HELP I am always hungry!!!

I just started MFP last week and i have lost 2 lbs, but i am hungry all the time. i have gone over my calories the past two days which is set at 1200 by MFP. I think about food all the time and I hate it! I found that i am satisfied with 1500-1800 calories but that is too much for me, i will maintain not lose with those calories. I am very short 5'0.5 and my weight last week was 166 should I just maybe eat between 1200-1500 for my sanity :)


  • rachempoo
    rachempoo Posts: 134 Member
    Try increasing your fiber & protein. My favorite breakfast is Quaker oatmeal made with almond milk (it has more protein) with a little vanilla protein skake powder, then I add some cinnamon & blueberries for a little sweetness and flavor. It can get kind of high in calories, but it keeps me full for hours.
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    I eat lots of protein to keep me full...also lots of whole grains. The closer to natural foods are, the better they are for you.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    1) Go read some stories of peoples weight loss in the community. You will see people who eat 1500-2000 calories every day. You CAN eat that many calories - you just need to move some more. You can totally stick with your 1200 though... but you need something that works for you. I'm in a group of girls from MFP and a lot of us are finding that after we upped our calories out of the 1200 mark we ended up losing more weight. We also had more energy which helped up get more active.

    2) Eat some protein!!! :D It seriously helps! Chobani is a good source of protein if you are looking for something light. I always go for some lean meats. If I can't do that I fall on Chocbani, turkey jerky, cottage cheese, and I've even picked up some Special K protein cereal. (I've tried protein powder but it actually really misses with my tummy - so after buying two different kinds I found it was too expensive for me to keep going.)

    Hope you find something that helps!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Try to get a lot of filling for low calories - like big salads with low-fat dressing. If you're still hungry after 1200, have another 100; be slow and careful about increasing. I find the combination of whole grain, fat, and protein fill me up quite well - like old fashioned oatmeal with 1/2-1 tablespoon of peanut butter.

    Good luck. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the right balance sometimes.
  • I wouldnt try body by VI but thats just me take a look at the Ingredients Kosher Gelatin Since gelatin comes from cow hooves, I’m not sure how you get a kosher version of it. Glycerin inhibits the absorption of nutrients, which the capsules are made of. Research has shown that vitamins like this do not allow your body to absorb all of the nutrients. So, why would Body By Vi use it? Because it is cheap to make. Soybean oil – It sounds healthy, but in fact is genetically engineered, and creates numerous problems for the body. It inhibits the absorption of minerals, particularly iron, and is loaded with goitrogens that cause the thyroid to slow down and even the drug manufacturers tell you not to use ANY soy when taking Synthroid because it interferes with the action of the drug; it’s that potent of a problem. Titanium Dioxide Is that natural? I’m pretty sure it is white paint. Head over to an art store and look on a paint can. Look at the ingredients and you will find Titanium Dioxide. Pharmaceutical glaze – an alcohol based solution of various types of food grade shellac. It is also known colloquially in the manufacturing world as beetle juice due to shellac’s derivation from the lac insect Kerria lacca (which is not a beetle, but a scale insect). Trans Fat Each of the “super charged antioxidants” contain 355 milligrams of the TRANS FAT – Magnesium Stearate. You’ll find 39.5 milligrams of TRANS FAT. in the anti-aging pill, and another 80.21 in the Omega Vitals Magnesium Stearate – is a trans fat. It inhibits the absorption of nutrients, by as much as 80%. They do not put it into the pill for your health. It is in there to make it easier for them to make it, sacrificing quality for cost. It is also a known carcinogen. Add to that the fact that they use 20,000 psi pressure to squeeze the pills into a form. This high pressure generates a lot of heat that alters the pill contents.
  • Try Luna protein bars for breakfast! I swear it keeps me full from 7:30 until my lunch at 12. Cookie dough flavor is the best!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    always depends on how much you train...if you burn 500-600 cal a day.... you can add a bit more.
    You need to make sure you don't use all your fuel for the day.

    1200 is pretty low... I can't gain weight and i eat close to 2500 cal a day.

    Maybe check your macro...modified to add more protein or carbs. See what would make you full.

    I was using 40-30-30...carbs,fat, i use 50-25-25 ...
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    like other people have said: protein keeps you fuller, longer!

    I've been having a lot of MASSIVE egg white omelettes for breakfast (1 cup of those egg whites from the little cartons) and add a bunch of veggies (spinach, peppers, onions, mushrooms, asaparagus, whatever), toss in a bit of light feta cheese, pepper (and no salt garlic and herbs) and it is literally a GIANT breakfast and keeps me full!

    also adding chia seeds to smoothies (or protein shakes) helps keep me full til lunch! :)
  • NJackson27
    NJackson27 Posts: 4 Member
    My best advice would be to increase your calories. 1200 calories is really low, and if you exercise AT ALL you need to increase your calories. I was at the 1200 cal mark about a year ago and I noticed I was hungry all of the time too and I wasn't losing any weight. Listen to your body. If you think you're hungry, first drink a big glass of water and if you are STILL hungry eat something nutritious. Remember that everything you put in your body is used as fuel. The better quality of nutrients you put in, the better quality of energy you get out. I eat A LOT of protein and fiber throughout the day too. I save my carbs for early in the day and have lean proteins and veggies at dinner time. 1200 calories could easily be putting your body into starvation mode, which will not help you lose weight. In this situation, your body is saving every bit of fat and food that you put into your body because it doesn't know if it will be fed enough energy to sustain itself. Upping your calories allows your body to loosen the reigns and let go of some of the fat because it will realize that you are going to continue to fuel it properly. It will start using fat reserves for energy, instead of holding on to it for dear life.

