What do you feel about 6 days of healthy and 1 day off?



  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I basically do that. I don't have an entire day of stuffing my face and eating every calorie in the world but I'll have a higher calorie less healthy dinner and dessert. It works for me and I don't eat anything 'bad' the rest of the time because I just don't want it
  • Primrose_au
    Primrose_au Posts: 24 Member
    I do this as part of the Body For LIfe program. I find it works well for me as I can indulge any cravings on the Sunday if I feel I need to. But after successfully losing weight for the last 8 weeks, I find I don't really want to indulge too much and spoil the effort I have put in. Plus, too much food after reduced portions makes me feel horrible.

    Try it and see if it works for you.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I did this 8 years ago and lost 35lbs without counting calories or anything fancy. It was great for dealing with cravings sensibly, taught me how to fit such things into my diet, and kept me motivated. Yes, I am dieting again, but I only put back 25lbs over those 8 years because I changed jobs into a more sedentary role and didn't change my habits accordingly.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    I think everyone is overreacting on this one. I have done this for years and coach others using this kind of method. You are not setting yourself back 2-3 days. It's about caloric intake over the course of a week. You simply eat lower carb and less calories on the six days, which in and of itself, creates a great environment for fat burning. It makes dieting so much more bearable not to mention the physiological and physchological benefits from doing it. Your carb or spike day, has many benefits to losing weight that are not yet understood, but I know from experience, it works. I have worked with people that had been stuck for months and months on a diet, but once a spike day was introduced, they quickly lost 40 or 50lbs. Just because it's not your preference, does not mean it's not an effective and valuable diet that fits a great many people. I recommend around bmr for six days and around 2 x bmr for your spike day.

    I'd be lying if I said I didn't plan to consume considerably more on one or two nights of the week (mostly in the form of fermented hops unfortunately) however it's important to keep in mind that many people who have weight problems already have some psychological stuff going on that they use food to deal with. To suggest to such a person--who may not have much of any knowledge of proper training and nutrition--that they binge instead of learning more moderate eating habits is just not my bag, man. Again I'm not saying it doesn't work or is necessarily bad for your body, but for some it can be bad for their mind.

    EDIT: Also you're talking about strategic refeeds which is a very good strategy, but these people are being coached by you ;) Of course they can't fail.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I try to stay within my calories every day and just alow treats throughout the week. Usually my Saturday is within my deficit, just might not be as big as other days because I may have some drinks or go out to a restaurant.