New Guy Here....Help Please!

Hey everyone,

I'm new to this site,, I am a male 5'10. I started out at 280lbs and am down 36 pounds since I began. I started my diet on Feb 12th and began logging my foods here on March 12th.. I am doing the insanity program and eating under 1580 calories a day and I am trying not to eat my workout calories back (all of my workouts are logged and synced from my fitbit one which I wear everyday all day including when I sleep).

Can you guys take look at my journal and let me know what I can do different if anything at all, I do notice that I am over on my sodium and sugar counts daily.

Any advice would be appreciated



  • Travelgal622
    Travelgal622 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello MFP friend, congrats on the 36 pounds, you are doing great. Keep it up. I can't seem to see your journal except if we are friends. I am more than willing to give advise it you want to be friends. I am Travelgal622, my husband and I have been on our healthy weight lifestyle for close to a year. I am down 81 pounds. Good luck!
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    Hey Gummy Vitamin Guy! :laugh:

    I took a peek at your journal and went back to Sunday. You have done a great job logging everything.

    The first thing that really stood out to me is the amount of sodium you are consuming. :sad: It looked like you were over A LOT every day last week. It can be very hard to reduce the amount of sodium you consume when you eat a lot of pre-prepared foods. Although it may be convienent for us to consume, it definately hinders our weight reduction plans. As you probably already know, sodium plays a major role in water retention. You should try preparing your own foods ahead of time and freezing or storing them for later in the week. Also, really start reading your labels before consuming it. You may want shop for low sodium products.

    The second thing I noticed is that you are not logging any liquids! You should be comsuming AT LEAST 8 glasses of water, coffee, tea, milk, juice, sports drinks....every day. :drinker:

    The information I just passed to you was given to me just a couple of days ago by another MFP member. Your body really needs the water to help metabolize the fat you are trying to burn. I have trouble drinking water (I hate the taste). So I really struggle with getting in 8+ glasses a day.

    Keep up the good work. It will pay off in the end...stay hard at it and give it three to four months. You are well on your way to a whole new lifestyle. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    as before... sodium is way way to high.. the amount of sodium in your intake will make you gain weight. and is not good for your system. also noticed your sugars were high. and you need to drink more water.
  • rmikle
    rmikle Posts: 101 Member
    not enough calories, not enough protein, too many carbs.
  • Suffer4beauty
    Suffer4beauty Posts: 44 Member
    Howdy! I looked at the journal and yes, you go way over in sodium and sugar - but I have been told (and have read several journal articles) stating that high sodium levels aren't too much of a concern unless you have high blood pressure. Too high of sugar on the other had, hinders weight loss and can lead to having Type 2 Diabetes one day (from all the research I've done, natural sugars from fruit don't count too much - I think men are supposed to stick to under 60 grams of ADDED sugar (as in, sugar, not the natrual sugar in fruit that logs anyway) a day if you are not exercising - the amounts of grams that you can have goes up with exercise.
    One way to help is to start substituting. I see that you like egg sandwhiches in the morning. Make your own. Scramble enough eggs to last for 3 days (not longer, don't want to eat cooked food 4 days longer) and toast some Extra Fiber or Whole Wheat English Muffins. You can add sliced tomato or bell peppers to the top of the egg. For your snacks - have only one "bad" snack (like the vita cookie or the Fiber One brownie) a day - have almonds and/or fruit for a snack. You can use vanilla yogurt to dip fruit in if you want a little sugar to make the fruit better.
    Your sauces are a lot of calories. Start toning back. Not all at once and not to quickly. For example, when first eating butternut squash, it was only palatable to me if I roasted it first and then added 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of Maple syrup. Each time I made it, I put a little less so that by the end of the first month I only put 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon syrup. Months later I eat it with only added garlic and cinnamon - the thing is, I didn't just pull "the good stuff" - I pulled just enough to where I would think "a little more would be nice, but this is o.kish" because the first couple of times it will just be "o.kish" but then your taste buds-to-brain connection will adjust to expect the new level of taste (hotness or spiceyness in you case since I see you like hot sauce). Once it seems better than "o.kish," pull back a little more.
    Eat lots more fiber. Fiber makes your digestion slow down so that you have less triglicerids (don't know how to spell that) in your system all at once and helps clean out your colon of gunk. Check the fiber levels in your starches (pastas and breads) - the more natural fiber the better.
    Lastly - make sure you eat enough. If you eat too few calories - as I suspect you are sometimes - your body does truly go into starvation mode. I suspect that you need to eat at least 1,500 calories daily - if you eat less, your body will definitely try to hold onto fat calories. Also, on this note of calories - fluctuate them a lot each day. If you only eat roughly the same calories each day, your metabolism will slow down to match that pace and then you won't lose weight as quickly. Based on your journal, you do indeed fluctuate your calorie intake each day - which keeps your metabolism "on its toes," so to speak, but you are frequently going too low in calories (I suspect, I may be wrong). Use 1,500 calories as the lowest base to hit and then go up to 1,800 sometimes (and sometimes even higher - we must treat ourselves occasionally or we won't last!).
    Overall, keeping your total calorie deficit to no more than 1,000 a day (between the 500 less the program tells you to eat and then 500 in exercise) you will actually see better results - build muscle faster, etc - because more than that and your body will begin "eating" muscle calories first because they are easier to break down for energy than fat cells. The strength exercises helps to reduce this problem, but again, it is a problem if you "over" short yourself calories (especially if you eat less than your recommended bare minimum amount of calories). Eat enough calories, you will build even more muscle even faster which will, in turn, help you to burn more calories throughout the day.
    Hope this helps!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'd suggest preparing most of your meals from scratch to get your sodium down. Pay close attention to sodium content when you're buying things like bread, cheese, salad dressings and especially canned goods. Skip the frozen food section as much as possible, because that stuff is LOADED with sodium. Aim for less than 2500 mg of sodium/day.

