Looking for Advice and Encouragement!

Hello all,

New here (obviously) and I figure it's always best to begin at the beginning.

My story:

I was an athlete for most of my life, then had to quit in my early 20's. My weight averaged around 107-108, with 103 being my lowest weight. Unfortunately, without all the activities the weight slowly started creeping up on me...to 110, 120, 125, 130. Every time I would get close to 130 I would panic and do some crash diet for two months, lose some weight, then let life get in the way and the cycle would begin again. I tend to eat emotionally, when I'm bored or happy or stressed I reach for food.

Over the past 6 months I've had some major life issues come up (job loss, relationship issues) and without realizing it I've gotten up to 135...my highest weight ever. Combined with everything else that's happened recently, my self-confidence has gone out the window. None of my clothes fit anymore, I've been living in yoga pants and sweatshirts, and I don't feel at all attractive.

Regardless of what else is happening in my life, I realize that sitting on the sofa will not make me feel better anymore. I ordered a FitBit that arrived yesterday, and started the C25K program. I think I can keep myself motivated to exercise at least 3 times a week, but I'm worried about controlling my eating. My goal is to get to 105, as my weight can fluctuate +/-5 lbs depending on the time of the month.

I'm not much of a participator but I'm hoping to use this site to keep me accountable; if any of you are in similar situations, have similar goals, or would just be willing to give some advice or encouragement, that would be most appreciated!

Age: 29
Height: 5"2'
CW: 135 lbs
GW: 105 lbs


  • Welcome to MyFitnessPal, Do you have a weight loss plan yet?
  • averylopez
    averylopez Posts: 28 Member
    I would be happy to friend you here on MFP. You can check out my story on my wall. Basically I have lost over 100 lbs several years ago and have kept the majority off...:)

    I track everyday faithfully and use this website for encouragement and tracking purposes. I have found it incredibly helpful and if I can help you in any way feel free to send me a friend request.

    Good luck. Just remember it's not a sprint it's a marathon!! Good luck.
  • Well, considering I've tried and rebounded from almost every diet out there, I think I'm going to try to keep it simple and hopefully sustainable. I'm going to try to stick to the following rules:

    Diet: eat mostly vegetables, beans, fruit and lean protein; limit dairy and grains.. Drink a lot more water, very little juice, no soda. Have a treat on Sunday. Try not to eat after 8pm.

    Exercise: Complete the C25K program (running 3x/week), and either walk or do some other exercise on other days.

    I don't have a lot of spending money right now but I'd like to give myself some sort of non-food based reward at about 5 lb loss intervals. Ideas welcome!
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    I gained a lot of weight for the same reasons as you (plus a baby). I was very athletic in high school and college and never even had to really diet. And then when my marriage fell apart, depression encouraged me to eat and eat. But like you I'm trying to take control back over that. Eating isn't going to fix my job or relationship situation. My weight is something I can fix now and like about myself even while other parts of my life seem to be in disarray.