

  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Wow! Y'all really know your stuff! Do teas normally taste like hot water with a weird after taste though?
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    As a Yankee who was raised on sweet tea (yup, I'm half southern) it took a while, but I now enjoy my tea, black and green straight, no sweetener. Start by cutting the sweet tea with plain tea, or adding less sugar. When that gets to tasting good, cut it back a little more. You will get there, I can't drink it sweet anymore.

    As for hot tea, my favorite is a good quality jasmine tea, brewed properly. A beginners tip for you, don't brew green tea with boiling water, it will be bitter, its much better when brewed at 140-185.
  • EmilyBullough
    EmilyBullough Posts: 30 Member
    I have a very basic understanding of this stuff, but I think the aftertaste your talking about is from the tannins in the tea. Do you drink wine? It's like the aftertaste from a heavy red wine. Or you might just be brewing your tea too long and that's affecting the taste. :)
  • Froggyh
    Froggyh Posts: 81 Member
    Wow! Y'all really know your stuff! Do teas normally taste like hot water with a weird after taste though?

    Nope. I don't even like water cold; that's one of the reasons I drink so much green tea! If it's only tasting like water you may need to steep it for longer.

    I don't know much about herbal teas, but "real" tea - that is, tea from camellia sinensis plant - has a noticeable flavour and, when brewed properly, no real aftertaste, though as someone else noted if you brew tea for too long it can get a bitter aftertaste.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Hey- well I like hot tea plain, I grew up with it. I like Red Rose and Earl Grey best. Having said that, though, I have another suggestion.

    I have been trying to cut back on my diet soda consumption and in order to do that have been making my own flavored cold teas. Where I live it's really hot so hot tea is not so appealing. Anyway, I boil a kettle of water and use 1 regular tea bag (black tea) and one fruit tea bag (orange, lemon, raspberry, whatever), then add a little Splenda. My next step will be to back off on the splenda. It smells good and would probably be hot- but I let it cool and then pour it over ice. Yummy.
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    I have a very basic understanding of this stuff, but I think the aftertaste your talking about is from the tannins in the tea. Do you drink wine? It's like the aftertaste from a heavy red wine. Or you might just be brewing your tea too long and that's affecting the taste. :)

    I'm only 19! Haha so no wine for me. But the tea I've tried was from starbucks (first and last drink i've bought from there) and I used the mint tea. It was just not my thing I guess. It wasn't sweet or had any type of flavor really at all.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Licorice tea is my favorite, and I actually hate licorice! Try it, you might actually enjoy the taste.
  • freekat
    freekat Posts: 71 Member
    Sometimes you can get a pack of mixed teas. You could taste heaps of different teas and buy your favourites.