    As soon as I upped my calories last year I started dropping the weight like it was nothing. This definitely is not the best version of this, but it's one of the easiest - use this to figure out your resting metabolic rate. Do not eat below that if you work out.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    You don't need to increase your calories.

    You DO need to make sure that what you are eating is low enough in calories to allow you to eat decent sized servings while staying within your calorie goal. Also keep healthy/low cal snacks available (veggies, oyster crackers, etc).

    You just started, so obviously your body isn't used to the reduction in calories/serving sizes yet. It will be though. Feeling this way is pretty normal. It takes about a week or two for your stomach to shrink and not feel like this. It'll be okay. I promise.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    We don't know enough about you to say. How active are you? But in general, you're probably better off upping your calories to 1400 and accepting a slower rate of loss. You'll be happier and your weight loss will be more sustainable in the long run.
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    If you're hungry, then eat!

    I looked back over a few days of your food intake, and I don't see many vegetables recorded. You might want to up your vegetable intake.

    I'm also 5' tall and 49 years old. I net (after exercise) around 1700 calories a day. I was using Dailyplate to log my food, but I'm throwing caution to the wind and eating when I'm hungry and not logging. I got real hung up on logging my food all the time. Some people need it. I got obsessed with it.

    What I'm saying is "listen to your body." If you're hungry, then feed your body. Just make smart choices.
  • NJackson27
    NJackson27 Posts: 4 Member
    Actually, I take back what I said for your particular situation after viewing your food diary. I think you would be better off if you kept the same amount of calories, because it looks like you actually average around the 1400-1500 mark but focus more on quality. I don't see that you are eating very balanced meals and there seems to be a bit of junk food like cookies and M & M's. A treat here and there is great, don't get me wrong. You'll find organic ice cream on my diary but you'll also find TONS of fruits and veggies. I think balancing out your meals, eliminating processed sugars (Oreo's, M&M's etc.) and exercising more will definitely allow you to see results, pretty soon. You will be surprised by how much you can eat when you eat healthfully. You're probably hungry now because the quality of food is low and your not fueling your body properly. Hope this helps :)
  • msagrero08
    msagrero08 Posts: 29 Member
    Everyone is giving you good advise, to me more protein keeps me full, water, and staying busy keeps me from thinking of food.
    Everytime I think i'm getting a "hunger pain" I drink some water, someone told me that you need to learn to tell when your body is thirsty rather than hugnry. It works for me, if that dont help I get something small to munch on. And I litteraly eat in pieaces. My favorite thing that hits the spot if Fiber One, I cut into 6 bite size. and eat through out the day. My cal intake is 1200 as well. Hope it helps. :D
  • NJackson27
    NJackson27 Posts: 4 Member
    I never thought about cutting bars into pieces. I sometimes have a protein bar, but I bet it would be better served if I cut it into pieces and used it like little fuel bites throughout the day. Good idea! I'm going to use it :)
  • pmhaeffner
    pmhaeffner Posts: 3 Member
    Look into following the Flat Belly Diet ae advertised by Prevention and published by Rodale Books. It calls for 1600 calories a day. They promote monounsaturated fatty acids which help to keep you feel fully and helps to melt belly fat. I did it a couple years ago and it worked well. I'm following it again but using MFP. I set my calorice intake at 1400. I feel good - once in awhile I have a hungry feeling day. When I exercise, of course, I'm allowed a few more calories a day. This time around I've lost 6 pounds so far in two weeks.

    Just a thought of something you could maybe look into.
  • LosingV2013
    LosingV2013 Posts: 8 Member
    thanks so much guys for the advice I truly appreciate it! I admit this is my 2nd week and Its hard letting go of the junk, but i look foward to next week eliminating all the junk and filling my food diary with more healthy options. I will also start Zumba next week and I walk and play tennis every other day. By the way my stats are as follows

    Age: 29
    Weight: 166
    Height: 5 ' 1/2 or 5'1 i like to round up (he he)
    Mid Goal 140
    Goal: 125-130
    Dream Goal 117
  • fishhawk1400
    fishhawk1400 Posts: 15 Member
    I looked at your diary. i would suggest eating a serving of fruits or veggies everytime you eat something and dump the cookies and either try luna bars as suggested or some other type protein bar.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Protein and watermelon. :)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    People are going to tell you lovely generic things like eat more protien, drink more water, eat more fiber, eat more often. I was always starving and even once ate 4 chicken breasts with three sides of vegetables on a sitting and still went back for a bowl of cereal, a peanut butter sandwich, a cereal bar, a bowl of blueberries and a handful of crackers. Sometimes this advice does not work. That is when you must look at specifics in your diet and start experimenting. First, I cut out wheat. Viola! I was hungry no more. No one ever believes me when I say that however. I still wasn't losing weight however. When I was discovered to have a candida albicans problem within my digestive tract, I took the necessary dietary approaches to heal from that and almost two weeks in to that I am doing much better. I am no longer starving, I am losing weight, and I can go the whole day with out needing a nap. It may not be what is driving you, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Good luck.