Low self-eestem

i have gained a lot of weight the past fw year,im so embarased of myself and i cant even look myself in the mirror.people keep telin me how big i am and this realy annoys me.im tryin so hard to love myself bt i just cant.plz help


  • msvsbarbie
    Biggest thing to remember is your weight does not define you, it is just a number. What really defines you is how you define yourself. If you do not feel good about yourself always know we can always improve and make ourselves better. Everyday when you look in the mirror and feel bad about yourself think of whether what you are feeling bad about is something you can change or something that is an unrealistic insecurity such as facial feature or something as silly as your ear size. If it is a realistic insecurity such as weight, always know there are options to change that and to make yourself happy. The first thing I would advise is getting rid of that evil scale. The second is by really acknowledging what you look like. Think of 10 things you love about yourself everyday until you embrace yourself. Once you have embraced yourself you will feel more motivated to embrace other qualities about yourself other than those 10 that you have been listing off for days upon days. Treat yourself like you would want to feel like. Do not bash yourself or think negative thoughts, it won't lead you anywhere.... see the many possibilities you have in front of you and take grasp and make changes to yourself you never thought possible because you know you're wonderful and can achieve what ever you want! :)
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    would you judge other people as harshly as you are judging urself?

    You look perfectly fine in your picture...but if you want to change your body then this is the right place to be...check out the success stories for some inspiration.

    finally, start doing some exercise...it makes you feel better..

    also address any underlying issues that might be behind low self esteem...i know that's easier said than done.

    be kind to urself.

    Hope you find some helpful comments here x
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Whoever it is that keeps telling you how big you are shouldn't be a part of your life. Only my mom ever talk to my about my weight and that was just once. I deal with depression, don't know if you do but if so you should talk to a doctor about it and get on something to help. I have low self-esteem myself but I just try to think of it yes I am fat but 25 pounds smaller than I was or went I first started I would say but I have picked to make that healthy change. Next think of the big number.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Your eyes look forward and your feet point forward. Try to make your everything about your future rather than the past - or even now. You are a beautiful person and you need to stop putting yourself down - walk away from the bad feeling and into feeling good xx
  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    Most of us do that stinking thinking (myself included), I know it is not an easy task but you have to start somewhere and be nice to yourself. I saw a quote on here that said, "Be kind to her you do not know what challenges God has put her through." That includes yourself!!! If you can not start feeling better about yourself, talk to your Dr. go to mental health, seek a support group....keep searching for what you need to feel better about yourself. I love the support from MFP and have met some amazing people. Another good site is.....flylady.net The fly lady talks alot about how to Finally Loving Yourself and stop the stinking thinking, may be something to look at for some support. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to, I will be your cheerleader and will support you through your journey. I wish you the best and hope you find a way out of this rut you are in! It is no fun to be there, especially alone. You are worthy and a gift that is beautifully packaged inside and out!!!!
  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    Read this post....,,,, 10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?

    It has some really good thoughts on it about being kind to yourself.
  • Matholo425
    Matholo425 Posts: 45 Member
    thanx to al who shared your views and thoughts,you dont know how much you'v helped me
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i know how you feel.. :( on some days i feel ugly and disgusting