and probably forgo the treat (or limit to a very small amount) or not look and indulge.

    we all eat things from time to time that don't agree with our body's newer standards, and we usually pay for it for a day or two. sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it isn't.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    heres the deal , think about this ,

    your grandmas best meal.
    whatever it is ...
    or yours or your favorite, etc ...

    lets take snickers bar, i look at it , and i KNOW its bad .... i KNOW it ...
    but do i look up the calories first , before i set my portion ... yes ...then i set my food goal for that .

    BTW my Cannot resist item... thankfully when I get it , I have to make it ....Dobos torte.. the cookie kind, not the cake... but, i have to make it myself, so thats a safe solution to it .. that being said , .. this weekend is Easter... and guess what is ALWAYS on the menu... yes i will be careful.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    theres no way one slice is 2000 cals.. did you mean 200?
  • lyric911
    lyric911 Posts: 1 Member
    Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    One serving of Papa Murphy's S'mores pizza (1/8 of the pizza) is 258 calories. The entire pizza is 2064 calories.

  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    Are you sure this is right? Doesn't sound right to me. A google search got me to this. Is this the smores pizza you mean? If so, it's 258 calories in one slice and 2064 calories for the entire pizza.

  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    You sound like you had a food hangover! They are the worst. Every once in awhile, I end up giving myself one. And every time, I am reminded why I quit eating those foods in the first place. Sometimes I'm even a little glad when that happens-I have a much easier time breaking up with a food after it has stabbed me in the back by making me feel craptastic.
  • Cake323
    Cake323 Posts: 18
    I had that exact experience yesterday! Got sweet potato wedges, looked at the calories, only 130 per serving, happy days! checked the SIZE of each serving, 3 wedges. Damn. Oh well, I only had 3 (and they were delicious) but I certainly learned that "serving size" on the pack is not necessarily MY serving size
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    One serving of Papa Murphy's S'mores pizza (1/8 of the pizza) is 258 calories. The entire pizza is 2064 calories.


    awwww, ninjad. I didn't see this before I made my post cause I was busy googling it.
  • "If you don't recognize an ingredient your body won't either"
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Your post inspired me to log a typical day before I started dieting. Turns out it was 4,775 calories. My TDEE then was 2,668. No wonder I was considered obese. Yikes.
  • Love it..going to use that the next time...Thanks....^_^
  • I double checked and could not believe what I was looking at....crazy isn't it? I learned a valuable lesson.....
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Yeahhhh been there. Reading nutrition facts is sooo important.
  • Checked the site...Whew...I freaked when I saw that....still I felt like crap the whole day... The whole time I have been on "my fitness pal" I have limited my sugar intake....so it probably figure why the S'mores pizza made me feel like crap...it is so full of sugar...thanks for setting me straight...^_^
  • goNELYgo
    goNELYgo Posts: 7
    Yikes! Yup, all that processed food is super high in calories. I can believe how high the counts are. My husband and I play a game when we are grocery shopping. When we pass be processed food sections we'll "spot-check" the calorie counts and are always shocked at what we see. I think the winner so far was a frozen bean and cheese burrito @ 1,800 calories! Crazy!
  • Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....

    theres no way one slice is 2000 cals.. did you mean 200?

    I checked out a site suggested from another member..I looked at the label wrong....the cal intake is 258....but I learned a valuable lesson...^_^
  • Last night, my daughter brought over a "take and bake" pizza...Knowing I should count the calories, I looked at the label and decided it was okay to have one slice. I have to say the one slice of ham and pineapple was delicious. My daughter also brought over a "take and bake" S'mores pizza. Knowing I should read the label, I just could not get myself to do it - - I guess deep down I knew the calorie count would be high. When I woke up this morning, I decided to look at the label for the S'mores pizza and almost fell over as I looked at the calorie count - - over 2000 calories for one tiny slice. My allowed calorie intake is 1390 I have to tell you that today was the worst I have felt in a long time. I felt so sluggish, could not focus, and my muscles hurt. I decided that no matter what I will now and forever look at the calories I put into my body and decide if it is worth it....just thought I would share.....
    I was just telling my husband that is exactly what it felt like....as you guessed S'mores and I are no longer an Item...lol
    You sound like you had a food hangover! They are the worst. Every once in awhile, I end up giving myself one. And every time, I am reminded why I quit eating those foods in the first place. Sometimes I'm even a little glad when that happens-I have a much easier time breaking up with a food after it has stabbed me in the back by making me feel craptastic.
  • 8lttle10s
    8lttle10s Posts: 2 Member
    thanks for sharing :) You are sooo right it is amazing how one piece of some desserts can be chock full of calories. i made peanut butter cup bars last week and input the whole recipe to figure out the nutrition content. I was shocked that the little bar I allowed myself was over 500 calories and to think before I started tracking calories I'd have eaten atleast 4times as much for a whopping 2000 calories. They are a real treat and my kids love it when I make them but I certainly won't make them often. I just started trying something new to help me say no to the sweets that tempt me each day. Yesterday I baked cupcakes and they smelled heavenly but I passed......Day two they were calling my name. At that point any thing sweet was sounding good but my favorite sweet is ghirardelli milk and caramel chocolate squares. I told myself if I pass on the cupcakes and what ever other sweets tempt me this week I would treat myself to my favorite the next time I went out grocery shopping. I just thoroughly enjoyed my treat with a cup of hot tea and although it kicked me a little above my calorie goal for today it saved me alot of calories for the week.