Shaky and Sick After Cardio?

Hi, I'm a bit shy of posting on the forum like this, but I'm just wondering if anybody knows why I might feel so shaky and sick every time I do a cardio workout of just 20-25 minutes. I feel like I'm in high school gym class again :P I eat really well, make sure to make up for the calories I am burning, and I usually do the "modified" versions of the moves since I am just getting back into this. Thanks in advance!


  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    What kind of cardio are you doing, and how intense?

    Do you warm up properly and ramp up to the harder intensity?

    Do you do cardio on an empty stomach or with a bit of food in your system? Do you stay hydrated before, during and after your workout?

    Do you have any medical condition(s) that may come into play here?
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    I was just reading last night that in the higher heart rate exercises like elliptical that you are able to burn more glucose - well at least more than the percentage of fats. Maybe up your carbs or slow release carb types. Hope you find your balance on this!
  • JurassicKitten
    JurassicKitten Posts: 24 Member
    I do moderate intensity cardio videos (Jillian Michaels and all that) on the modified side for beginners. She definitely pays attention to warm ups and cool downs so that's pretty good. I am very hydrated, lots of water and electrolytes before, during and after workout. I always make sure I haven't just eaten but never workout without having a proper dinner first. I don't have any medical conditions, but I do have problems with my joints, so maybe it's harder for me to move? As for the carbs, what do you mean by slow release carbs? I'm still getting used to all of this and I'm not really sure about all of that stuff yet ^.^

    Thanks so much for replying! I really appreciate it ^.^
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You are exercising out of your fitness range/level. :)
  • JurassicKitten
    JurassicKitten Posts: 24 Member
    That is probably literally all there is to it :P I guess I just have to keep going and eventually I will get used to it and be in better shape :) No more shakiness and feeling sick after cardio is a great fitness goal! LOL
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    That is probably literally all there is to it :P I guess I just have to keep going and eventually I will get used to it and be in better shape :) No more shakiness and feeling sick after cardio is a great fitness goal! LOL

    Yep. I used to get nauseous and throw up after 5-10 minutes of the 30day shred actually. Work your way up there, you can do it!
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    have you been checked for diabetes?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I feel like that if I don't eat enough before working out. It's lagging energy. I try and go workout no more than a couple hours after eating something substantial, like a meal. Not a snack.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    Are you monitoring your heart rate as you work out? I always aim to stay around 135 bpm during my workouts. I'm 25 and thats the fat burning target for me. Talk to the trainers at the gym to find your heart rate so that you don't over exert yourself. You may find it takes less effort than you thought to hit it. Hope this helps. Don't give up =)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I would see a doctor.. I could understand if you are extremely overweight let's say over 300lbs, new to exercise, etc but my first thought was whether you ate before you worked out, how long before you worked out, etc,.. some people get sick from eating right before they workout.

    That doesn't really sound right to me, I would say you should talk to your doctor. You could be diabetic or have some other kind of health issue. It's not normal to get that way after cardio..
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    These are symptoms of low blood sugar. I suggest you get a check up with your Doctor.
    Otherwise it may be that your doing too much, too soon.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Also to add.. what do you eat before you workout? Do you eat before you workout? Try filling up on healthy carb choices.. everyone is afraid of carbs but they help fuel you through your workout
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You are exercising out of your fitness range/level. :)

    That is probably the reason (after reading your responses to my questions ... thanks for that).

    However, call your doc if you dial down the intensity to match your current fitness level and still have problems because there might be something else going on at that point.

    I'd probably have to work my way up to 30-day shred. Maybe start with a Leslie Sansone walking DVD first or something. We all are where we are and start where we start. It's fine. Be safe!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    You mentioned eating a proper dinner first, which is a good thing, but make sure it's not all protein or too low in calories. Get some whole grains in there, and maybe some fruit for short-term energy. And then do your workout no more than an hour or so later.

    It may also just be the wrong time of day for you. Example: I'm a night owl by nature, so even if I have a well-balanced breakfast, if I try to work out before about 10 AM, I'm a wreck. It's just not my body's peak time. 9 or 10 PM, on the other hand? No problem.
  • archeopteryx
    You don't need to go see a doctor, or get checked for diabetes or up your carbohydrate intake :) I used to get this too when i was unfit and had never exercised before, and i'm a small, young girl without any health conditions. I would feel dizzy, nauseous and very shaky. This will go away quite quickly as your body gets used to exercising. Just take it easy and keep following good ol jillian :) Swimming is also a very good way to get into cardio!
  • JurassicKitten
    JurassicKitten Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks a LOT everyone! I really appreciate all the helpful tips and replies :D I will take everyone's responses into consideration and try to find what works for me ^.^
  • Guillotined
    Guillotined Posts: 115
    If its been a long time since you've been in shape, or have never been in shape then its most likely just your bodies response. After I got out of the service I let myself go pretty bad. And it took about 2 months of exercise where I was coughing and feeling like I wanted to die. To the point that I was about to go get checked for asthma. But it was weird, one day I just broke through a wall and just felt like I could run forever. I would maybe build up slower and check your heart rate. Shakiness is a little strange though. So if you have insurance and a good doctor, maybe get your blood work taken.
  • JurassicKitten
    JurassicKitten Posts: 24 Member
    I definitely think I should invest in a heart rate monitor. I know I have had problems in the past on the elliptical with my heart rate getting out of control way too easily. That is a good idea ^.^
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You don't need to go see a doctor, or get checked for diabetes or up your carbohydrate intake :) I used to get this too when i was unfit and had never exercised before, and i'm a small, young girl without any health conditions. I would feel dizzy, nauseous and very shaky. This will go away quite quickly as your body gets used to exercising. Just take it easy and keep following good ol jillian :) Swimming is also a very good way to get into cardio!

    This has to be one of the worst posts ever.. she does need to see a doctor. It's not normal to be "shaky and sick" after cardio. Just because you experienced this doesn't mean it's normal. The best person to advise her is not you, myself or joe blow on the internet but someone who is a medical professional.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I definitely think I should invest in a heart rate monitor. I know I have had problems in the past on the elliptical with my heart rate getting out of control way too easily. That is a good idea ^.^

    Definitely do this.. I just invested in one recently and it's one of the best small investments I've made.

    I was playing soccer today for my exercise and my max heart rate was 204 (I'm 23).. it's good to know these numbers, let's me know that I am doing all kinds of good for my heart