Woman entering "the change" phase of life!

How do I get rid of the mid-section buldges and rolls that have suddenly appeared? I have never had issues there with my weight before. Seems there is a new roll every month!! I work out a lot, so it must be the food!


  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    How is your weight? Also, what type of workouts? Cardio only or are you lifting HEAVY to failure also? Too much cardio can backfire on you.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Studies have shown that it isn't that women "just" put on weight during the "change," but that their metabolism does slow, which can cause the weight gain. You don't mention it, but if you're getting "rolls," then imagine your weight is going up too. You'll either have to cut back on calories, and/or work out more. I'd try to cut 200 calories from your diet, or burn an extra 200 in your workouts, for a couple of weeks to see if you lose. If not, then I'd just keep dropping 200 cals every couple of weeks until you do start losing. Might not hurt to see your doc either. Sorry you're having to deal w/this.
    ADDED NOTE: Since you're new, start w/the calories MFP recommends first, then adjust if you need to. My mom is on meds for breast cancer & you're right, they tend to slow your metabolism (whether or not it's the "change"), but hopefully the cut in calories or increase in exercise will get you back on track.
  • Bridgett2133
    Bridgett2133 Posts: 1 Member
    I have finally faced it. I've noticed a slight difference in my back area and the pounds come on much easier. Running 3 times a week isn't enough anymore. Rather than waiting until I am disgusted, I got a personal trainer 3 times a week and I'm really checking my eating again. Basically, no refined sugar...unless I have PMS! My trainer is awesome because she was very overweight most of her life and didn't make serious changes or get certified in nutrition or personal training until her late 30's! She's now fit and tone and she, too, is peri menopausal!! She understands what it is like to fight the bulge, she knows about bad days and getting back on track and she is realistic. She works out with me! She knows what works because she has been there. I look forward to each session! She is a true example and it makes a huge difference! Find a good trainer that hasn't always been a crazy gym rat!!!
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Before I hit peri, if I exercised AND dieted, I'd lose. If I did only one or the other, I'd maintain. If I didn't do either, I'd gain. NOW...if I don't do both I gain. Oh well, at least there's a fix, right? ;-)
  • SusanandMatt
    Well said. Thanks :+)
  • reagansmom63
    reagansmom63 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks to all of you! Just returned from vacation with renewed vigor! Taking all of your suggestions and following through. Will try to keep you posted!