Help! How did you do it???

Ok, so here I am, trying to lose a pesky little 4kg, and I just can't seem to do it! I need to do this the healthy, old fashioned way so I don't just lose it and then gain it back - plus more, but I just can't seem to keep to it. I just came off Body Trim, which I lost 5kg in 4 weeks with, but I just couldn't keep up with all the rules for any longer than that. Now I can't look at an egg or a piece of ham without feeling sick :sick:
I have now decided I just want to eat healthy and I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I have tried to make healthy options, but the relief of being off body trim is getting the better of me! I am also finding it hard without the rules, which is kind of ironic, since the rules are why I quit! I can't seem to find my way back and in only 8 days I have already put on about 1.5kg or more of the 5kg I lost :angry: So you could only imagine how bad I have been eating! My meals have been ok, but my snacks have been really quite bad. I don't know if maybe my body got used to body trim and now any kind of eating that isn't compliant with it will make me put on weight, I hope not...

A few questions....

How did you make the transition into healthy eating to lose weight without crashing and burning?
What foods make healthy eating easier for you?
What does a typical day of eating look like for you?
How often do you have a treat? And what do you consider a treat for you?
Any other advice! I am feeling so down!


  • LaurenLouG
    LaurenLouG Posts: 65 Member
    I'm curious, what are the rules of body trim?

    I eat oats, pretty much everyday. Greek yoghurt, fruit etc.

    A typical day of eating for me is...

    Breakfast of oats, milk, apple, cinnamon.

    Snack of a piece of fruit.

    Lunch of cottage cheese, tuna and salad.

    Snack of Greek yogurt.

    Dinner of a vegetable stir fry, just veggies and beans with spices etc.

    I eat between 1200-1400 and make sure I do an hour of exercise a day.

    30 day shred is a fantastic start! I also love the C25K app, it has made be a runner which I always HATED before.

    As for eating what I like, I do love to drink (I am in my early twenties, after all) but I make sure I earn my drinks through exercise and calorie allowance.

    I think eating nice little hits of protein definitely help and just finding things you enjoy eating so it doesn't feel like a chore!

    Drink STACKS of water, I drink 3litres a day minimum. And tea, green tea, dandelion tea etc will help you feel full, drink them with your snacks and make sure you have water with every meal.

    It also helps to find things which motivate you, I have a particular dress that I try on every morning. I also have a Pinterest board full of motivational pictures which I look at when I don't feel like exercising.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I made a decision I was FED UP with how I looked and felt and knew that if I wanted to change, I was going to have to change hardcore because my previous methods hadn't helped me any. All the diets and weight loss supplements did nothing. It had to be about me and my self-control. And I took it one day at a time. I pre-log my food for the day whenever possible - this helps SO much. I make sure to get enough protein, then fill in the fats and lastly the carbs. I allow for a treat here and there. And then I stick to it as best as possible.

    Protein is slowly digested so it keeps you feeling satiated longer so you want to be sure you are getting enough of this. I try to get 30% of my calories, at least, in protein. Same with fat - it helps feel you up because it is so dense. Carbs aren't bad for you but they are metabolized quickly thereby making you want more food sooner.

    My diary is open if you want ideas. Many people have open diaries.

    A treat - anything can be a treat. I'm not big on deprivation. I just work it into my calories for the day. Right now I am doing the Whole30 (to break a sugar addiction that got out of hand) so a freakin' banana is a treat at the moment, LOL!
    How bad do you want this? Look at food and ask yourself if it will get you one step closer to the new you or one step further and decide if it's worth it. And move your tail!!! But remember you can't out train a bad diet.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    How did you make the transition into healthy eating to lose weight without crashing and burning?

    One step at a time. I tried not to do everything all at once, but each week I made my diet better or added/ changed my exercise routine.

    What foods make healthy eating easier for you?

    I don't like to think of foods as healthy or unhealthy. I eat everything. I just eat less of it.

    What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

    Breakfast - eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese. Lunch - home made soup or salad. Dinner - fish and veg, sometimes pasta. Snacks - cheese, fruit, nuts.

    How often do you have a treat? And what do you consider a treat for you?

    Several times a week - a glass or 2 of wine and some good quality chocolate.

