Catholic MFPs, Good Friday Fast?



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I am not Catholic, but I suggest doing whatever you would normally do on Good Friday... if that means fasting and then having soup that's what you should do this year... ONE day for religious purposes isn't going to "hurt" anything... perhaps tomorrow morning you should make your status something like "Fasting 'til sundown but I'm sure I'll make up those calories Easter dinner!" If your friends can't understand one day a year then they need to move on.. they're holding you back spiritually!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.
    Hun, it's not. People are bored, and they decided to troll your thread. I apologize for that.

    That being said, to echo what everyone else is saying, observe good Friday as you usually would. Much like one day of eating over calories won't hurt your progress, neither will one day of fasting.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    don't let these people get to you. feel free to post whatever questions you want on the forums. there are plenty of good people here willing to offer advice and help, and you'll get all sorts of different perspectives, but unfortunately sometimes people just want to troll...
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Growing up we did not eat all day then was only allowed to eat fish on Good Friday. But my parents are Haitian Catholic.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Why do I feel like I should ask my priest why I've never heard of fasting on Good Friday and I'm 30?!
    I'm not Catholic, but my husband is, and he's never heard of it either. So no worries, you're not alone.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'm Catholic.
    I'm not going to fast, but I won't eat meat either. I plan on doing some running, so If I want to do that and not feel horrible I'm going to eat.
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    I am of a different religion. But I fast for a little more than 24 hours once a week. Including no water. And while I don't know anything about Catholicism fasting on Good Friday, I do know something about friends judging. If you are not defensive, but share your beliefs, that will give them an opportunity to understand you better, or learn not to comment on your food or you'll tell them more than they want to know :)
  • IamD1
    IamD1 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. I'm a fairly new member to MFT and catholic. Fasting is required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting allows one full meal. You are also allowed small amounts of food in the mornig and evening. Also it is a day do abstinence from meat. Fasting obligation is for ages 18 and 59. Abstinence is for Catholics over 14.
    Hope that explains it.
    So for me a small bowl of cereal in the AM,, some fruit, and a light dinner.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    No need to apologize. This is a perfectly good question for a public forum. If the moderators have a problem, they'll let you know.
  • ambootcamp
    ambootcamp Posts: 27 Member
    Proud to be Catholic :) I will not eat meat, but I will eat small meals - no fasting. Happy Easter :)
  • eratess
    eratess Posts: 19 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    This should not be any more insulting to anyone than a Paleo/carb-friendly/no-carb/vegan/etc topic should be. Unfortunately, there are always people who respond poorly to things they dislike/don't agree with/etc. This is why I tend to avoid the forums and stay to myself. There should be no shaming, etc, of anyone. However, this community does not always (usually?) agree and the forums tend to get rough...seemingly, no matter what you post about. I've seen disagreements over a flavor of protein shake. *shakes head*
  • MissMdM
    MissMdM Posts: 124 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    Hun I was going to post this myself. Exactly where you put it. Don't feel bad. I was looking for the same thing. I think you should do whatever feels right. :)
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Live and let live.
  • If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    Your fine, you had a valid question and people are just wanting to be pendejos. Do what you feel you need to do for you. Good luck and Happy Easter! :happy:
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    I was brought up to eat no meat but fish on Good Friday by my parents and while I lived at home I humoured them but since I gained control of my own life, it doesn't bother me. I am not religious and I don't believe Jesus died on the cross so that I couldn't eat meat on a particular day of the year. Same goes for fasting and all the other fun stuff.
  • AlexBoBalex79
    AlexBoBalex79 Posts: 99 Member
    If this topic is insulting to anyone, I apologize. I was unaware that there are groups on MFP and that this sort of question should be placed in those groups. I don't know if there's any way of deleting it. Does anyone know if there is?

    Thank you for those who have answered is a helpful manner. I am glad to know that following my usual fast should not be detrimental and is still something that I should do. The status update is a good idea too. I really appreciate that.

    don't let these people get to you. feel free to post whatever questions you want on the forums. there are plenty of good people here willing to offer advice and help, and you'll get all sorts of different perspectives, but unfortunately sometimes people just want to troll...

    Agreed! These forums are full of great advice, and great people who are SO willing to help.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I'm not sure if there are many practicing Catholics on MFP, but if there are, I was wondering what you plan to do for your Good Friday fast? Are you going to do it? Are you just going to eat your calories after sundown? On Good Friday I normally fast for the day drinking lots of water then have soup after sundown. I'll probably do that again this year, but I'm sure my friends will be all in my face about not eating enough calories.
    I'll have 1-2 very small snacks during the day and a 'meal' after sundown-meal being much smaller than a normal meal...

    Oh. and I'll be baking rice pies and easter breads!!!!!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I was never a devout Catholic despite being raised by a very religious mother. I didn't fast nor give up meat. I just agreed to be slightly less of a nuisance to her.
  • baristanatorLL
    baristanatorLL Posts: 34 Member
    According to modern church law, you can eat one full meal and two small meals (collations) during the day. The two small meals should not add up to more than a regular sized meal. Also, you are supposed to abstain from meat. You are not required to eat nothing all day long and I've never talked to a priest who recommended that. Make sure you drink lots of water since you'll be eating less. I'm a cradle Catholic, and this is how we always did it. :)
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    According to modern church law, you can eat one full meal and two small meals (collations) during the day. The two small meals should not add up to more than a regular sized meal. Also, you are supposed to abstain from meat. You are not required to eat nothing all day long and I've never talked to a priest who recommended that. Make sure you drink lots of water since you'll be eating less. I'm a cradle Catholic, and this is how we always did it. :)

    This is my understanding of fasting on Good Friday too. I've never really heard of total fasting or only eating after sundown. I think if it helps you mentally and spiritually, that's great!