TDEE and Calorie question

Here we go again. I know this is the most asked question and I have read lots of threads on it and just when I think I have it down someone gives me contradictory information. For starters I'm a 46 year old female. I'm about 5'2" and weigh 130.5 lbs. According to my TDEE is 2,579 calories a day. I workout 5-6 days a week. I either run on the treadmill or do the elliptical for 3 miles 5x a week. I do 55 minute Spin classes 3x a week. I do strength training for 30 minutes 3x a week. I will also do crunches, push-ups, some walking and little extras like that a day too. I have been eating around 1440 calories a day, some days a little less and some days a little more but not more than 1600 calories a day very often, maybe every two weeks or so I might have a day that I eat more than 1600 and sometimes it's not even that often. Today they gave me a free fitness goal assessment test at the gym. The trainer there said I should knock my calories down to 1200 a day. I wanted to cry. Seriously. I have workout friends that tell me 1200 is too low and I should be eating more than I do now. I have cut out white breads and rice, drink water, and try to eat as healthy as I can. Is 1400 really too much for me? Is that extra 200 calories ruining my workout efforts? Confused, somewhat depressed, and often very hungry. lol Suggestions???


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm a little bit older than you, started out the same size. I had to go to 1200 calories and not eat back exercise to get to 115. I maintain now on 1350 and still don't eat exercise back to hold that weight.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    You probably need more than 1400 if you are working out that much. Use this calculator to see how many calories you should be eating:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No way on the 1200 - wouldn't be enough for you and all your activity unless you ate all your exercise cals back, and even then it might be too low.

    Great info on finding the right goal here:
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I'm a little taller than you, a fair bit heavier and aiming for around 1300 calories per day. I don't exercise as much as you do, overall. I think the calculated calories are just a place to start. If you are maintaining a calorie level and not losing, you need to change "something". It could be how many calories or how much you exercise. It could also, based on some articles I've read recently, be when you eat, when you exercise or the balance between carbs, protein and fat in your diet. If you really up the fiber (slowly or you stall your GI tract), you may not feel as hungry. My 300+ calorie lunch totally stuffed me - lots of lettuce, a couple of servings of black beans and some sun-dried tomato. Before I started watching what I was eating, I ate a lot of low bulk high energy "junk" and rarely felt full/satisfied.
  • cararickel
    cararickel Posts: 22 Member
    Perhaps it would be worth it to go and get your body metabolism tested so that you have a definitive number to start with. Some folks have naturally low (or slow) metabolisms, which don't fit into the average calorie ranges. Also, get a heart rate monitor so that you can accurately calculate the calories you burn. Finally, measure and weigh what you eat for a week so that you know you are accurately recording your calories in. Between these three things, you should get a complete and accurate piucture of what your body is doing and your question of "what the heck is going on?" will be solved.
    The main thing, though, is don't get frustrated and give up. Whatever your weight, all that exercise you're doing is making your body stronger and healthier. You may not be a size 6 today, but your heart is ten times stronger than when you started. In the long run, that's more important than any number on the scale! Keep up the good work! :)
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    I would question your trainer's qualifications and education...seriously.......I trained with personal trainer...he provided me with nutritional plan and it was nowhere near where your trainer wants you to be....with as much exercising as you do there is no way you should be eating 1200 a seem to be right on track with about 1600 calories per day...if you work out and keep your caloric intake that low you will start messing with your metabolism and it might do you more harm than good....but that would be my personal oppinion :) Good luck....
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you so much for the responses ladies!! Went on the fat to fit radio site and found out that I'm really undereating. So I will disregard what the trainer said and even add a couple hundred calories to my daily diet to get around 1600 a day, which according to the site is still a little low for me but I want to add slowly and see how it works for me. Thank you again!! Now it's time to go EAT some lunch!! Woo Hoo!!