    Any other advice! I am feeling so down!

    You say you want to only lose 4kg - what's your current height and weight? If you're at or near a helathy bmi, then losing any more weight is going to require an awful lot of patience.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thank you very much LaureLouG :) are you losing weight doing this? Or just staying healthy? :)

    Body trim is basically eating 3 meals and 3 snack a day. Meals for a female are 100g protein (150g for a man) and unlimited veggies, and 50g protein snacks. You're not supposed to go longer than 3 hours of eating, and must drink at least 2L of water.There are a few more rules, but that's the basic idea of it. I got sooooooooooo sick of meat and eggs.. but it worked so well.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thank you the_dizzle :) I especially love that you said "you can't out train a bad diet", that has really made me think!

    Thanks Melaniecheeks :) I like the idea of eating what you want still, just less of it! Maybe this will be my saviour for easing into healthy eating! I am 5'5" and this morning I was 58.8kg, I want to be 55kg because I was most comfortable at that weight. I don't really mind how long it takes for the weight to shove, I just really want to stop the gaining first - it's really getting me down.. even though I am bringing it on myself!
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I have a treat most days, I fit it in my calories for the day and I don't get upset if I go over by a 100. I am still losing about 1kg every 2 weeks or so. If I want to stuff my face, I go to the gym for extra calories. And I try and net about 1400 a day.

    I don't eat many carbs, however I am not intentionally following a low carb diet, I just don't really like things like pasta, bread, potatoes or rice so I only have them a couple of times a week.

    For most meals I eat meat or fish with vegetables, and I try and track everything so I get to learn portion sizes.

    Most weekdays I have the same sort of thing for breakfast - porridge with almond milk (I have a mild dairy intolerance so I tend to just eat cottage cheese a couple of times a week and have almond or soy substitute for everything else) or toast with peanut butter if I have bread around. And I have just started with protein smoothies too.
    For lunch I have a different flavour soup and crackers, or I go to subway for one of their healthiest, highest protein sandwiches (turkey & ham with all the salad for less than 300cals)

    I find that I have lots of calories left at the end of the day so I have to snack, but I buy healthier snacks - yoghurt, cottage cheese, carrot sticks, protein shakes or a protein bar.

    I am going to spend this weekend making my own protein bars. They will be my treats for the next week!

    I shouldnt worry too much, with only 4kg to lose, its going to come off slowly, so just keep at it, don't deprive yourself, eat back your exercise calories and be patient!

    This reply is all over the place! My diary is open to friends, if yours is open, please add me!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I found it very difficult; i'm a complete binge eater, would starve myself for a few days and then have a massive blow out on the most unhealthy things imaginable, and was constantly yo-yo-ing in my weight. I still haven't lost my love of junk food, i just control it.

    Make the most of this site; i have found that logging everything, every snack and every little bit of exercise, really helps.

    As for meals, i'm a very spontanious eater, and i hate to deny my cravings, so i don't tend to plan what i eat. I always weigh up the calorie content of what i'm eating though, and if i think it will put me over my calorie intake for the day, i avoid it. The only real meal i eat is dinner, otherwise i'm a 'little and often' kind of person. So i totally can indulge in a jam doughnut every day, it's all about the calories for me. I tend to stay within all my daily allowances, except for sugar. I quite often go over that.

    I know that a lot of people lose weight because they want to be healthy, but to be honest i am more concerned about losing weight. I go to the gym a lot, i'm pretty fit. Every check up i've ever had at the doctor has had me at above average health wise.

    The problem is that it is diffciult to get rid of those last few kg, especially when you are the weight you are. It probably won't be slow, but you will get there in the end. Slow and steady wins the race and all that :)
  • LaurenLouG
    LaurenLouG Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you very much LaureLouG :) are you losing weight doing this? Or just staying healthy? :)

    Body trim is basically eating 3 meals and 3 snack a day. Meals for a female are 100g protein (150g for a man) and unlimited veggies, and 50g protein snacks. You're not supposed to go longer than 3 hours of eating, and must drink at least 2L of water.There are a few more rules, but that's the basic idea of it. I got sooooooooooo sick of meat and eggs.. but it worked so well.

    I am losing weight.

