That "Revelation" Moment



  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    I've had two! One when I reached my highest weight back in April of 2012. Jumped on the scale and had never seen or even thought I was that bad. I knew I had to make a change. From then until the beginning of this year, I did yo-yo dieting. At the beginning of this year, I told myself enough was enough. Permanent lifestyle change of better eating, tracking calories, and regularly exercising to better my bod and health so I don't ever go back.
  • jessichri
    jessichri Posts: 81 Member
    I had several that I just kept ignoring..

    -I went to the gyno and got weighed and it was a good 60 pounds over what it was when I moved to florida *under three years ago*
    -I stopped even trying to fit into my jeans. They were so tight I switched to dress slacks (for work) that soon become dressy looking pajama pants.
    -I looked at pictures I took from my last two vacations back home. The first only had like 4 pictures of me and they all needed deleted (because I couldn't stand how fat I was). The second vacation, that I spent mostly with my dad and 5 year old brother, had no pictures of me. So none of me and my brother at 5. That is one photo op I'm never getting back.
    -Finally...I hate looking in the mirror. I can't stand that fat face looking back at me. Its not my face!!!

    So thus the revelation... and only two weeks in and I feel so much better about myself. I might not have reached any real goals yet, but I started and its already a habit to eat better and work out and that's 90% of the battle.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    One day I put my skinny jeans on they were tight. 6 months later I put those same skinny jeans on and they're still tight...

    My legs are nothing but hard lean muscle. Goal Achieved!
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    looking at a picture of myself that was not taken very long ago- i had ballooned, i didn't realize at the time but looking back on the picture now i barely recognize myself in it. i have also accepted that i have yo-yoed far too much over the last few years and now is the time to stop that and make changes for the long-term future.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    When my size 22 were getting tight. And about a year ago my weight went up to 295 and I didn't want to hit the 300s so I made a change. On 1/20/13 I joined this site at 285 and have already dropped 25 pounds :), still have a long way to go but so far so good.

    Anyone feel free to add me, always looking for active friends :)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I wouldn't call it a moment, per se, but my buddy from the Navy hired me and after 3 years of him telling me I was fat, I decided to show him. Still 10 lbs from showing him, but I'm going to. He's an iron man kindof guy, so he is very fit.
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    the day i fell off a two step ladder, hit my head into a block wall, went to the ER and was weighed in at 295! WOW 295! I swore to myself I would shape up.
    I should mention I have 2 hips replaced and falling is my biggest fear, especially with my husband unable to help since he had a stroke.
    I must stay mobile or our entire life becomes a MESS.
    This site has been a lifesaver. Since joining in Jan'13, I am back to swimming regularly and eating much better since I am able to easily track my eating habits.
    The only regret I have is that I didn't know of this site earlier.
    ALL THE BEST to You'all!!! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • MrsElguapo
    MrsElguapo Posts: 25 Member
    Mine was when I recently saw a picture of me at Christmas several years ago-I was the same size as I am now and I honestly didn't even recongize myself. The way I saw myself and what I really looked like were two completely different things. It was mortifying.
  • msagrero08
    msagrero08 Posts: 29 Member
    I've had so many moments like these... Moments that make me break into tears. But it wasn't until I went to visit my mothers grave site last month to see her thumbstone because it had barely arrived, that i realized I still needed mom so much. It made me think, that my girls too would need me when they are my age,24. My mother passed away at age 45, this february the day after my birthday from kidney failure due to diabetes and other preventable diseases. She was never obese but her eating habits where not the best, wich caused her to get diabetes, high cholesterol and much more. I want to be around my girls for so many years to come. I know you can't prevent everything, but I will not make it easier for any if those darn health problems to put me down! I'm doing this for my girls and then me.
  • 248071_151115198292417_8278512_n_zpsfd839c43.jpg

    Mothers Day 2011

    I had actually joined this site in Feb 2011 but that was it, I joined and never thought of it again until this picture.

    I lost 50 pounds but got a second job and stopped logging... gained all but 15 pounds back.
  • It was a bunch of little moments over the past few months before I started working out and eating right that made me start caring about my weight and how I looked:
    -having to buy new size 18 jeans after I couldn't fit in my fat jeans or several shirts
    -being sick of not being able to find my size in clothes that I liked
    -hearing that my sweet old grandma told her sister-in-law that I was getting "fatter than ever"
    -getting out of breath from just changing position in bed
    -having some chest pains after just walking around a store
    -realizing that I needed a hobby, and what would be better than exercising and eating right
    -wanting to do a bunch of things that required me to be in shape and no longer wanting to handicap myself because of my body
    -realizing that a lot of the "fat acceptance" people on some social media sites were just people mad about being fat and not wanting to be one of them
    -realizing that I didn't find myself attractive

    So with all of that, I just got up, made a plan, learned about nutrition, and got started!
  • warrow8282
    warrow8282 Posts: 13 Member
    I think, like others have previously mentioned, there were a combination of things and not necessarily one specific moment (It was like one specific week for me). I had gone in for a doctors visit and was weighed in at 167lbs... heaviest I have ever been in my life (I'm only 5'1, and had been fairly active 10 years ago in HS... granted it all went down hill once I went to college). I had been hovering in the 150s for a while, which I felt was too heavy and definitely wasn't happy with, but just wasn't motivated enough to change my habits for. I didn't realize I had allowed it to get so bad that I was pushing 170... whew. The doctor included an obesity diagnosis for my visit and noted that I had gained 16 pounds since I had been seen 6 months prior to the visit... made me feel horrible and gross.

