horse shows and cookies

justahorsen Posts: 234
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Yesterday I was in my role as a 4-H leader, and helping to run a horse show.....90 degrees sunny, and humid... I was fine with all the donuts, candy and junk that everyone brought to share. (I brought celery, salad fixin's and apples) ...
I drank LOTS of water but toward the end of the day (10 hours later) I had a cookie....that ONE turned in to FOUR more...and I was miserable for the rest of the day. I beat myself up for getting weak and eating the cookies AND all that sugar just made me FEEL miserable too.


  • sliane56
    sliane56 Posts: 3 Member
    I go to horse shows too! Very dangerous diet places. ;)

    Eat some protein and other good food during the day - all day. As you get tired towards the end of the day sugar and carbs look oh so lovely because you're hot and exhausted and want quick, easy energy.

    I know it's tough and I found myself wanting to do this too when I started dieting earlier this month. I would run around all day and not have the opportunity to eat much so when I got home it was all I could do not to take everything out of the fridge and eat it all at once. Now I make sure to stop and at least have a chicken sandwich in the middle of the day so I can make it without binge eating in the evening.

    I love cookies and icecream. LOVE. I've gotten in the habit of logging things before I eat them just to see what that's going to do to me for the rest of the day calories and food wise. If it looks like I have enough calories at the end of the day and I am craving something sweet (coughMcDonaldsIceCreamConecough), I'll do it. It's not about denying yourself food, it's about regulating it. Sometimes I'll even go to the gym JUST so I can have that sweet thing (and it's totally worth it).

    And in a month, I've gone from 144lbs to 138lbs. So it's working!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I can't stop at one cookie either, its a trigger food for me. Maybe bring a power bar instead if u can't stop at one. Warning they are high in calories tho
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