    We have the same stats, same height and I'm currently 58kgs and my goal is 55. I was 63kgs when I started in December.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    How did you make the transition into healthy eating to lose weight without crashing and burning?

    By making small changes that fit easily into my lifestyle. Eating at TDEE -20% allows me to not feel deprived.
    What foods make healthy eating easier for you?

    I have dramatically increased my protein intake (aiming for around 150g per day, previously probably less than 50g per day). Other than that I can eat pretty much whatever I like as long as I stick to my calorie limit.

    What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

    Breakfast: muesli or porridge and a whey shake

    Morning snack: whey shake and snack bar / small portion of nuts or seeds / small slice of cake

    Lunch: sandwich and salad with cheese

    Afternoon snack: greek yoghurt

    Dinner: omellete with veggies and soy sausages or homemade bean stew or vegetable and tofu curry etc etc.

    Evening snack: whatever I fancy depending on remaining calorie allowance

    How often do you have a treat? And what do you consider a treat for you?

    I have what other people may consider 'treats' every day. I consider them food and if they fit in my macros I enjoy them every day as part of a balanced diet.
    Any other advice! I am feeling so down!

    Make small changes that you can keep up long term. Do not pressure yourself to weigh X in X amount of time. Focus on eating well and meeting your fitness goals and the rest will fall into place. Do not put so much emphasis on the number on the scale and use other measures to determine progress such as body fat %, measurements, progress photos and how you look and feel.

    edited for typo.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thank you everyone for the great replies so far :) they're really helpful!

    I went out tonight for dinner... to pizza hut........ all you can eat! I feel so disgusting and bloated now, it's honestly just ridiculous. I am so ready to eat healthy and get rid of this junk! It's making me feel so crap!

    I have a couple of questions, mostly regaurding the replies so far, if anyone can answer, I will be grateful. You may notice I am a bit of a novice when it comes to calorie counting etc. I am very new to this :)

    1) How particular are you when it comes to logging your food? I am finding it really difficult to add different ingredients to make up meals, for example.. a homemade sauce with different elements in it, how do you work out how much you've had of what ingredient? Do you list all of the ingredients and then quarter it, if you've eaten a quarter of the family meal?

    2) What exactly is eating back exercise calories and how does it work? I don't understand how that works if losing weight :)

    3) How does the TDEE - 20% thing work? Since the calorie inatke seems so high, how do you manage to eat the amount of calories while eating healthy? And does anyone have personal experience with it helping weight loss?
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thank you very much LaureLouG :) are you losing weight doing this? Or just staying healthy? :)

    Body trim is basically eating 3 meals and 3 snack a day. Meals for a female are 100g protein (150g for a man) and unlimited veggies, and 50g protein snacks. You're not supposed to go longer than 3 hours of eating, and must drink at least 2L of water.There are a few more rules, but that's the basic idea of it. I got sooooooooooo sick of meat and eggs.. but it worked so well.

    I am losing weight.

    We have the same stats, same height and I'm currently 58kgs and my goal is 55. I was 63kgs when I started in December.

    That's pretty cool our stats are so similar! I was 62.2kg before I started Body trim, but at my highest a few months ago I was 64kg. I got down to 57.1kg, but then quit and now here I am, back to almost 59kg... Pretty annoying, but I promise myself I will get back down! lol
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great replies so far :) they're really helpful!

    I went out tonight for dinner... to pizza hut........ all you can eat! I feel so disgusting and bloated now, it's honestly just ridiculous. I am so ready to eat healthy and get rid of this junk! It's making me feel so crap!

    I have a couple of questions, mostly regaurding the replies so far, if anyone can answer, I will be grateful. You may notice I am a bit of a novice when it comes to calorie counting etc. I am very new to this :)

    1) How particular are you when it comes to logging your food? I am finding it really difficult to add different ingredients to make up meals, for example.. a homemade sauce with different elements in it, how do you work out how much you've had of what ingredient? Do you list all of the ingredients and then quarter it, if you've eaten a quarter of the family meal?

    2) What exactly is eating back exercise calories and how does it work? I don't understand how that works if losing weight :)

    3) How does the TDEE - 20% thing work? Since the calorie inatke seems so high, how do you manage to eat the amount of calories while eating healthy? And does anyone have personal experience with it helping weight loss?