    That same week, I noticed (sorry if I'm about to gross some people out, but, hey...I'm not shy) that It was kind of painful on my back to twist enough to wipe my own *kitten* after using the toilet. I had lost all flexibility (and the triple D's on my chest aren't really helping the backpain situation). That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life... thinking that I wouldn't be able to take care of my own hygeine if I let myself go much more... so maybe that was actually the "aha" moment for me.

    The very next week (I always find it easier to start something new on a Monday) I started calorie counting and eating more fruits & veggies instead of junky snacks. In just a few weeks I've dropped at least 10 pounds (I was at 155 when I checked this past Sunday morning), and I'm a lot less bloated and gross-feeling. Now to start up some Yoga again and try out this 30-day shred thing I see everyone talking about :-)
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    When my Mom told me that my grand mother watched a RN at the nursing home walk away and said I hope D does not get that big. Her *kitten* ( the RN) is huge. ( BTW , the RN was my height and weighed over 300#. ( i overheard her say it. to a colleague)

    I weighed 223 and got to WW, then stopped after 20 lbs, typical stories. then stopped, started, several times, finally got the reasons right in y head and here i am. I even had gain back 13 pounds back t 200# after several job changes in 3 months, but moving the right way now. SO goal is 150. 37 to go. Never touching 200# again! felt bad, looked bad, thought bad about myself and did not like the alternatives.
  • Now to start up some Yoga again and try out this 30-day shred thing I see everyone talking about :-)

    I just completed Day 1 of Level 2 this morning and it is so worth the pain lol!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    For me it wasn't really any moment, the changes happened without my consciousness even getting into the equation. However, once the changes started, and I could see where it was leading, I eagerly jumped on the train to keep things moving. I have fought my weight my entire life, between being large boned and very muscular I have had a hard time actually seeing myself how I am right now. I've always seen myself as thinner, and more trim. BUT, whenever I saw pictures, I'd be devastated and amazed at the thing standing in my place of the photo. (Needless to say, there are not a whole lot of pictures of me that I willingly allowed.)

    Now that the changes are happening, I find out that the lack of concern and acknowledgement that I've been indulging in have led to several nasty medical conditions. So, I keep charging ahead with the changes, and wrestle the medical issues into submission. I'm actually targeting my high school weight for maintenance because of how I felt, looked, and moved back then. (Not to mention a wonderfully understanding Doctor's advice that I haven't gotten from anyone else!)
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I've had several "revelation" moments. It goes without saying that any time I look in the mirror when I'm naked I vow to eternity that I will lose weight. (Another way to combat that awful feeling is to NOT look at yourself in the mirror when you're naked.) I also have a problem with looking into the mirror when I'm fully dressed. I guess the true "revelation" occurred about a week ago, when a friend of mine was told that they could do nothing else for her (medically) because her diabetes had so ravaged her body. She's my age, same weight, same health issues. I started counting every carb that entered my mouth and joined MFP.
  • Lucy2lose50
    Lucy2lose50 Posts: 15 Member
    I took off 50 lbs when I turned 40 and vowed never to see them again.
    We moved to Georgia and joined Gold's gym. When I got on the scale I was shocked and embarrassed to seed 208. I am 56 yrs and back up 40 and another 20. The Marshall's 1x cloths are too tight. (Ouch) I do not want to go back to Lane Bryant so I am going to make this work. I have trouble with portions at dinner time only. Don't know why but it is a big problem. The weight is slowly coming off as long as I get to the gym at least 5 times a week and do cardio for 45 mins. or more.
    I want to lose at least 50 to get back into size 12/14. That's my comfy size. I need strength. My husband refuses to help me. He says it has to be me and me alone to take control of my life. At least I know the good Lord is on my side.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Freshman year, when the boys were making fun of me and yelling "Big Bertha" in the cafe at lunch. Mortifying!! I couldn't take being teased anymore. This was back in the 80s when EVERYONE was thin!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Write water raphing. I was pushed out of the boat into the rapids..During those tense moments, I realized I needed to get ahold of my weight..

    Before it kills me.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I had a moment like that on Wen night. After having to walk around naked in the light in front of my husband made me acutely aware of the fat...we stayed in a jacuzzi room for the first time. Well later on I saw myself in the mirror and made myself look. I was utterly disgusted by what I saw. How could I have done that to myself? My gross stomach that just hangs and all the dimples of fat on my inner thighs...oh so gross...well, I am glad I hit that rock bottom place. I have had Revelation moments before, but not like that. I have had the oh, crap the scale says 276, I gotta do something and I did lose about 30lbs. But I have remained around 250 and not really doing anything. Well that has changed and I am doing something about it! I am actually so proud of my food journal today!