I fell of the wagon and get get back on :(

Hi there, i was doing so well from September 2012 but then the middle of February hit and for no apparent reason i just stopped everything i was boxing with intense cardio with some weights and recording everything i ate on MFP, losing weight and toning.

I am quite depressed all the time and exercise helps me to keep my head up, this time the thought of picking myself up and starting again seems impossible and i have no energy to do it altho i really want to

have any of you been though this kind of crash how did you pick yourself up any help would be so much appreciated thankyou!


  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member

    Are you on meds to help with the depression? Every year in January-March I go through a slump. It's usually related to SAD and the gloomy weather. I know to go to my doctor and get on a low dose of anti-depressants to help get through. Also taking Vitamin D and B12 daily helps significantly. You're going to have to find the motivation to do it until things kick in and start working....commit to so many days a week for so many minutes...up it as you are able. Gotta get those endorphins going again!
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    thanks, im not on meds i cant stand them the women in my family all have them same problem but meds has never done them any good, altho ive never thought of taking them for a just a short time to get through this kind of slump maybe i should give that ago,

    endorphins are the key its taking those first few step while i have none are the worst :(
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Hey everyother day i fall of the wagon . I was suppose to have lost 3 kilos since Jannuary , i lost 0. But everyday i log my fod, even if if it goes over the limit everyday. I am on a " fall of a wagon dieter " since 2009 i havent lost everything i wanted or as fast, but in total ive lost 20 kilos ( 44 lbs ) . If you cant give 100 per cent give 50 , is better then nothing.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Sadly, for me, I usually get back into my routine when my level of disgust with myself outweighs my lack of motivation. This can take anywhere from a week to a couple months. But hey, two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward. So we'll come out ahead as long as we keep going.... is there anyone in your life that can help motivate you in person? Usually once I get that first workout or two in, I don't have any trouble keeping going, I just need an extra push to get restarted.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    seasonal depression. if you don't want to take an anti-depressant. Try taking 5,000 mg of vitamin D along with a regular multi-vitamin. During these months, most people are vitamin D deficient because of not being in the sun enough.
  • I fell off the wagon and then it ran over me. I am trying to get back on track too. I take an anti depressant too.. hopefully it will get better as the spring get's in to swing.

    I hate how I look so when my self-loathing overcomes my emotional eating, i will hopefully lose again.

  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I had the same problem in January but in February I decided (key word - you decide!) I was done with it. Eating right and going to the gym are a choice. You have to get up every day and choose life instead of lethargy. Once you start doing that, the depression should fade. Another great cure for depression is volunteerism. When you're focused on helping someone else, your own problems seem to fade into the background. I believe there are cases of depression that need medication, but not all. If you get active and still feel depressed, you might want to seek some help.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    Good luck :) It is an awfully gloomy season!!
    I take Vitamins D and B and fish oil as well. Sometimes a few minutes in a tanning bed can give you a nice pick-me-up :).
    Looking at the success stories on here is always motivational to me. If anyone else can do it, so can you!
    Also since I've been living a healthier lifestyle I've cut waaay back on alcohol. I realized what a depressant it had become for me!
    You can friend me if you want :) Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • ashj3nt
    ashj3nt Posts: 7 Member
    I thought I may have been just lazy, but maybe there is a reason I feel like this... My family and I just went through a HUGE move... States away from the rest of the family and I recently lost my mom. I just dont feel like exercising. I used to enjoy running outside with one of our dogs, but the new area has me scared--as I have no idea who is out there... I have managed to maintain my weight here at the new home/life... but maintain isn't what I really want to do. I NEED to get rid of these lbs....

    I'm going to try taking in some extra Vitamin D. :)

    But to _Nyx_.... Just know you aren't alone. Sounds like there are quite a few people out there suffering from similar problems. Maybe we can get through this together?!
  • Spicydeene
    Spicydeene Posts: 37 Member
    I worked out and logged food daily for 6 months leading up to my October 2012 wedding. Once the wedding was over, I felt I needed to take a honeymoon break and I did - for 5 months. I gained back almost the weight and inches I lost.

    Early Feb I started ramped back up again. Started with a zumba class or 2 per week and logging at least 3x per week.

    It took time but I'm back up to speed. 4 zumba classes per week and 2 bodypump classes and logging food intake everyday. I have alot more energy and my mood has certainly improved. **Note - I'm not any medication, nor am I supposed to be**.

