When should I start noticing changes?

I have completely changed my diet, cut out all of the sodas, fast food, a lot of processed stuff. And I have been working out 4-5 times a week. I have started to noticed some changes with my body, but nothing major. I started a month ago, and haven't seen any weight loss. I am drinking water a lot more than I am used to. I am wanting to lose at least 50 pounds. Ahhhhh, it s just kinda of a down feeling when I realize I haven't lost much. What should I do?


  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    give it time. Rome was not built in a day. If you just started exercise then you are going to be putting on some muscle for awhile. Once that starts you will start to see the numbers come down. But as long as the numbers are not going up then you are probably losing fat. Start taking measurements and comparing those I would say no more than twice every two weeks.

    Also keep an eye on your sodium intake. That can help retain a lot of water.
  • jesseviexo
    jesseviexo Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah the 8 pounds is what I think I lost but I feel like it has just been put back on, if that makes since? I have hypothyroidism so I know it's like extra hard to lose the weight but I am gonna keep trying, just hope I don't fall off.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Yeah the 8 pounds is what I think I lost but I feel like it has just been put back on, if that makes since? I have hypothyroidism so I know it's like extra hard to lose the weight but I am gonna keep trying, just hope I don't fall off.

    8# in a month is 2# per week which is totally normal. Yes your thyroid will cause some hiccups for you but nothing that can't be overcome.

    Watch your sodium. If it comes in a box or a plastic bag you are eating the wrong food. Eat clean fresh food whenever possible.

    Don't just use the scale as your only tool. The mirror, how your clothes fit, etc should also be indicators of progress. If you have the funds I'd get an Omron Body Comp Meter (Amazon $30). It will tell you your Body Fat % and BMI. As long as the BF% keeps going down the scale can stay on one number (and usually does LOL). But still you are losing fat and gaining muscle which is what you want. You don't want to be skinny-fat. There are plenty of 110-120 pound women out there who are sitting at high body fat percentages.

    Be patient while your body adjusts. You are throwing it a curve ball by suddenly changing everything. A new diet, a decreased amount of food, and increased demand for exercise, etc. will shock your body. Just take it easy and it will all click.
  • jesseviexo
    jesseviexo Posts: 21 Member
    That's what the scale said but then I got back on it a few weeks later is had went back up. I don't own one so I barely even get on one.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    As seen on Pinterest........

    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing.
    8 weeks for your friends to notice.
    And 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.
    Give it 12 weeks.

  • sml8765
    sml8765 Posts: 5
    Hi,i am a stay at home mom +trying to loose at least 10 -15 lbs. I excersise 5x a week and have cut out pop entirely and most sweets.Once in a while I eat a cookie or 2 when I bake them for the family. If someone could give me there thoughts on this. if I had something to go by as to what to eat might help,A plan you know ? if there is anyone who could help me get started,would be appreciated. I drink a lot a water,at least 6 glasses a day. I know I have developed a lot of muscle,but not seeing much weight loss.
  • sml8765
    new to fitness pal. What does your meal plan consist of ? I would like to get a plan +stick to it. Get some ideas . Serious about loosing some weight.