    Read this, it should tell you all you need to know:

    In short, yes you can eat that much and still lose weight. TDEE is your maintenance calories - i.e. eat more you will gain weight but eat less and you will lose weight. It doesn't have to be drastically less. A 20% cut should be about right to lose 1lb per week which is healthy and sustainable.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sounds like it was a low carb plan. If so, the weight you put on once you stopped is probably water weight from replenishment of your glycogen stores so dont be too down. Stick to your MFP plan and you should do fine.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thank you so much :) That was a very interesting read!

    Yes, Body trim is low carb, so I am hoping it's not fat I've put back on! :)
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    A few questions....

    How did you make the transition into healthy eating to lose weight without crashing and burning?
    I started with a few meals i knew i liked, and very gradually-once or twice a week-introduced new foods, like a new side, new kind of fish, ect.

    What foods make healthy eating easier for you?
    Fish, roasted veggies, low cal sauces and dressing...salsa! So much flavor & so few cals.

    What does a typical day of eating look like for you?


    Sauteed chicken pieces or soy chorizo, 1/2 cup eggbeaters, lowcal toast or half a bolani (thin crispy pancake), salsa. Nonfat latte or macchiato sweetened with Tagatose or my lowcal caramel sauce, fat free whipped cream. Between 500-700 cals depending on what exactly i eat.

    I dont eat lunch, cos i eat a large breakfast between 10-12:30

    Dinner: veggies and fish, occasionally a lean cuisine. Salad. Usually 300-400 cals.

    Dessert: 2 jello pudding cups with fat free whipped cream. Around 300 cals for 2

    I come in at between 1200-1500 cals most days

    How often do you have a treat? And what do you consider a treat for you?
    Every night :) cant live without it. I guess its not really a 'treat', then. Just dessert :p. sunday is my free day-i eat what i likee, but i dont go crazy.

    Any other advice! I am feeling so down!
    Keep at it! You'll figure it out. Took me a while to realize i cant eat ALL my exercise cals back, only some. There could be a piece of the puzzle missing and you dont realize it. Just keep at it, switch things up, ect, til you find what works for you.

    Oh-and invest in a good kitchen scale, and weigh your food! You'd be amazed how much over you can go by 'guestimating'.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    A few questions....

    How did you make the transition into healthy eating to lose weight without crashing and burning?
    I started with a few meals i knew i liked, and very gradually-once or twice a week-introduced new foods, like a new side, new kind of fish, ect.

    What foods make healthy eating easier for you?
    Fish, roasted veggies, low cal sauces and dressing...salsa! So much flavor & so few cals.

    What does a typical day of eating look like for you?


    Sauteed chicken pieces or soy chorizo, 1/2 cup eggbeaters, lowcal toast or half a bolani (thin crispy pancake), salsa. Nonfat latte or macchiato sweetened with Tagatose or my lowcal caramel sauce, fat free whipped cream. Between 500-700 cals depending on what exactly i eat.

    I dont eat lunch, cos i eat a large breakfast between 10-12:30

    Dinner: veggies and fish, occasionally a lean cuisine. Salad. Usually 300-400 cals.

    Dessert: 2 jello pudding cups with fat free whipped cream. Around 300 cals for 2

    I come in at between 1200-1500 cals most days

    How often do you have a treat? And what do you consider a treat for you?
    Every night :) cant live without it. I guess its not really a 'treat', then. Just dessert :p. sunday is my free day-i eat what i likee, but i dont go crazy.

    Any other advice! I am feeling so down!
    Keep at it! You'll figure it out. Took me a while to realize i cant eat ALL my exercise cals back, only some. There could be a piece of the puzzle missing and you dont realize it. Just keep at it, switch things up, ect, til you find what works for you.

    Oh-and invest in a good kitchen scale, and weigh your food! You'd be amazed how much over you can go by 'guestimating'.

    Wow! Your menu just got me excited about healthy eating! LOL
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Thank you so much :) That was a very interesting read!

    Yes, Body trim is low carb, so I am hoping it's not fat I've put back on! :)

    As long as you haven't been overeating in cals, it's not fat :)