New Starter Needs Support !!!!!!!!

Hi Peeps, My Name is Carl, i am currently 290 lbs -132 kg i do not look my weight buy feel it when running
i resently put on 2 stone since christmas and am now the biggest i have ever been, i knew i would put the weight on as i have packed in smoking, by the way very very easy to do well for me anyway 10 years 15 aday all over yippy =

so cigs stopped now time to fix me i could really do with people to rally me on and talk to drop me a friend request

cheers for stopping by

Carl x


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Hey man, I was there (started at 314) and I know its not easy, but its obtainable.. you just gotta start eating right and it will happen, lots of support here, if you need anything let me know
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Rock and roll, Carl! If you can quit the sticks, you can do anything :)
  • cynditoney
    cynditoney Posts: 90
    congrats on quitting smoking!! You CAN do this, too!! Friend request on it's way!:flowerforyou:
  • blugoogirl
    blugoogirl Posts: 41
    Congrats on stopping smoking Carl! Amazing you found it easy! Shame about the weight, but hey what goes up must go down! It;s the same for everything, so with a little dedication (MFP's really helpful) you'll see those numbers on the scale steadily drop.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    congrats on the huge hurtle of quitting smoking....
    now put that drive into getting to a healthy weight and you will be a double success....
    use this site as much as you will definitely help you be successful....
    get friends added to your profile based on goals and similar stories or just if someone strikes your fancy based on what they post...i just did the food/exercise part of the site for a few months and finally hooked up to the community part over the last month or so and can honestly tell you i have never felt more supported let alone by "strangers" with a common goal...
    we're all here for the same reason....
    good luck on your journey...
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Absolutely! I agree with the others. If you can quit smoking, you can definitely do this!

    Way to go! Good for you for taking charge of your life!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I need to quit smoking, I have a goal and when I get to that goal I promise myself I will quit this time forsure because theres alot of things I love to be able to do and smoking doesnt help. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me.
  • 2daughtermom
    Look at all the extra years you will add on with not smoking. Congrats!!! That's a step in the right direction to better health. Sending friend request.
  • stuttgartchick
    Hey there!

    Signing up for this is a good start ! We have all been there and know the struggle i guess. I went 51 lbs by myself. been on here for like a week and a half dropped only 3 so far but the last few go slow.
    Anyways good luck and you will find lots of support here and the food log helps me a lot ! sometimes i am surprised by how many calories i have left over each day :-)

  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Hey Carl! Welcome to MFP. It's the right place to be if you want real results. Log your food every day as well as your exercise. It'll teach you a lot about what you eat and how you eat. You'll learn what to let go of and what to eat more of. Everyone here is very supportive and here to keep you motivated. Congrats to you on giving up the smokes!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Carl, my friend, you are in the right place for support, encouragement and honesty!!!! We all have the same goal ~ get healthy and lose weight. You are such a rock star for putting down the ciggie butts, I want to quit, but am afraid it will be counter productive since I'm just now losing weight. I would probably have a nervous breakdown if I quit, kept up my food diary and exercise only to weigh and find that I've gained weight!!!! So I have decided to tackle one goal at a time. But I have honestly cut back a lot, especially because when I work out, I need every single breath I can get :) I will be sending a friend request and WELCOME:flowerforyou:
  • TJ39
    TJ39 Posts: 17
    Hiya, i need to lose a lot too and gave up smoking 18 months ago, good luck hun :) x