    I switched from tracking sugar to just tracking carbs. It's still good to make an effort to limit sugar, but tracking sugars on MFP isn't very effective.
  • QuHeCTiC24
    QuHeCTiC24 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for the responses and taking the time to look at my food journal everyone!

    I am going to try and prepare more of my foods more although I do struggle in the kitchen and especially with time (work schedule) but I am going to start preparing breakfast and cut some of the "packaged" snacks and replace them with fruit.

    I will not give up on my gummy vitamins since they are delicious and are the only way for me to actually consistently take any vitamins!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    First of all congratulations on your loss! That is awesome!

    I agree that the sodium is way too high but then again I am a sodium nazi because I know how much it affects ME, so take that with a grain of salt. :bigsmile:

    1580 and not eating back exercise seems way to low to me! I started at 257 and was at 242 this morning (8 weeks in) and I eat 2030 and eat my exercise back. I lose a steady 1.5 lbs a week.

    How did you arrive at that number?

    That said, it looks like what you are doing is working well for you.
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    I will not give up on my gummy vitamins since they are delicious and are the only way for me to actually consistently take any vitamins!

    I hope you know I was just kidding about the gummy vitamins! Take them any way you can (although they may contribute to extra sugar in your diet)! lol

    Stay at can do this! You have have to MAKE time for taking care of YOU. Even if that includes getting up earlier to make breakfast, or like me skipping a tv show to spend an hour preparing foods for later in the week.

    Good Luck!
  • QuHeCTiC24
    QuHeCTiC24 Posts: 32 Member
    First of all congratulations on your loss! That is awesome!

    I agree that the sodium is way too high but then again I am a sodium nazi because I know how much it affects ME, so take that with a grain of salt. :bigsmile:

    1580 and not eating back exercise seems way to low to me! I started at 257 and was at 242 this morning (8 weeks in) and I eat 2030 and eat my exercise back. I lose a steady 1.5 lbs a week.

    How did you arrive at that number?

    That said, it looks like what you are doing is working well for you.

    I put my weight at 280 and when I signed up on here, I put 2lbs a week and sedentary due to my job (sitting at a desk all day) and they gave me around 1750 calories for the day. I finally weighed myself again 2 weeks ago and they changed it to 1580. I do insanity 6 days a week (half way through my 7th week) so that burns a lot of calories but I do feel like if I eat those exercise calories back it completely negates my hard work for the day and I haven't been hungry where I need to eat them..............yet.
  • QuHeCTiC24
    QuHeCTiC24 Posts: 32 Member
    I will not give up on my gummy vitamins since they are delicious and are the only way for me to actually consistently take any vitamins!

    I hope you know I was just kidding about the gummy vitamins! Take them any way you can (although they may contribute to extra sugar in your diet)! lol

    Stay at can do this! You have have to MAKE time for taking care of YOU. Even if that includes getting up earlier to make breakfast, or like me skipping a tv show to spend an hour preparing foods for later in the week.

    Good Luck!

    I know you were joking about the gummies and yes they are adding to my sugar problem but I figure they are worth since I am consistently taking them where as I would conveniently forget to take real vitamins in the morning lol

    Thanks for the advice, I am going to try preparing breakfast when possible and see if that helps at all
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    not enough calories, not enough protein, too many carbs.

    Totally agree.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    not enough calories, not enough protein, too many carbs.


    Feel free to add me I'm allways open to new friends
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    First off, congrats on the weight you've already lost. That's an amazing accomplishment in itself and you should be really proud.
    Second, I think your journal/diary is only visible to friends so I'd advise adding a few people (if you're comfortable with that) so that they can view your food logs.
    Best of luck to you!