"Cheat" Day?



  • beelanc
    beelanc Posts: 71 Member
    I personally dont believe in cheat days. Rather I am a proponent of have a little whenever you want it.

    Lets say you are working at a 2000 calorie deficit(so aiming for 2 pounds a week). However you have a cheat day where you eat at maintenance that week. I would rather go 200-300 over everyday and never feel like I am depriving myself.

    Way I see it is that willpower is a finite resource at any given time. Every craving that you resist drains your willpower. Eventually it breaks and that is when you see all the posts on people going crazy with over eating that can last for days.

    I would rather have a little whenever I want it and save my willpower for the stresses of life. Sure this will probably add a monthish to my weight loss journey, but I have been trying for nearly 18 years so at this point I will take another month to reduce my stress levels.


    That's my motto. I see waaay too many people grumpy or miserable because they deprive themselves. Its a lifestyle change. You can't say that you will never eat a piece of cake again or only once a month. It doesnt seem to be a fulfilling way of life. I love food too much to do that. :)
  • amandatiffany90
    why would you give yourself an ENTIRE day to cheat and undo what you work so hard for the rest of the week?! I get it, you miss your old favorite fried foods, but come on. This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet that makes you want to cheat.

    I can understand a cheat meal, but not a whole day

    Because there's a very high value, for some people, in simply not tracking food intake and eating what they prefer to eat, strictly for psychological reasons.

    Some people can also do this while eating within a range of "reasonable" total calorie intake on a cheat day, not undoing the weeks worth of diet.

    This isn't to say that I think everyone should have a cheat day, far from it -- but there are contexts in which it may be a perfectly fine thing to utilize.

    I don't believe that my "cheat" day will undo my entire weeks work whatsoever. I think there is a misconception that a "cheat" day will mean a "binge" day - not the case. For me, it simply means one day of not logging. Doesn't mean I'm going to eat like a pig, it's more about the psychological break from counting. Taking an MFP vacation for one day....but not eating 10,000 calories!

    Based on my weight loss & gain over the past few years, I've come to understand that I *have* to be strict with my calorie counting to lose weight - but that doesn't mean that I don't find it a bit stressful.

    Down the road, when I've got myself into the groove, perhaps I won't need a "free" day - but for now, I think that I do.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    why would you give yourself an ENTIRE day to cheat and undo what you work so hard for the rest of the week?! I get it, you miss your old favorite fried foods, but come on. This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet that makes you want to cheat.

    I can understand a cheat meal, but not a whole day

    Because there's a very high value, for some people, in simply not tracking food intake and eating what they prefer to eat, strictly for psychological reasons.

    Some people can also do this while eating within a range of "reasonable" total calorie intake on a cheat day, not undoing the weeks worth of diet.

    This isn't to say that I think everyone should have a cheat day, far from it -- but there are contexts in which it may be a perfectly fine thing to utilize.

    I don't believe that my "cheat" day will undo my entire weeks work whatsoever. I think there is a misconception that a "cheat" day will mean a "binge" day - not the case. For me, it simply means one day of not logging. Doesn't mean I'm going to eat like a pig, it's more about the psychological break from counting. Taking an MFP vacation for one day....but not eating 10,000 calories!

    Based on my weight loss & gain over the past few years, I've come to understand that I *have* to be strict with my calorie counting to lose weight - but that doesn't mean that I don't find it a bit stressful.

    Down the road, when I've got myself into the groove, perhaps I won't need a "free" day - but for now, I think that I do.

    Then in my opinion you should simply try it, and realize that if your weight loss suddenly stops or slows way down over the next 2-4 weeks, you're collectively eating too much and your cheat day either needs to go, or you need to reduce intake on your non cheat days to re-create an energy deficit.
  • kiwi517
    kiwi517 Posts: 1
    I don't have a "cheat DAY" That is just too much, as I would only screw myself in the end. I have a cheat MEAL.. I set myself a goal. So, like when I lose another 3lbs.. I will treat myself to something.. doesn't have to be a whole meal even.. so go ahead and have that truffle or whatever you have been wanting or craving.. Just add it in your food diary and don't go crazy. ;)
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    My situation is probably different from you guys. First of all, I am in Asia and most of the place, I think 98% of places here don't have nutritional info like it is in the US. :( So ever since I tried to lose weight, I did stop eating many things, including things that I don't know their exact calories value.

    So there are many food I'd like to eat- that I used to eat before I start this journey. Some of them are junk food, I admit and some of them are not but they are high calories (such as Hinanese Chicken rice), some of them just normal food such as noodle soup, roast duck in 5 spice soup or so, but I can't or if I do have to, I'd be stress out for the whole day. However....I just want to have some times for me that I don't have to think about tracking much but I'm afraid that my weight will bounce back.

    Also I am in my maintain mode now, everyone are telling me I should stop counting. Yet, if I don't log my food for a day or 2 each week, will my weight bounce back to my overweight self again?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Additionally, I think you also need some very honest self-observation here.

    If you find that you're saying to yourself

    "Sweet it's my cheat day, I'm going to go eat at that chinese buffet and then have ice cream and then later I'll order a pizza" then this probably is a good indicator that something isn't quite right either with your cheat day motive, or with the remainder of your diet.

    But if you're saying "I'm not tracking today or weighing my food today and I'm going to enjoy the break" then I think this is probably fine.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    I think I possibly could have think like what the first option is listed for the 1 or 2 weeks, then the week after that then I will probably just goes with me not tracking weighting food.