That "Revelation" Moment

I'm just curious to see what one moment made you realize "I need to fix my diet" or "I HAVE to get this weight off", or even "I MUST get healthy quick!". What was your revelation moment that made you decide you had to make a drastic change in your life style?

For me, the major realization came when I had to move a size up to 16. I had been a 13 for as long as I could remember. Then senior year in high school I somehow managed to squeeze myself into 11 size jeans. I was in denial for a while trying to force myself into those 13's and when I finally gave up and bought 16's I told myself this just has to stop.


  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    It was a Christmas Photo taken in December of 2010. At the moment, the photo ruined and absolutely crushed me. Now, I am forever grateful for it! It got my butt into gear, and ultimately changed my life!
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    That "revelation" or "epiphany" as a personal friend who is a personal trainer calls it, was when I had a hard time tying up my shoe laces and had to sit down and lift my leg up to tie them. I still out of habit do that but it is no longer a necessity.

    Always looking for support and willing to support others, so after reading my profile don't hesitate to add me as a fellow supporter.
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    It was a number of different moments that set me in motion really...
    -I noticed that my boyfriend was putting my socks/shoes on for me, since I couldn't bend over and touch my toes.
    -My little cousin drew a picture of me with her, and drew a circle for my body, and she said "this is your big tummy!"
    -My grandma/mom and others asked me if I was expecting...
    -My size 24 jeans were getting tight. (Since then I now fit into a size 20, comfortably and can squeeze into a size 18 :drinker:
    -My doctor threatened to take me off birth control since I was too heavy. (That scared me!) :embarassed:
    -My boyfriend and I had a huge fight which included him pointing out that I kept saying I wanted to lose weight and get healthier and did nothing about it. (Which was absolutely true) :frown:
    -And just taking my life day after day, feeling lethargic, with no energy, feeling out of breath when walking through wal-mart and feeling horrible about my looks.
    -And lastly, being 22 years old, and not living my life to it's fullest potential I know I can achieve.

    I'm turning it around day by day though :wink: :happy: :drinker: :heart:
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Wow those are some real tough reasons. I know a big thing for me also was seeing my little cousins (like my little sisters to me) they are soooo gorgeous and real skinny. It makes me jealous, but at the same time they look up to ME and I just want to be a better role model in that way as well.
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Bump! Come on, I know we aren't the only ones with that moment.
  • msvsbarbie
    For me, I always struggled with my weight (never been overweight= never over 133 pounds at 5'5ft but have had very high body fat percentage my entire life-around 28%) and no matter how many times I would diet and crash diet and attempt to exercise nothing ever pushed me as hard to be healthy than my wedding. I have my wedding coming up in June to the most incredible man in the world and my honeymoon in July and why my wedding really mattered, even though he loves me just the way I am, is I didn't want to feel insecure or ugly on our wedding nor our honeymoon because the most special day in the world should never be taken over by insecurities. I've been working my butt of for 3 fulls weeks and soon to be 4 on Monday and have seen great results. I got rid of my scale and now I purely measure my level of happiness by what I see on the mirror not a number on a board. :)
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,681 Member
    When I hopped on the scale and it said 81 kilos. I knew I'd always been bigger but I'd never really been fat. That was a horrible and completely unexpected shock.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    My Mom died from Diabetes in June, 3 weeks before my first grand daughter was born.. I vowed I would see my great-grandchildren, and wouldn't put my family thru watching my die from a preventable disease.
    On a less dark note, I turned 49 the day I started on here, and was determined not to be an obese 50 yr old.
  • taigatoo
    taigatoo Posts: 9
    Looking at the vacation pictures taken during a trip to Las Vegas and remembering being offered a seat belt extension on a sightseeing plane.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    After I got married and had my new driver's license picture taken. My face looked HUGE. Like a chipmunk with it's cheeks FULL of nuts. I was MORTIFIED. Truly. I knew that I wasn't happy or proud with the way I looked at all. Changes had to be made!! BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR MYSELF!! :-)
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I have always topped out at 160 pounds, always, no matter what I ate I always stayed at 160 pounds. Until recently... I don't know what changed but I missed 170 completely, I was 180s, then 190s and I figured I would just hover there.. Nope. I then topped the scales at 212 and I was HORRIFIED! I realize what made me start eating was I was unhappy in a relationship I had been in, then I got a third shift job (11pm-7am) and I ate LOADS of sugar and drank LOTS of pop to stay awake, and when when I quite the job because I got married and moved away from it, I continued those eating habits. At least at the job I was walking 8 up to 25 miles a night (and no I am not exaggerating, me and another gal figured out all the routes we walked once), but then when I quit I was not getting ANY exercise and gained 25 or so pounds VERY rapidly, like in 2 months. So, I had a doctors appointment and it was HIGHLY recommended that I lose weight, my cholesterol is bad, my blood pressure was coming up, and I was at risk for a couple of other things. And I knew that the doc had been right. I had let things spiral out of control and I needed to figure **** out :) So, I started logging on here again.. I have only lost 14 pounds, but it is a step in the right direction and I am in ONE-derland again!!! :)

    Good luck to everyone in their fitness goals!!
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I had my major revelation on the 25th of November 2011 at 210lbs (I'm 5'4), my mum put me on a diet, she said I needed to do it. I had to wear shirts for work that were 4 sizes bigger than my normal weight size. I thought that they were just making the work shirts a really tight fit!! So after that I lost like 60lbs in around 4 months and thought I was amazing :) Actually I was pretty amazing :D
    BUT I let 20lbs creep back on since November of last year. I threw away all of my 'big' work shirts and just kept the size 12 ones... the other day I realised that i was bringing safety pins to work everyday to stop my shirts from opening :( so This is day 1 all over again!!
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    My boyfriend's housemate was saying that I am fat to his friends. My boyfriend told me during a conversation about my weight, not realising how much it would hurt me. I new I had put on weight but it was due to a number of things and I wanted to lose weight but wasn't trying hard enough. His friend just gave me the biggest push. I also realised that my boobs where officially touching my tummy rolls.
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    Instead of sharing clothes with my sister, I was at a point where I could share clothes with my mom--went from XS/S to a L. Basically all of my clothes were rendered useless, especially the jeans. Plus I was tired of hiding parts of my body behind someone else in pictures. AND there was another point where I weighed just a little less than my boyfriend--and he's 5'10" (versus my 5'3")!

    ETA: Also, my lower back was constantly in pain from how big my tummy had gotten, and my boobs were always sore, too.
  • smichelle65
    smichelle65 Posts: 45 Member
    Last year, when I started carrying paper towels in my purse because I needed to wipe off the sweat that was pouring down my face after walking for three minutes. Uncomfortable (but nice) cashiers would ask me if it was warm outside (it wasn't--sometimes it'd even be raining!). Also, at 47, I realized that I basically "sat out" the first half of my life due to my weight. But mostly it was the scary physical symptoms that started occurring with increasing frequency: heart palpitations, sleep apnea, nightly headaches, and very scary, sudden stabbing pains in my eye. I was basically a mess last year.
  • BonjourLamour
    Being told that I was no longer at a healthy weight to be on the pill. I never weigh myself, so I had no idea that I had gained 50lbs. I knew I was getting fatter, but I just didn't realize how much by, and what kind of effect it was going to have in my health. I was so shocked, but the nurse was so nice to me about it, I really want to makeher proud when I go in for my next check up :smile:
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Having my niece look at me and say "There must be another baby in your tummy, cause its big and fat." I thought I was doing so well, until I really looked at myself that evening. I wanted to cry and scream and pull my hair out, instead I came here.
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    My moment... Or moments... Is say are as follows

    - Seeing photos of myself
    - getting angry at the scale reading 210lbs
    - little kids asking me when I was going to have my baby (is say.. I'm not pregnant. I just really like beer.)
    - not being able to find jeans that fit me for work.
    - my terrible muffin top hanging over my too small jeans.
    - jealousy of other ladies around my age "having it all"

    That pretty much sums it up.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    When I realized I was so out of shape that having sex gave me an asthma attack