Soon to be 27 and finally making a change :)


I'm Jenna, turning 27 on April 2nd and I'm finally making some positive changes. It's been over a year that I've quit smoking and heavy social drinking. That right there was a major milestone in my life as both were considered hobbies of mine. I couldn't go more than a few hours without a smoke and couldn't seem to be social without a drink in my hand. I'm breaking away from that mentality and moving towards a healthy lifestyle. Smoking and my social drinking ALWAYS went hand in hand with me. Then with drinking, fast food became a must!! I can't tell you how many times my friends and I did a food run after a long night out. Then pass out. Horrible!! I look back and think of ALL the empty calories I was consuming in just one weekend!! Now, before I step down off my soap box... I will admit that I still enjoy a night out with a few drinks or a glass of wine but not like before. Moderation is key... and I've learned that it's very important!!

My whole point after all that is simply this, I'm trying to make major changes in my health by cutting out my addictions and all around unhealthiness. It took me a while to realize I was heading down a dangerous path. Smoking was my addiction. Drinking was my addiction. Food was my #1 addiction above both of those.

I've 'dieted' before and failed each time but even though I failed I leaned a lesson from each failure. I came to the realization that 'dieting' was only a temporary fix for a short period of time. I needed something solid and more permanent. Changing how I felt and thought about food was key. Realizing that there ARE options in eating healthy rather than at looking at all the foods I CAN'T eat. Which in reality... most of what I was consuming shouldn't be considered food at all as it has zero nutritional value.

More God made food and less man made food :)

Well that's just a tid bit of my background!! This whole 'public accountability' is very new to me and something I desperately need. Some days I need the motivation to keep going and keep focused. We're on an adventure!! :D

-J :heart:


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Way to go on the decisions and steps you've made so far! This is all about a lifestyle change and it's great you've come to that conclusion already.
    Also, congratulations on quitting smoking. I haven't been able to give it up yet even though I know my fitness will thank me for it... I just can't seem to get off the beautiful nicotine sticks!!
  • fankyskag
    fankyskag Posts: 47 Member
    You have made excellent progress by stopping your smoking and heavy drinking! Well done! As above, it's great that you know this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix - it makes it much easier to handle the ups and downs it throws at you. Welcome to MFP. :smile:
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Congrats on stepping up and making those changes. Keep it up. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some support.
  • pinksparkles4
    Thanks!! It's been a struggle but doable!! :wink: