Homemade-Premade grab and go lunches to store in the fridge

I've been searching Google for ideas on good homemade, premade grab and go lunches. I want something I can make for 5 or so days, store in the fridge and grab it as I'm walking out the door at 5am. I'm not going to make a sandwich or anything that early in the morning so I end up eating cafeteria food, that frankly, makes me feel weird after I eat it...not sure what they are putting in that food :/
I've seen mason jar salads and that's about it. I want a variety...I can't eat salads every day...

Any thoughts or ideas y'all have tried??


  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hmmm.... if you want variety it's harder to do five days worth at a time, I'd think. I tend to make a big batch of some grain or bean salad, divide it up into two cup containers, and throw it on about 3 cups of greens every day. I'll also supplement that with some string cheese or something (the add-ons vary). It does get a little dull but it works for me, and I mix things up with different afternoon snacks.
  • wozniaks
    wozniaks Posts: 72 Member
    I make a big batch of hamburger soup with berms and veggies and put it in the fridge it grab and go and filling
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I make soups (lentil or beef & veg), chili, chicken & black beans, etc. I put a serving into a disposable plastic cup & freeze it solid. Once it's solid, I put all the cups into gallon freezer bags & store them. When you are ready to go, just put your frozen cup into a bowl with a lid & microwave it at lunch time. I make huge batches of food for dinner (I have 4 kids) & then just freeze the leftovers for me. I love the crockpot for this--shredded chicken, pork, or beef with whatever spice you like makes a great meal. Make sure you date your freezer bags so you know how long they've been in there.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Ones from my last few weeks diary entries,

    Asian Glaze drumsticks over brown rice and veggies.
    Chicken curry over brown rice
    Lemon penne pasta with chicken and grape tomatoes
    Tossed rigatoni with chicken, zuchinni and sundried pesto
    Chicken soft tacos with mango or pineapple salsa
    Black beans topped with cheese, cilantro, lime juice and Tapatio
    Slow cooked pineapple chicken over brown rice
    Chicken breast over greens, with mandarins, almonds, water chestnuts and fig balsamic.

    Recipes in my diary if you want to friend me.
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    Thanks y'all !! I have been looking up soups to freeze, and I do like variety, but if it's just lunch I think I can do that. What are some pasta salads you make?
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    Soba noodles! They store well and taste good :) I don't have a recipe to recommend, but there are a lot out there. Quinoa patties are good too: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/baked-quinoa-patties-recipe.html

    They are easy to make and freeze well. The recipe from her book is better in my opinion, but I love them.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Why can't you make a sandwich? It's disturbing when you state, "I'm just not going to". Whatever. It doesn't make me want to help you because it sounds lazy.

    This is almost how I feel. It takes five minutes to slap together a decent sandwich. No matter what, you always have time in the morning to get ready and pack a healthy lunch. If you don't, you need to wake up earlier. Don't sacrifice your health and being within your goals for the day because you're "too tired" or "too rushed" to get out the door on time. Wake up earlier and make food at home. There's the way to get your variety.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I have found that lack of variety is actually helpful to me. I buy sandwich stuff (sandwich thins, Jennie-O deli meat, laughing cow cheese instead of mayo), cottage cheese, pineapple, and carrots. I keep them in the office fridge and I have a quick healthy lunch every day.
  • cynthiatwayne
    I make a large bunch of steamed veggies on Sundays along with a bunch of sweet potatoes and brown rice, and will cook either chicken breast or tilapia (but if its tilapia I make it sunday for a few days and then again mid week for the rest of the week). I weigh, measure and put in lunch size containers every am. Its a filling healthy lunch but even though all the prep and cook is done on sundays for the week, still takes more than 5 minutes to "slap" it together along with the yogurt I scoop out, the apple I slice, the eggs I peel for egg white snacks, etc....I agree. If you want a healthy lifestyle, you need to commit to the time. If you want fast, stop at McDonalds. Maybe harsh but I've come to learn that there really are no shortcuts to health.
  • Neria1235
    Neria1235 Posts: 23
    A few people are being a little harsh... I understand where you're coming from. I also like variety and I'm not a big fan of sandwiches. I usually make sure to make enough at dinner the night before to have for lunch at some point in the week. Making seasoned chicken and broccoli the night before? Make sure to cook an extra serving for lunch the next day! I get to the point where even that is too much sameness, so I'll get a few days worth of leftovers in the fridge so that I don't have to have the same thing the next day if I don't want to.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, so anything I can do to catch a few extra winks is like gold. I usually pack lunch the night before--leftovers are a perennial favorite. I also like throwing everything in my lunchbox--cottage cheese, fruit, sandwich thin--the night before and grabbing a Gardenburger out of the freezer in the morning. Anything, really, as long as all I have to do in the morning is grab that lunchbox and go.

    You can definitely have quick and healthy--it just requires a little bit of planning, which is exactly what it sounds like you are trying to do. Heck, that's what it sounds like most of us are doing! :-)
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    Maybe because I am lazy...is that a problem?? I work over 40+ hours a week, have a 4 year old and a husband that acts like a child, yes, if I don't want to make a nasty cold sandwich I'm not going to!!

    Oh and I'm pregnant!!!
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    Also, if I did have or wanted to make the time to get up even earlier I wouldn't have made this post. I think I'd rather have a good soup or leftovers than a sandwich.
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    But thank y'all that are being helpful. I've been searching and have some very good recepies. Dreading making that grocery list though...but I'm going to do a week at a time, I can handle that at lunch. :)
  • WanderingLass
    WanderingLass Posts: 86 Member
    Maybe because I am lazy...is that a problem?? I work over 40+ hours a week, have a 4 year old and a husband that acts like a child, yes, if I don't want to make a nasty cold sandwich I'm not going to!!

    Oh and I'm pregnant!!!

    Then time management needs to become a priority. I raised my son myself all his 18 years, at times worked 3 jobs and was in school as well. I had to leave for work as he was getting up for school during the week. Part of our bedtime routine was to pack the backpack, pack the lunches, and lay out clothes. Took 10 minutes tops. On weekends, I did a menu for the week so I knew what I needed to have ready for meals the next day. Now, it's just myself and my boyfriend, but he works 2 jobs and I one and we only have 1 car - our morning jobs are 25 miles apart - I spend an hour in the car every morning at minimum then a half-hour to get home then another half-hour and back again to pick him up from job 2 (we're both ready for spring weather when he can start riding his bicycle again!!). My PB&H is my standby. But on his nights off, if he cooks he makes sure I have leftovers and those are quick and easy to grab in the mornings.

    Do it before you go to bed if you can' t squeak out the extra few minutes in the morning. If you want the homemade premade, you're going to have to find the time to do it. The key really is time management and you've definitely got your work cut out for you from the description of your husband alone. :frown:
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    apparently some people are not reading everything...I want to make meals that I can store to grab and go in the morning. Yes, I'm too lazy to get up and make a sandwich, but not too lazy to have a whole day cooking to have fresh, yummy homemade meals throughout the week. I am asking for ideas, recepies, and experiences...not how lazy I am. And if I was on food stamps and medicaid maybe I would be skinny...then I could by the healthy stuff.
  • cynthiatwayne
    I cook the tilapia (my favorite go to) in foil packets in my toaster oven...put a little cooking spray on a piece of foil (one per filet) sprinkle onion and garlic powder and lemon juice, fold up packet and put in (on a tray in case it leaks) for about 20 minutes on 400. I check it and make sure its flaky and white. Let it cool store in container and dish out about 5 oz each morning in a the same container with 1/2 cup brown rice or a small sweet potato and a cup of either steamed zucchini, steached broccoli or steamed asparagus. I do like a little franks hot sauce on it too which i splash on at home and just heat in microwave at lunch time. If the weeks choice is chicken, I grill a bunch of tenderloins or chicken breast and do the same one bowl thing for work and the chicken is similarly seasoned with no lemon and maybe some paprika added.

    Sorry if I apppeared harsh or offended you...not my intent. I have a husband who rolls out of bed and into work and have raised 2 kids (youngest still needs me to get him ready in the am with lunches and breakfast) and I have RA so mornings really stink for me so I've kind of perfected the quick am routine for myself.

    Seriously do everything you can on sunday...I do it also so I have no excuses every day...food made so might as well eat what I have and not have the pizza or burgers that are so tempting to me when the lunch menu at work is being passed around.
  • hismommy2
    hismommy2 Posts: 40
    I cook the tilapia (my favorite go to) in foil packets in my toaster oven...put a little cooking spray on a piece of foil (one per filet) sprinkle onion and garlic powder and lemon juice, fold up packet and put in (on a tray in case it leaks) for about 20 minutes on 400. I check it and make sure its flaky and white. Let it cool store in container and dish out about 5 oz each morning in a the same container with 1/2 cup brown rice or a small sweet potato and a cup of either steamed zucchini, steached broccoli or steamed asparagus. I do like a little franks hot sauce on it too which i splash on at home and just heat in microwave at lunch time. If the weeks choice is chicken, I grill a bunch of tenderloins or chicken breast and do the same one bowl thing for work and the chicken is similarly seasoned with no lemon and maybe some paprika added.

    Sorry if I apppeared harsh or offended you...not my intent. I have a husband who rolls out of bed and into work and have raised 2 kids (youngest still needs me to get him ready in the am with lunches and breakfast) and I have RA so mornings really stink for me so I've kind of perfected the quick am routine for myself.

    Seriously do everything you can on sunday...I do it also so I have no excuses every day...food made so might as well eat what I have and not have the pizza or burgers that are so tempting to me when the lunch menu at work is being passed around.

    NO, yours wasn't bad lol. That sounds really good. I love tilapia too and so simple to make. I am going to do that today! I have to work weekends but I get off at 2. gotta make a list and go to walmart..eeewww!! Thanks hun.
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    Sometimes I am too busy as well to make a sandwich....although I always have time to make hubby's lunch and the kids'..lol. So what I have started doing is when I make tuna salad, egg salad or chicken salad I spit it in smaller containers and then all I have to do in the morning is throw bread or a tortilla in a plastic bag and go. But what helps with this is on Saturdays after grocery shopping I cut up all my vegetables and put them in smaller bagges for grab and go. This includes spinach and lettuce, etc. And I have plastic bins in my fridge that are labeled with what is in them (yes, slightly OCD here :))