    I can only describe it as "seasonal" - I tend to stop working out between Nov and Feb and eat a ton of comfort food. Something I have to learn to work with. It's spring now - time to work!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Yes, it happened to me in a big way. The best thing I did was seek professional help!
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    I've suffered from depression for my entire adult life. Meds work well but what really helps me is a good multi (i.e. Centrum). I don't know why but my doctor said she's seen this before. Now that I'm exercising I fnd that it also helps tremendously, possibly because I'm out doors and getting some much needed sun and fresh air.

    Just for today take a walk outside. Not long, half an hour or so. It may help. However, if you still feel depressed after another month or so please speak with your doctor. The newer meds have far fewer side effects; you don't need to live with depression.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i think the fact that you've realised it and asked for help/if people have had the same is a positive step already. definitely suggest vitamin D and i think start your exercise back slow with a short jog or small amount of cardio in the house and see how you feel. i find it daunting to start up again, but several times i've gone for a jog thinking i'll only do 10 mins and ended up carrying on for half an hour. try not to think of it as 'starting up' again but just introduce a few bits and work your way up.

    hope it goes well :)
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    For as long as I remember I have struggled from mid-January through late March or April (S.A.D.). I have gone the seasonal antidepressant route, but this year began taking B-12 sometime in December.........NO S.A.D. THIS YEAR!!

    As for "getting back on the wagon" my suggestion is to STOP HAVE THE INTERNAL DIALOGUE with yourself. By that I mean when it's time to go work out and you begin thinking "I really don't feel like it today" or "Maybe tomorrow" or whatever your discussion with yourself is, STOP!! Stop thinking about it, just go/do. It's not easy at first, but I get up at 4 am to go to the gym Monday through Friday, and trust me I have a variety of thoughts rush through my brain. I just throw the covers back and get my feet on the floor, and rely on auto pilot to get me through getting dressed. At that point, I'm no longer thinking about how much I don't want to go workout, because I've already made forward progress.

    I've worked in mental health for 14 years, and had my own struggles at different points in my life, so I feel your pain. Trust me when I say just try to take the conversation with yourself out of the equation. Stop trying to convince yourself to go workout, stop telling yourself you're a loser for falling off the wagon. Rely on auto-pilot / muscle memory to get yourself to the gym. Think about your weekend plans, or the next pair of shoes you're going to buy, or what groceries you need to pick up, or ANYTHING ELSE while you're driving to the gym. this is a great way to win the war without showing up for the daily battles!

    Take care, and rely on whatever support system you have.......and maybe try the B complex vitamins (though you need to give them time to build up).
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    Hey everyother day i fall of the wagon . I was suppose to have lost 3 kilos since Jannuary , i lost 0. But everyday i log my fod, even if if it goes over the limit everyday. I am on a " fall of a wagon dieter " since 2009 i havent lost everything i wanted or as fast, but in total ive lost 20 kilos ( 44 lbs ) . If you cant give 100 per cent give 50 , is better then nothing.

    so positive! the docs say thats the best way to lose it anyway its more likey to stay off your doing great!
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    Good luck :) It is an awfully gloomy season!!
    I take Vitamins D and B and fish oil as well. Sometimes a few minutes in a tanning bed can give you a nice pick-me-up :).
    Looking at the success stories on here is always motivational to me. If anyone else can do it, so can you!
    Also since I've been living a healthier lifestyle I've cut waaay back on alcohol. I realized what a depressant it had become for me!
    You can friend me if you want :) Best wishes :flowerforyou:

    thats very true, i love a few beer a the weekend ah i hate giving it up but i know it has to be done at least till i get back on my feet
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    Hahhaa is my inner dialogue that loud! what you said is spot on its as if i have a little fat person living in my head who just loves to be lazy and warm and fat!!

    i never thought of it that way before... rely on auto pilot, no thinking just do it, it'll be hard but i think its what i need to do thank-you!
  • _Nyx_
    _Nyx_ Posts: 11
    thankyou so much everyone for replying, its the kick up the butt i need and the help! xo
  • sessygail
    sessygail Posts: 44 Member
    I am giving this one a bump to follow up later as I have been through a long stretch (3 or 4 months)off the wagon and am just getting my groove back.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    have you thought about trying the SAD light therapy? I am thinking about giving it a try, as I feel like you do...did well, lost 20lbs, then got depressed and pretty much gave up...HANG IN THERE! I am slowly pushing myself back into it...you can do it!!!:flowerforyou: