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MsCoconut Posts: 35 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok I have always had irregular periods...I have been on my period about 2 weeks now. I am eating right and working out but not losing any weight since I started my period. I know I am retaining water but with everything else shouldn't I have been losing atleast alittle weight. If it is not my period, what am I doing wrong?

Adding: I have lost 6 pounds since I started eating better and working out. I had lost 3 before starting with MFP. I eat about 1200 cals and burn atleast 500 a day about 5 days a week.


  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
    Last month my period was 3 pregnancy tests and a week and a half late! Talk about a freaking STRESSFUL week.. come to find out it was from all the exercising I was doing. I am not sure why yours is so long though.
  • MsCoconut
    MsCoconut Posts: 35 Member
    Once is a while that happens, I have 2 week periods before :0(
  • griffswoman
    griffswoman Posts: 30 Member
    It could be your body adjusting, might be worth seeing your doctor just to check all is well
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I wouldn't be worried about not losing weight if you are on your period... I *always* retain water which goes away immediately afterwards. But I would give your doctor a call about a 2 week period just to see what could be going on there.

    As for weight loss in general... are you eating the calories you burn off through exercise? Also, being at 1200 now seems low for the amount of weight you are looking to lose. If it were up to me, I'd increase your calories for a bit and then put them at 1200 when you get closer to your goal.
    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    Yeah please check your doctor to see what is going on.Period for 2 weeks don't seem right at all.

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  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I have to agree with melody. I retain alot of water then, and it goes right away the next week. I usually gain a pound or two back during it also. I tyr to really watch my sodium intake during that time. My period has changed since I started trying to loose weight. It is a week earlier now then what it use to be. I use to be 3-4 days and now have went to 5-6 days. And I know this is getting really personal, but it's how we know by hearing it from someone. My flow is alot thinner then it use to be, almost like water and a brighter red. Please call your doctor about how long this time has been, and at least ask if it could be from your diet/exercise change, or if he/she wants you to come in to be seen. Please let us know what you find out. Mel
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I went to my midwife recently and told her I was starting to go through menopause. Well, after checking me all out and then discussing my weight loss she enlightened my on a little fact. The sex hormones are fat soluble...meaning that they travel throughout your blood stream (from brain to ovary) dissolved in the fat. (This is why runners, extreme athletes and people who suffer from anorexia often times do not menstruate,) As a result of this for every 10 pounds that we lose our bodies need to hormonally "re-set". Your body could just be re-setting.

  • Not sure of your situation. Did you recently just have your child? Or are you on any type of birth control those also play big parts into. I know I bled daily for like 6-7 weeks after I gave birth to my daughter then stopped for like two days and then started my period. When I started excersise started to bleed again just a little and my doctor told me that was my body simply just adjusting to my workouts it stopped after like a day. My sister in law has IBS and sometimes has periods for a month or so at a time, poor thing!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Ouch! What a pain. I'm sorry to hear this!!!! It is probably due to new diet/exercise routine, but 2 weeks of period straight is weird. I would check with your doctor because a period for too long could leave you anemic, especially if you are dieting. Did you recently change anything (go back on the Pill, off the Pill, I know you have kids, so any other changes there?)

    In the last 6 weeks of my new "lifestyle change" of diet and exercise, I was late 5 days with my period and it wasn't bad at all (usually they are) and then this week it came 5 days early and it was awful!

    Hope it goes away soon!
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    since i started my weight loss journey - all sorts of strange things have happened to me - my cycle went from 28 days all the way to 72 days and now its back down to 34 days! I spoke to my doctor and he said because of the amount and intensity of exercise - plus my change in diet has caused my body to go into a state of flux and it will even itself out

    re: no weight loss - I go up approx 5lbs around 3 days before my period and I stay there till i finish! I don't even get on the scales till i finish and it is always a pleasant surprise!
  • rero
    rero Posts: 24
    HI, both myself and a friend of mine had the same problem as you, irregular periods and odd gaining. while it is alot of times genetic you can force your body to go to a regular schedule if you use certain Superfoods. ever since i started taking them i've started losing weight on top of have my T.O.M come almost the same day every month.

    People with irregular periods tend to have a greater fluctuation in weight and tend to keep weight on for longer periods of time (my doctor went over this with me). so my superfood helps to regulate most of the hormones in my body while detoxing for overall health. but talk to a doctor first before you try anything new. :smile:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    HI, both myself and a friend of mine had the same problem as you, irregular periods and odd gaining. while it is alot of times genetic you can force your body to go to a regular schedule if you use certain Superfoods. ever since i started taking them i've started losing weight on top of have my T.O.M come almost the same day every month.

    People with irregular periods tend to have a greater fluctuation in weight and tend to keep weight on for longer periods of time (my doctor went over this with me). so my superfood helps to regulate most of the hormones in my body while detoxing for overall health. but talk to a doctor first before you try anything new. :smile:

    Rero....what superfoods do you eat?
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