I wish we could split MFP up....



  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Or measure all the guys tallywhackers and divy them up that way.
    Or women by IQ.

    Why you pretending to judge us by IQ? Why not cup size?
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    What's a scale? I don't get it. I'll ask what a calorie is later.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    We were all new here once and I'm still learning every day.

    It's worth it if out of all those threads, at least ONE person listens and gets the help they needed.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Ok, but if they all get twinkies we get ding dongs!

    Wait, hostess went out of business...
  • In my opinion yes that's bullying. Maybe the ones that are eating the 1200 in twinkies are looking for encouragement from the ones that have been here longer and can give advice and cooking ideas. Loosing weight is not just a diet but a lifestyle change. For many people they really don't know where to start. Some think, "well I use to eat 2000 calories in twinkies, now I only eat 1200. But I'm still not loosing weight." A good friend will encourage and offer other snack ideas.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Divisive thread is divisive

    Stop saying what I want to say. REPORTED!!!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Maybe between those who are new and can't figure out why the scale won't move eating 1200 calories in Twinkies. And then the rest if us.

    *sigh*. Is that bullying?

    That is segregation!!!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Or maybe all the Eat More To Lose more folks should start their own website instead of staying here and bashing everyone who does better on a lower calorie diet?
  • Mmmmmm Twinkies
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    I wish I could go back to noobland, before I knew how cynical you all were. And how grammatically correct.

  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    We all were newbs once.


    "THIS" is invalid. Using Google and the wonderful search function MFP so graciously provides IS valid.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    We all were newbs once.

    Personally, I'd rather see "I'm not loosing weight" threads over "who would you rather bang" threads.

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    having a slow day?
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    We all were newbs once.

    Personally, I'd rather see "I'm not loosing weight" threads over "who would you rather bang" threads.

    I am with this !!
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    If it was divided up, none of us would learn anything.

    Except maybe the people who know everything already, and they're not going to learn anything anyway.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    We all were newbs once.

    Personally, I'd rather see "I'm not loosing weight" threads over "who would you rather bang" threads.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Or maybe all the Eat More To Lose more folks should start their own website instead of staying here and bashing everyone who does better on a lower calorie diet?

    But then they would have nothing else to spend their time on :tongue:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Every novice needs a mentor.

    Did we forget how ignorant we were at one time?
  • 7under2
    7under2 Posts: 16 Member
    How about we split up the site this way: one site for people who want to lose weight and talk about that along with other fitness topics, and then another site for immature banter about who they want to bang, ranting about noobs, etc? Wait, they have that already. It's called facebook. Go there.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Who found enough Twinkies to eat 1200 calories worth a day? Because I want to be their friend. Their best, best friend.

    RIP Hostess
