Is a walkathon too soon for me in June?



  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    DO IT!!! Most important thing is that it isn't about the race.... it is about you accomplishing something FOR YOU!!! You already are realistic that you may come in last, and so what???? You can finish, which is more than what most will say. If we keep saying, oh, I need to be in better is only an excuse.... Listen to your body, stretch that lower back and legs gently and consistently while you train. I bet you will do it and finish it! Let us know how you do.....
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    Go for it! As a matter of fact, why not try to run it?

    Seriously, couch-to-5K (c25k) is 8 weeks long, and takes you from, well, sitting on the couch to running a 5K. I'm just about to start week 8 (was supposed to do week 8 day 1 today, but, well, trying to run an organic farm as a 2nd job around the weather we've been having means I had to take full advantage of the weather today. But I'll run it tomorrow). I had to look it up, but I weighed 257 when I started, and I started running BECAUSE I have a bad knee (under the advice of an orthopedist). I was 248 last week, but it looks like I'm going to loose way over my goal this week, and probably be about 3.5 pounds down for the week (working so much I literally can't eat enough to keep up with the 4,000+ calories I'd need to eat a day, but this is an oddball week).

    There was only one workout where I couldn't achieve what was asked by the plan so far, and that was actually the day after splitting firewood all day, and I was stiff, sore, and tired before I started. I also took a week off early on in the process because I was ill, so it's taking me an extra week to get through it.

    Anyway, if I can do it, you surely can, too. Ask your doc, of course, as you don't want to make your knees/back worse. But even if you can't get through the whole C25K so that you can run the whole thing, you will be able to run/walk it, or walk faster. and you'll feel great in the process!